Write On After my last post there was some backlash from some - TopicsExpress


Write On After my last post there was some backlash from some individuals who disapproved of my story--my truth and how I saw it and see it now--and they punished me by disassociating themselves from this page, blocking me on Facebook, and blocking me from their lives. Those individuals were my own family. We all have choices and make them according to our own perspective of life and how it happens. However, sometimes it is important to take into account the perspective of more than just ourselves or a select few. Growing up requires opening our minds and hearts to everyone, even when we disagree with them, as well as maintaining respect through our disagreement. I honor the story in each of you. We all have our own and it is ours to do with what we will. For years I kept my story inside and let people manipulate and control me by threatening to remove their love or relationship with me if I dared use my voice in any way they may disapprove. Well, things have changed. My life is filled with people who unconditionally love and accept me for who I am. My own husband encourages me, no matter what, to write as much as I can as long as it is fulfilling and makes me happy. Even if it is something he does not agree with or care for he does not presume to censor me, as others have in the past and currently do. So, why would I allow anyone else, even my own flesh and blood, to bully me into submission? For those who appreciate this page and my stories, I extend my greatest appreciation. I am learning and growing as a writer, which also involves learning and growing as a human being. It is definitely intertwined. Being human, I will have missteps. I will fall and I will fail. I will make mistakes. Sometimes the things I write will strike a nerve. If I am doing my job as a writer, my words will at the very least, encourage the reader to use his or her own mind, and to think outside of their box or comfort zone. Yes, all are free to continue to read my writing. Then, too, all are free to disconnect from this author and never read a word I write again. It is your choice. However, I will not censor myself, nor will or shut back down and crawl in my hole to appease the prideful, self-righteous, indignant or critical crybabies who demand I shut the hell up or they will withdraw their love or acceptance of me as a person. As my husband tells me every day.....Write ON. That is what I intend to do. Kim Deal September 29, 2014
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 01:44:09 +0000

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