Wowowowowow! What can I say? There has been so much expansion - TopicsExpress


Wowowowowow! What can I say? There has been so much expansion going on these past few days. Swamiji sure does spoil us! :D Im not even sure how or why the idea of enlightenment ever got planted in my head, but I never in a million years would have guessed Id be sitting in a room with people from all around the world, having our being pried open by an enlightened master! I remember when I was 20 or so, I was writing down a list of all the things I wanted to accomplish in my life, and I felt so ashamed to say I wanted kundalini awakening, enlightenment, siddhis, etc. because it felt impossible and socially unacceptable, and I felt like I had to be so secretive about who I was and what I was about. I thought maybe when Im 80 I will have kundalini awakening, if I even still had hope by that point...and now I have Swamiji who is just showering us with everything we could ever ask for! It baffles me every time I think about it, how I went from point A to point B in such a short time. The cosmos really is waiting to fulfill our every desire! In this particular IA, I literally feel like what I got in a full previous IA, were getting each day now! Even Swamiji said each of these processes is like doing completion for a full year, 24/7! Sunday was Kalabhairava Ashtami so naturally we got darshan (energy initiations) from Kalabhairava (the lord of time) and Mahakali. (They are basically like different facets of divine energy, which Swamiji can channel.) When the energy landed, it was like a kundalini tornado! We all sat in the Kalabhairava mandala and got a matching yantra to hold as well. Swamiji explained to us that lines (visualizations) are recorded in space, and sounds (verbalizations) are recorded in time. So when Kalabhairava lands he completes all of our incompletions with sound memories in time, and then from there he can shift to space and complete all of our incompletions with visual memories by expanding our being. I dont even know how to describe what is happening in these processes, but it is so powerful, it is like a detox with the scent of incense but the power of Kalabhairava. Were getting worn out just sitting on the floor all day! So Swamiji is making sure we get a day to settle in between each process by going on field trips to different temples. Im already noticing I have less snap judgments and reactions to people and situations, and my mind has calmed down drastically. But even saying that feels so small compared to what is happening. For now Ill just say were being shifted to a whole other realm of existence. It just needs to be experienced directly! To prepare for tomorrow we got two items today - one was the sri yantra, which contains 43 triangles which correspond to the 43 energies inside of us. And when all of these energies are balanced, they lead to the experience of Shivoham, advaitha, enlightenment, whatever you want to call it. So all of these processes were doing are working to balance out these energies. The sri yantra is basically a diagram of the geometry of the cosmos, and they were personally energized by Swamiji to radiate the Shivoham energy for hundreds of years! Next we got an atma linga, which is a shiva linga with the sri chakra carved on it. It literally carries the pure consciousness of Mahadeva, Devi, and guru (Swamiji!) and was personally tuned to each of our consciousness either by our ananda ganda or third eye. One of the devotees hand carved these over 6 months out of spatika (24 ct quartz crystal) and they can hold this energy for thousands of years! Its like a personal hotline to Swamiji and the cosmos! Anyway were getting up in about 3 hours, hope I didnt confuse anyone tooooo much! I know there are some people interested but dont fully understand it (Im still learning! So I know full well its a boatload of information to process.) So if you have any questions let me know and I will answer to the best of my understanding :D
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 17:07:17 +0000

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