Written Updates Episodes 31-40 Episode 31: The Episode - TopicsExpress


Written Updates Episodes 31-40 Episode 31: The Episode starts with Menaka looking out for Raja. Raja comes to her and greets her. She gives him the pongal prasad. He thanks her and says you reminded me of my friend. He eats it and is hurt as its very hot. She says I told you its hot. Veer sees Menaka blowing Raja. Raja sees Veer and invites Menaka in Lohri. Menaka leaves. Mrs. Balaram is happy that because of the clients, Rahul will be at home and celebrating Lohri. She says we will show them what Lohri is really. She is excited and tells everyone to do the decorations. Veer is upset. Mr. Balaram is happy seeing Mrs. Balaram happy. She says Rahul is coming home, we will make this Lohri special. Amma talks to Vandu and says Balarams have started again. She says Mrs. Balaram is bribing everyone so that her husband wins the elections. Vandu smiles. Appa comes and says let them do what they want, its their festival. Amma says its ours too, we will also show them. She sends Appa and Balu to the market. Menaka is happy that Appa can win the elections. Sujana talks to Ashok and asks him about his London visit. He says calm down. She says i m coming with you as I always do. Ashok says what about Poorni. Sujana says I will send her to Ishita. Ashok says are you crazy. Sujana says we will come back before the court hearing, I m coming with you, thats final. He says are you afraid, I will leave you as you left Rahul. He says you can’t come with me. She says I brought Poorni here because you said, I m coming with you at any cost. Ishita and Poorni are drawing and waiting for Sujana. Poorni says take me to your home. Ishita says the idea is good and thinks of asking Sujana. She says Sujana is not taking my call. Sujana argues with Ashok. Ashok says listen to me, I don’t want to lose this case, your childish behavior can make me lose. Ishita smiles and says Poorni’s family might be missing Poorni, I will take her home. Ishita says we will go and meet your Tatayya and Nanamma, then I will drop you home. Poorni is very happy. Everyone are celebrating Lohri. Siri greets everyone. Mrs. Balaram says Rahul’s VIP guests are coming from London. Raja asks the dhol people to play good dhol. Rahul comes there and asks Veer to look everything. Veer says what about Poorni and Ishita. Rahul says we have to make an excuse, but keep looking after them. Rahul says Tandons are very important, find Ishita if possible. Raja is waiting for Menaka laughing with his friends. Mrs. Balaram ask Mr. Balaram to light the Lohri and start the puja. Everyone gather for the puja. Everyone dance. Amma asks everyone to hurry up. Appa says we have to go down, Mr. Balaram has invited us. Menaka says even I have to go. She leaves. Everyone dance around the fire. Tandons arrive and Veer receives them. Rahul hugs Rajeev and introduces his family. Shweta says happy Lohri. Shweta says the kids will enjoy a lot today. Veer thinks I hope they don’t ask about Ishita and Poorni. Mrs. Balaram is missing Poorni. She says I m fine, atleast Rahul is here with us. Ishita comes with Poorni. Poorni is happy seeing the Lohri. Ishita says lets go. Rahul asks Veer to take the Tandons with him. Mrs. Balaram is happy with Rahul. Mrs. Balaram sees Poorni and is amazed. She says my daughter Poorni and runs to hug her. Ishita is shocked to see Shweta and Rajeev. Shweta says lets go to Rahul. Ishita says I have to do the drama again. Rahul sees Ishita and is relieved. Appa and Menaka come in the Lohri. Appa sees Rahul and Ishita together. Raja shows Menaka to his friends. Raja sees Menaka with Veer and stops. Menaka is annoyed with Veer. Menaka sees Shweta and says what is she doing here, it means Ishita has to act again, this is rubbish. Veer says don’t do anything, it will be a problem. Menaka says I don’t care. Veer says we are not forcing Ishita, she is a sensible girl. Rahul says sorry to Ishita and thanks her for coming. Ishita says I won’t act again. Rahul says this project is important to me. Ishita says this is not a small thing, I can’t lie. Rahul says its just a formality. Ishita says I brought Poorni to make her meet with Mrs. Balaram. Poorni asks Ishita and Rahul to come with her and celebrate Lohri. The dhol plays. Mr. Singh sings the Lohri song and everyone sings along with him and dance. The Tandons enjoy. Mrs. Balaram and Siri see Ishita and Rahul with Poorni and are puzzled. Mr. Balaram and Appa also see them together and looks on. Siri says Ishita is oversmart, we stopped