Writing On Hyun Joong aprilstarr Sometimes I wonder if KHJ - TopicsExpress


Writing On Hyun Joong aprilstarr Sometimes I wonder if KHJ ever gets to read my unsolicited postings and your comments. I have no way of finding out his reactions not that Im expecting some appreciation. It would be nice to get some feedbacks after all I started way back in 2010 for the HP blog and the PEX forum. Thanks Azi for posting, Ellen and Inprz for the fanarts. While we lost some friends along the way, we gained many more particularly when this FB page was created by dear busybody Ellen. Mwah,mwah to you girls! I mainly write because I find him a person of much interest as I connect/relate him to a lot of issues be they biological, social, cultural, political, economic instead on digging deep on scandals. While scandals are sure fire attention getter its just not my cup of tea. I like my articles warm and affectionate. I do tend to spoil this brat! But I do write because of the blog /FB readers who find the time to drop by/ read/ comment. I hope to trigger a discussion where you contribute your thoughts.Truth be told, some comments contribute significant insights on us, on him, so keep them coming. You dont have to agree with me most of the time. But our healthy exchanges are food for the mind and soul. Thumbs up for all! I was once told I write epic. There is that leaning towards that direction as I dont write news but feature articles with a certain assumption, perspective, thesis to prove or throw away. It cant be helped as I see patterns in his showbiz career too good to pass up and not dwell on them.It is good to know he isnt erratic but rather consistent. Let it be known that this FB page is our oasis, a drinking spot to quench our thirst for the OAO, a community of well wishers for HJ. So enjoy your stay. I can offer you virtual brewed coffee, tea, water, some fruits, cookies, chocolates. Even ice cream. You will never get fat here! Fresh and cool air, much loving and camaraderie. All yours at no charge! Who knows someday the virtual becomes physical. Btw, there is the twin FB page -HP if you noticed, where it serves as a gallery of fanarts and where some videos and pics and related articles are posted. A fan who attended his kick off Seoul concert heard HJ say that after his WT 2014 he will do another drama. From the grapevine I gathered his MS will happen in the early months of 2015 -unless his plans change. So this early while trying not to alarm you of the gap of time he will be out of our vision/audio range we must think of what to do. So send me ideas. Im keeping my fingers crossed him and KE jumpstart Uzoosins protracted showbiz career in his absence. The little guy is supposed to be his alter ego of sorts. Will Uzoosin join the marines(a hearsay so Im not really sure about this),too? Will he have his own full drama? I tried before writing several chapters worth of Uz and HJ doing a concert, travelling in space with some kidnapped with consent fans and did a brief landing/playing at a Macao casino. Hmmm, maybe I can revive those escapades. Till then, Ill keep on writing on whatever topic hits me like a bolt of zigzagging lightning. Hugs from my heart to you all !
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 17:26:14 +0000

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