Wretched Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this - TopicsExpress


Wretched Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! (Romans 7:24–25a, ESV). This time of year, everyone is thinking about change. Even people who resolve not to resolve still strive to change old habits or adopt new ones when a new year rolls around. But the process of real change, authentic change, cannot start until you do what Paul did: face and admit the reality of what’s in your heart. Look in the mirror and acknowledge, “I am the problem.” Let’s accept once and for all that our deepest issues are not due to our parents, our past, or other people. Let’s see our sin the way God sees it, and take total responsibility for who we are going to become. Let’s admit like Paul did in Romans 7:24, “Wretched man that I am!” Are you willing to say that? “Wretched” means distressed or miserable through exhaustion from hard labor. Given the context, Paul must have known what it was to be exhausted from trying to change himself. He reached a point of desperation where he basically said, “God, I want to be a different person. I’m not going to shield myself from the darkness in my own heart anymore. I really want to be the person you want me to be. I want to be righteous, godly, and true. So I’m going to face up to who I really am.” Maybe you’ve been there, too. Oh, “wretched man”—or woman—godly change begins with your genuine, humble, contrite admission: “It’s me. I’m the problem.” Once you’ve faced this reality, there is only one thing you can do: turn to God! Only He can change your heart. Notice these words: “Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” As Christ followers, we can get frustrated that Paul doesn’t say more. “Can’t you break that down and add some stuff, Paul? You have me in this desperate condition and I want the answer, and all you say is ‘thanks be to God’?!” In reality, God’s solution is so simple we often miss it. The answer is Jesus Christ. He is waiting to do a work of change in your heart. Get desperate, go before Him, and ask Him to do what only He can do for you—and in you. God is in the business of transformation and He wants to change you. Victory will come when you offer yourself alive to the Lord moment by moment. True life change comes only through partnership with Him. Resolve to pursue authentic change this year. Admit where you are and turn to God. Your wretchedness will fade while your heart fills with the abundance of life in Christ. Walk In The Word
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 10:52:44 +0000

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