her from meeting Poorni, see how she is dealing with Rahul’s clients as if she is his wife. Veer says please stop, we need her today. Amma brings the laddus for everyone as she wants Appa to win the elections. She asks everyone to vote for Appa. Vandu says whats Amma doing, its so embarrassing. Shravan says I want to see bonfire. Vandu takes him there and sees Ishita with Rahul. Shweta says Ishita and Rahul look so good together. Rajeev says their daughter is so cute. Vandu tells this to Amma and Amma is angry. Amma says this is a new game of the Balarams. Siri hears this and thinks of ending this act. Episode 32: The Episode starts with Siri coming to Mrs. Balaram and telling her everything. Mrs. Balaram requests Amma not to go and tell the clients the truth about Rahul and Ishita. Mrs. Balaram says Ishita harmed Rahul a lot, but now she is helping him, those clients are very important, they think Ishita and Rahul are husband and wife, so be quiet, it will be a big favor. Amma is shocked. Mrs. Balaram requests further and asks her to please be quiet for some time. Amma agrees. Mrs. Balaram is happy and thanks the Lord. She thanks Amma and leaves. Amma says I m agreeing because of motherly love, where did this go when they broke my Ishita’s engagement, I won’t let Ishita become a part of this lie, never. Mrs. Balaram tells Siri not to worry, as everything is fine. Siri thanks the Lord. Mrs. Balaram goes to the storeroom and leaves from the compound. Appa and Mr. Balaram are happy seeing Ishita and Rahul together with Poorni. Appa smiles seeing them. Menaka meets Raja and he greets her Happy Lohri. She gives him sweets and wishes him happy Lohri. He takes her to dance. She dances with Raja and Veer watches her and is upset. The Tandons are having a laugh. Shweta says you both are a perfect couple. Rahul asks Veer to find out about their flight. Veer says there is much traffic. Rajeev says then we should leave now. Rahul is happy. Rajeev says we have to go to out hotel and pack, so we will leave. Mrs. Balaram is in the storeroom finding out flowers. Amma locks the door from outside. Veer sees Amma outside the storeroom and wonders what she is doing here. Amma says now stop me, I will go and play their band. Mrs. Balaram knocks the door and asks anyone to open it. Veer also leaves as he has to see off Tandons. Amma comes in the compound. Vandu says talk to Ishita once, don’t do anything. Amma says Ishita is innocent. Amma goes after Ishita and Rahul. No one hears Mrs. Balaram’s voice. She bangs the door. Balu tells everything to Appa and he is worried. Mrs. Balaram feels unwell. The Tandons leave. Appa stops Amma and Balu says Amma please enough. Rahul and Ishita see off Tandons. Mrs. Balaram faints. Rahul thanks Ishita for helping him. Ishita says I did this for Poorni, not for you, but you made me do this drama, I m taking Poorni and leaving now. Amma comes there shouting on Rahul. Vandu tries to stop Amma. Amma says how dare you Rahul, involve my daughter in your lie, I will show your real face to everyone, he did this whole drama only for a contract, he used me daughter. Ishita says listen to me, what are you doing. Amma says Rahul Kumar, you think you have bought us, they have sent us to jail, took advantage of Ishita’s innocence, charged Ishita of Poorni’s kidnapping, broke her marriage, and now using her for your client, making her your wife. Siri says Amma has went mad, its good Tandons left. Rahul says enough, you told a lot, I did not force her, ask your daughter, I requested her and she agreed. Amma says thats her problem, she is very nice who takes care of everyone. Rahul says see…… Ishita says everyone are seeing, it does not look good. Appa says come home. People gossip about this. Appa apologizes to everyone for ruining the festival. He takes Amma with him. Vandu says what Amma, look at you, Ishita is not a kid, she did this after thinking, we will talk to you. Appa sas don’t you trust your daughter, do you think Ishita can take a wrong decision. Poorni talks to Ishita and asks why were everyone fighting. Ishita pacifies her. Mr. Balaram sees them and meets Poorni. Ishita apologizes on Amma’s behalf. Mr. Balaram thanks her for bringing Poorni. Ishita says shall I drop her home. Mr. Balaram hugs Poorni and she cries. He says you have always taken care of Poorni, I m sorry. Ishita says I don’t feel bad for myself, I feel bad for her, she is seeing this at this age, she always be scared, they are thinking to send her to hostel. Mr. Balaram is shocked. Mr. Balaram says you always