Writers, and all other Artists, You really have to check this out - TopicsExpress


Writers, and all other Artists, You really have to check this out ! Tonight from the article; The Information Revolutions BROKEN PROMISES by Karl Albrecht written for the Mar.-Apr. Issue of The FUTURIST, ***********************GRAND PROMISE #8:************************ *******************EVERYONE GETS TO BE A PUBLISHER************* Before e-books, blogs and on-demand printing of books, aspiring writers had little choice but to humble themselves before the editors of commercial publishing firms, hoping to get their knowledge products out into the marketplace. The Internet would now push the gatekeepers aside, democratize publishing, and allow everyone to have their say. Writers would be able to sell their creations directly to the public; publishers would be unnecessary. SOBER REALITY Yes, everyone gets to be a publisher. Print-on-demand (POD) book manufacturing made it possible tp print books one copy at a time. No longer would the economics of printing require large set-up costs and print runs of several thousand copies. Then followed the e-book in various incarnations, and books could be published to hand-held readers at almost no cost. This is bringing hordes of wannabe authors into the publishing market, with no particular means of assuring the quality of the writing. Within a few years, the tide of home-made literary sludge has risen so high that any individuals book gets drowned. Big name authors are mostly unaffected, except for the publication of their works. ironically, however, most would be authors are in almost the same place where they started: unable to reach a reading public. Now, instead of failing to get past agents and acquisition editors, its the sheer volume of competing material thats keeping audiences from finding them. Bloggers---perhaps the biggest category of self-publishers---are becoming the new Hyde Park orators. Some of them are brilliant, some lame, some eccentric, and some crazy. Even the vox populi is largely unfiltered by editors; Comment Trolls-----people who hang out at news sites and attack news writers and one another---are the new tomato throwers of the culture. UPDATED PREDICTION Managing the info-sludge will be one of the major challenges facing tomorrows digital citizen. Educated and enlightened people will seek new ways to reduce the tide of information coming at them, not increase it. Smart browsers and filters may allow sophisticated screening of the content offered by news sites, blogs, and commercial sources; the user will define the level of quality he or she seeks, and the filters will screen out articles and reader comments that dont meet the discursive standards set by the user. Proactive users will use software tools to compile their own news reports and information summaries, rather than wading through compilations of stories selected only for their arousal value. News sources and writers will be user-scored and rated for the honesty, credibility, balance, political neutrality, and journalistic quality they present. Those developments will mean that aspiring publishers and self-publishing authors will have to improve the focus, relevance, and readability of their material. They will probably see more demand for smaller, more neatly packaged books, with fewer War and Peace--scale mega-books. They will also have to channel their products more skillfully, and be content to reach smaller audiences with more focused material. Many people will be reading more stuff. Printed books will survive, and probably continue to sell fairly well. However, publishers--both large and small---will increasingly have to build multimedia combinations, extending print formats with online material, downloadable extras, and interactive or streaming media. ********************************************************************* Once again, I thank you for your precious time and I hope that this information gives you some things to ponder. If you enjoy this article, please share with your friends, family and other citizens of planet EARTH. Tomorrow night will be the wrap up by the author; ************************ SO WHAT --and WHATS NEXT ********** Keep smiling, enjoy the moment , be positive and lend a helping hand to those in need, when you can. ********************** Larry Fuzzy Knight **********************
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 02:49:41 +0000

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