Wowwwwww !!!!! Sunday the 18th of May 2014 will be etched in my - TopicsExpress


Wowwwwww !!!!! Sunday the 18th of May 2014 will be etched in my memory bank forever. Days like that don’t come by often..... what an incredible day. THANK YOU Dear REUrunners!!!!! Lots of THANK YOU’s and I hope I don’t miss anyone out. Huge loves for my darling hubby Mike, who ran in memory of our gorgeous boy and nailed it in 1hr 9 minutes !!!! oh my goodness! This is his first 10k and I am so proud of him. He is hooked and is ready to enter next year again – THANK YOU to all that donated and supported him, especially our lovely Mums who came to cheer too. Big loves to Isaac who gave Mike the most incredible greeting on his finish and Uncle Kevin for travelling down and Auntie Rach who is still poorly and cheered at the telly. From one hubby and Wife team to another, our incredible patrons whom we owe so much to. Comedic timing and humour from Julie and Ian and it was such an honour and a privilege to have them run for us – thank you team BBC for great coverage and a beautiful piece “our story” .... the opening to the programme gave me goosebumps. Filmed in the parkland in which our retreat is situated. Thank you Julie for giving up so much time for filming and great news on last night’s incredible and amazing BAFTA. Thank you Amy Kelly and Mum Lisa for being such troopers on the day too. It was great to meet you both and spend time with you. THANK YOU so very much. Thank you to our incredible REUnners, Wendy and Rachael and the wonderful Denise Lewis for a fabulous interview! Thank you Ali and Becki for numerous logistical calls and plans with our gorgeous Neil lewis and the fantastic team at the Virgin lounge !!! Yayyyyyyyy!!!!!! For working through a spectacular day with our super duper volunteers – A lot of hard work goes in to planning and THANK YOU all especially Kerry and her team at the lounge too. THANK YOU to all the families that came to support and to all that travelled from near and afar... many many miles clocked up. Thank you to our cheer leaders along the route and at the finish line and also those cheering from their living rooms and hitting the social media in support Thank you Karen Harding our incredible volunteer marketing lady travelling up from London, for the banners, we LOVE them! and for ReUnning too. Thank you to ALL that sponsored and donated in support of our REUBuild. Thank you Nova international and SPECIAL thanks to the incredible Nicola H for her support and compassion throughout this incredible project. Thank you to the BBC, to BUPA, Granada Reports, BBC radio Manchester, Manchester Evening news and all the freelance photographers that were supportive yesterday and beyond. Thank you to Greggs, Bake and take, Buckleys, J Stanford fruit and veg for the supplies. Yesterday we made memories..... magical memories.... yesterday hundreds of people turned out in support of our darling Reuben ... all on their own personal journeys. Yesterday over 300+ ran in Manchester, we had a fab team at the 10k in Berkshire thank you Deb & co., we had walkers with Amy in Chester and in memory of the wonderful Matt Elliot, Sue and Rick supported our cause near St Alban’s with a Rugby match for their Son’s cup ~ yet more beautiful support from all corners of our great UK. THANK YOU THANK YOU to ALL of you. Our memories were captured on film by Ben of Chicken coop productions and Stephen from Magnum photography. I have attached just a tiny handful of the 500+ photos taken, and we will upload them all in due course.... for now, here is a “snapshot” for you to SHARE two incredibly talented blokes .... your energy was phenomenal on that finish line Stephen!!!! Media Steve you are now! THANK you Both for your fabulous photos. Please join me in THANKING all those mentioned here and please feel free to SHARE your own experiences of yesterday right here. Forever grateful ~ yesterday there were tears, and there was laughter.... but most importantly there was a whole load of LOVE going on for our “MISS” thousands, oozing LOVE... We MISS you with every beat of our broken hearts darling darling Reuben and I hope that in that “somewhere” where you now exist, that your smile was beaming, looking down on us with PRIDE and watching the moments unfold, and seeing how much you are LOVED..... in memory of Reuben Michael Graham and all his Angel friends and all those families we help and will continue to support FOREVER more........... God Bless you darling KISSES to heaven XXXX Mummy ps: Mikes in... and I have tons of texts for next years DARE I ask??? What you doing next Sunday the X of May????
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 16:15:46 +0000

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