wanted good for Poorni. Mrs. Balaram missed her a lot, if you wait, she will also meet her. Ishita says fine, go and bring her. Mr. Balaram goes to find his wife. He calls Siri and Rinki and asks them to send Mrs. Balaram down. Siri tries to look out for Mrs. Balaram. Everyone search Mrs. Balaram. Mr. Balaram is puzzled knowing Mrs. Balaram is misisng. Poorni asks where is Nanamma. Siri tells Rahul that mum is missing she went to store room to bring flowers then she disappeared. Everyone looks on and says store room. The guards open the store room and find Mrs. Balaram. They call Balaram family. Amma and Iyers are looking out hearing the sound. Ishita and Poorni also see Mrs. Balaram. Poorni asks what happened to Nanamma. The Balaram are shocked. Ishita cares for Mrs. Balaram and says her BP is very low. The guard says she was in store room and it was locked from outside. Siri asks how did she get lock inside. Rahul is shocked. Episode 33: The Episode starts with everyone thinking who locked the store room. Amma hears the sound and asks Vandu whats going on, lets go and see. Vandu says relax. Amma says did they do anything to Ishita, lets go and check. Amma also comes down. Siri asks the guard who has locked Mrs. Balaram. The guards says we don’t know, we were at the gate. Rahul gets angry knowing from Veer that he saw Amma at the store room. Ishita is shocked. Rahul asks Amma to tell them, is this the way to take revenge, my mum would have died as you locked her in store room. Ishita supports Amma and asks whats the proof. Veer says I saw her myself, I don’t know what she was doing. Ishita says don’t say anything Amma. Rahul says stop covering her, let her speak. Ishita argues with Rahul and where is the proof. Menaka says Veer is lying as he wants to show me and my family down. They argue and everyone look on. Amma is tensed. Raja is happy seeing their fight. Veer says I m sure it was Amma. Raja says maybe Veer is right and saves Amma. Menaka is happy seeing Raja support her. Siri scolds Raja for supporting Amma. Siri says my mum was missing since she went to request to Amma, she has locked in store room and you all are so disgusting, everyone are involved. Ishita calls Rahul a liar and using her as his wife for business purpose. This gets into a heated argument. Menaka says Veer you left me for this man. Rahul argues with Ishita. Mr. Balaram comes and asks them to stop arguing and come home to see Mrs. Balaram. Rahul says if anything happens to my mum, I will create a big havoc. He leaves. Amma cries and tells Raja I have locked Mrs. Balaram. Raja is shocked and says its fine aunty. Amma says I was angry and I took revenge. Raja says don’t worry, my mum is fine, if anyone knows about this, they won’t leave you. He asks Menaka to take Amma inside. Mrs. Balaram gets conscious. Rahul asks are you fine mum. He says lets take her inside the room. Poorni hugs Mrs. Balaram and Ishita also comes there. Mrs. Balaram cries seeing Poorni. Rahul gets angry seeing Ishita. Ishita says shall we leave now Poorni, say bye to everyone. Poorni leaves with her. Ishita tells everything to Sujana. Sujana smiles and says its ok Ishita, this tension will end soon, the custody hearing is in few days, then all this will end. How will she adjust with me if she visits them often. Ishita says I will leave now. The maid stops Ishita and says Poorni wants to meet you. Sujana says meet her once, else she won’t sleep. Sujana thinks she has to make sure to Ishita that Poorni is important for her. Siri tells Mrs. Balaram what Amma did. Mr. Balaram asks Siri to stop it and go and bring BP machine. He cares for her and tells her that everyone enjoyed a lot. Mrs. Balaram still misses Poorni. He asks her not to worry and take rest. Ishita tells some stories to Poorni and spends time with her. Poorni says I did not say bye to Nanna. Will he feel bad and get angry on me. Ishita hugs her and says your Nanna loves you a lot, he will not be annoyed. Rahul thinks and does not have food. Rahul asks Veer to stay in their house as its very late. Rahul misses Poorni. Mrs. Balaram asks Raja to go and give the prasad to Poorni. Rahul says I will give it. Mrs. Balaram says will you go there. He says yes, my daughter is there. She says love her, tell her that I have sent this for her with much love. Mrs. Balaram says Rahul loves Poorni a lot, he hide his love ad pain in his heart. Mr. Balaram says its Poorni’s hearing tomorrow, my heart says they will meet soon. Ishita asks Poorni to sleep. Sujana and Ashok come to Poorni with a new