Wow, wow, WOW!!!!! Jacob just put on his most spectacular ever - TopicsExpress


Wow, wow, WOW!!!!! Jacob just put on his most spectacular ever display of being a hoonigan!!!!!! Sorry, but no, I didnt have my camera with me... but to be honest, I really needed my wits about me & to be very grounded for this one. Dont think I could have managed if Id been distracted by trying to film it ;-) I had put some hay out for them & opened the gate up into the driveway paddock. Jacob became very, VERY excited!!!!! He took off at a flat gallop, went about 60m, slid to a stop... then performed some interpretive dance moves (airs above the ground, foaly style)... before turning & going back into his gallop... straight towards me... with intent! LOL! Thank goodness we have a clear signal for Just stay out there please! & he is sensible enough to remember, even in his crazy mood! He charged at me, then whirled around, kicking up & out with glee... but being careful to keep a safe space. He then did the same routine with each of the other horses. It was amazing (& very educational) to watch how they responded... In every case it was pretty much Oh yeah Jacob... whatever! Im busy, theres hay, you silly bugger! He came racing back towards me, so I thought Id adopt the same casual attitude. He circled round me, throwing in little gymnastics, a few more times. I just held my space & admired him, trying to contain my own thrill & excitement. As a finale, he reared up really high & gave his very best stallion pawing the air impression... just a couple of metres away from me. Then, quick as it had begun, it was all over & he calmly went back to grazing. He is becoming so strong! Holding himself upright like that was pretty darned impressive. I feel so very charged up right now & so very privileged to see this wonderful little horse growing up. He is so naturally naughty & cheeky yet so very sensible.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 05:23:46 +0000

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