Write to the Point #33 - Self-Publishing Checklist - Part 2 By - TopicsExpress


Write to the Point #33 - Self-Publishing Checklist - Part 2 By Anna M Dobritt eatsleepwrite.net/writetothepoint33 Part 2 of the Self-Publishing Checklist. Keep on hand when you are ready to publish your book. Your book has been edited, proof-read, formatted. You have a snazzy cover and a great blurb to catch the reader’s attention. Before the day of the book release, do something like a cover reveal, maybe an excerpt to whet the potential readers’ appetite. Use the email list you set up to let people know what’s coming. Send out a few ARCs - Advanced Reader Copies - for early reviews. You upload your books to whatever sites you want to sell it from and sit back, waiting. Tap. Tap. Tap. Excuse me, but I think you’ve forgotten something. Since you’re self-publishing, you need to spread the word about your eBook. Don’t sit back and rest on your laurels for getting it published. You have work to do, my friend. If you are publishing through Amazon and this is your first eBook, make sure you set up an Author Central Page. Step 1 -- Promoting your eBook with Social Media. Facebook and Twitter are the two best ways to start getting the word out about your new release. There are hundreds of Facebook groups for promoting your book Just do a search called Book Promotion. Simple as that. Where Twitter is concerned, hopefully you already had an account set up. A word of advice: don’t over-promote your work on social media. If you keep posting that your eBook is available at Amazon or wherever, people are going to end up tuning it out. They will treat the over-promotion the way we treat commercials on TV. Something to ignore. READ THE REST ON eatsleepwrite.net/writetothepoint33 Place a book cover ad, post your stories, chapters & poetry on Eat Sleep Write; broaden your readership. Authors.Sharing.Conversations. EatSleepWrite.net/authorspotlight Twitter: @EatSleepWriting Facebook: https://facebook/EatSleepWrite LinkedIn: linkedin/in/adamscull
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 03:19:23 +0000

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