doll. Ashok says we brought a dress also for you. Ishita says her fav color in Pink. Ashok says thanks, you can’t be wrong. Sujana says Ishita, this gift for you, thanks for supporting us, we saw a smile on Poorni’s face because of you. Ishita says I can’t take this. Sujana asks Ishita to come tomorrow in court hearing. Ishita says what will I do there. Sujana insists and says for Poorni’s sake. Ishita says I m very sorry, I can’t help you in this matter, I will leave now. Ishita tells Poorni she is leaving, good night. Poorni says tell my good night to Nanna as I forgot. Ishita says fine. Amma is crying thinking what she did with Mrs. Balaram. Menaka comes to her and asks why are you crying. Amma says I have closed Mrs. Balaram in store room. Menaka is shocked. Amma says I did not know this would happen. Menaka pacifies her. Amma says I wanted to show everyone what Rahul did. She says I told Raja. Menaka says I will apologize on your behalf, come with me. Rahul comes to Sujana’s house and gives the tiffin to watchman asking him to give it to Poorni saying her grandma has send it. The watchman says Ashok’s daughter. Rahul is angry. Ishita sees this. Rahul sees Ishita and both are annoyed with each other. She walks by his side and he taunts her. She says what. He says you and Sujana are together, Ashok can’t get a better person than you, in how much are you sold. Ishita looks at him angrily. Episode 34: The Episode starts with Rahul taunting Ishita. Ishita tells him that Poorni was missing him. She calls him a selfish man who only knows revenge. He walks away while she is still talking. Menaka is thinking about Amma and sees Raja. She asks why did you lie Raja, Amma told me everything, she wanted to say sorry to everyone but you stopped her why. He says I felt if everyone knows about it, they will not leave Amma, did you see Rahul that time, if you feel I m wrong and want to come home and talk to Veer, you can. She is upset that she scolded Veer. He says I won’t give you bad advice. She says thanks, good night. Ishita’s car goes on the divider. The inspector asks for her license. She shows him the license. He thinks she is drunk. She scolds him and says this happened because of the fog. Rahul sees her arguing with the inspector. He comes to them and asks what happened. The inspector says the problem. Rahul says I know her, she does not drunk, you know woman, how hey drive. Ishita and Rahul start arguing. Ishita calls him arrogant. They talk indirectly and the inspector thinks they are husband and wife. he asks them to go home and fight. Ishita clears that Rahul is not her husband and she drives well and is not drunk. The inspector apologizes and asks her to take help from Rahul. Rahul leaves. Ishita says I will go by my car and you will be pushing it. The inspector pushes the care and she drives. She reaches home and sees Appa outside. She says its so cold outside and you are here come inside. Ishita is happy that Appa and she are playing the same game which they used to play in her childhood. She says what was the need for this game today. I know Appa, you want to talk to me. Appa is upset. She says I know whats in your heart, I m very sorry Appa, I know I should have told you about everything. He says I trust you. She says your trust motivates me. She talks about Poorni and her small lie to make her happy. I gave her a normal day thinking it won’t make any difference, she was very happy today. She says for me, you are my sweet hero. Appa says you did right, where we live and the people who are around us, don’t understand us, we can’t make them quiet. She says I did not know this would reach our home. He says you have to drink the coffee made by me. She takes his photo and they have a laugh. Menaka comes to Veer and hugs him. He asks what happened. She says sorry for what I told you. She says you were saying truth, I m sorry. He says you mean my world, I promise I will clear all misunderstandings, I will explain Rahul, I love you. She says I love you too. This was Raja’s dream. Raja says Veer is taking away Menaka even in my dream, if she tells everything to Veer, it will be a problem, I have to do something. He sees Veer sleeping and takes his mobile phone. He sees a video of Veer and Menaka in which she admitted her love for him. Raja smiles seeing the video. They get close in the video. Raja thinks what to do and thinks of manipulating the video. Its morning, Ishita wakes up Menaka. Amma comes to Ishita with coffee. Amma says Appa told me everything, I should have understood. Ishita says don’t worry, only a mum cxan understand your worry, I understand you since I met Poorni. I know how much a mum can be protective of a child, a mum thinks from heart, not mind, and don’t say sorry. Amma wakes up Menaka and asks did you tell sorry to Balarams. Menaka says don’t worry, I will talk to them. Rahul asks his dad how is Mrs. Balaram now, he says she is fine. Rahul asks Veer to talk to the lawyer. Veer says I spoke to him, he will be here soon. Rahul goes for his meeting. Menaka calls Veer and says I want to meet you. Veer says are you sure, when and where. Raja and his friends edit the video of Veer and Menaka. Raja laughs saying I have to cut Veer’s connection with Menaka, I took the clip from his phone and edited it, he made Rahul slap me, now see what I do. Episode 35: The Episode starts with Rahul helping Ishita. He checks her car. She asks whats the problem. He says let me check. He says now try to start. She starts the car. She says its done, thanks. She gives him tissue to clean his hands. Rahul leaves without hearing her thanks. Balu calls Ishita and asks where are you and Menaka. She asks what happened. He says let me meet Menaka first, then I will tell you, we have to go to complain in Cyber crime cell. Ishita is worried. People see Menaka and identify her as the one in the video. Menaka meets Veer. They try to talk. Menaka apologizes to him and he does the same. Veer says I m really sorry. Balu sees Menaka with Veer and comes to him angrily. Balu slaps and beats Veer. He says you did this to take revenge. Menaka tries to stop Balu. Veer asks what happened. Balu says I will tell you what happened. Veer asks what did I do. People talk rubbish about Menaka. Balu scolds everyone and asks them to leave. The men talk about the MMS. Menaka asks what is it. Balu says Menaka leave this, and scolds the men. Balu takes Menaka with her and shows her the MMS. He says Veer did this with you. The MMS has intimate moments between Menaka and Veer which did not happen really. Menaka is shocked. Veer sees the video. Menaka says its a lie. Balu says I know its a lie, you see whom are you trusting. Veer says I did not do this, I can’t do this. Balu says you see what I do now. Veer tells Menaka someone else did this, I did not do this. Balu says we are going to complain in police. Veer says I can’t do this. Balu says I won’t leave you. Menaka breaks down. Rahul is talking to his lawyer about Poorni’s custody case. The lawyer says we have to prive that Sujana is not a good mum. Mrs. Balaram says what is there to prove, everything is clear. The lawyer says we want a witness, you can’t be the witness as you are family. Rahul says do anything but I have to win the case. The lawyer says I want someone from Sujana’s side who supports you. Rahul says there is someone, but I can’t get Sujana’s relatives, think of something else. Ishita comes to see Veer angrily. Rahul asks what did Veer do. Ishita says he did what I can’t even say. Balu brings Veer and scolds Rahul. He tells what all did. He says Veer has put the private videos on internet. Raja looks on. Balu says he made the MMS and uploaded, ask him what he did with Menaka. Veer says I did not do this. Rahul says I know Veer, he can’t do this. Balu says then who did this, he has ruined Menaka’s image. Rahul says when Veer is saying he did not do anything, then he did not. Balu says this is a crime and he has to pay for it. Balu warns them not to come in between as he will not leave Veer at any cost. Rahul says get out. Balu leaves from Rahul’s house. Veer says I did not do anything. Rahul says I trust you, let the police come, I will see them. Ishita hears this and taunts Rahul. She says I have never seen such a family. She says I will prove all this in court. She says Sujana requested me to bring this family’s truth out, but I refused, but now I will help her, I hate you all. You all don’t respect women, I won’t let Poorni come in such family. I will support Sujana. Veer says please trust me. I can’t go against Menaka. Ishita says don’t take her name. Ishita says I pRajase Poorni won’t come back in this house. She leaves. The custody case starts. Rahul’s lawyer and Sujana lawyer keep their statements. Ishita is also present. The judge asks about Poorni and wants Poorni to decide with whom she wants to stay. Mrs. Balaram is happy that Poorni will be with her. Ashok asks Sujana to teach Poorni what to say. Sujana teaches Poorni to say that she wants to stay with her mum. Ishita thinks poor Poorni, how will she choose any one between her dad and mum. Poorni cries and looks at Ishita. The judge asks Poorni with whom she wants to stay. Poorni says Ishita aunty. Everyone are shocked. Ishita smiles and thinks about Poorni. Episode 36: The Episode starts with Poorni telling I want to stay with Ishita aunty. Everyone are shocked. Ishita cries and says I m Ishita. She is called to talk to the judge. She says I m Dr. Ishita, I m Poorni’s neighbor. The judge asks why does Poorni want to stay with you. Ishita looks at Poorni and both of them cry seeing each other. Ishita says my relation with Poorni can’t be explained, I m not legally related to her, I did not gave her birth, I m not related to her, we are not blood related, but my day and night are with Poorni, every moment I think about her. She says I worry about her. Rahul and Sujana hear all this. Ishita says I smile when she smiles, I cry when she cries. I feel so connected to her, I m feeling bad seeing Poorni grind between her mum and dad, this relation does not have any name. She says I got so insulted but all that was so small in front of the happiness Poorni gave me. You can’t equate our relation in any word, when Poorni has many questions in her eyes, I understand her and I can answer her, when she comes to me crying, I wipe her tears and make her smile. She says its a big decision for Poorni today. I m confused but I can’t do anything. I want to request you to make the decision in Poorni’s favor thinking about her happiness. As fear and tears don’t suit Poorni, she looks best when she smiles and nothing matters infront of her happiness. Ishita thinks about her and Poorni’s moments. The judge says I have known everything. Even Ishita will be called that day, she will be the main witness for the case and her opinion will matter, the court is adjourned. Appa thinks about Ishita’s words. Sujana and Ashok have a talk with their lawyer. Rahul thinks who is Ishita to decide, I can’t accept this. Mr. Balaram talks to Iyer. Iyer says Ishita has so much love in her, did you see in court how much Ishita loves Poorni. Mr. Balaram says maybe their relation has been made but we have to see. Appa says what are you saying. Mr. Balaram says I want Rahul and Ishita to get married. We have to think about our children. Mr. Balaram says people marry for children, this marriage will be for Poorni. Appa says how can this happen. Mr. Balaram says we will make us do, Poorni can’t get a better mum than Ishita, Ishita loves Poorni, I have seen that today. Appa says this is not possible. Mr. Balaram asks for Ishita’s hand for Rahul. Appa says our wives hate each other, Rahul and Ishita are also on bad terms. They see Ishita playing with Poorni and smile. Sujana looks at them and gets angry. Mr. Balaram says see thats a miracle that Poorni is with Ishita, not with her parents, see how much happy they are together. He reminds him about Lohri day when Rahul and Ishita were together with Poorni. Fate is knocking our door, Poorni and Ishita will be happy together, its our duty to tie them in a relation, we have seen our wive’s hatred, maybe now we have to move ahead. Appa says I don’t know. Mr. Balaram says we should think about Poorni and Ishita. They need each other. Appa says I need time to decide. Mr. Balaram says I will wait for your answer. Ashok asks what was that drama in court, Poorni is with us and you could not draw her closer to you, see how she is with Ishita, I asked you to take help with Ishita, not to give her Poorni, see their bonding. Thats a shame, its a bad impression, but you don’t have time for her, you want to go to London with me, you are so insecure. Sujana argues with him. Sge says even you could have given love to Poorni, but even you were busy, this is your war, so why should I be alone. Ashok says we will try again. We will make Ishita sure that Poorni is happy with us. Mrs. Balaram is angry that the court will decide with whom will Poorni stay. Siri comes to her and asks her to be sweet with Ishita. She says I have to become friend with Ishita else Sujana will get our Poorni. Siri says lets go to our clinic. Mrs. Balaram agrees. Balu, Menaka and Ishita complaint against Veer. She says someone has worked on this video, whatever is there I did not do it. She cries. Ishita says Veer did this breaking her trust, it can’t be anyone else, arrest him, he has the video. They track the IP address. They say we have deleted the MMS from the website. Ishita says I will have to go to the clinic and asks Balu to take Menaka home. Ishita meets Siri and Mrs. Balaram at her clinic. Siri says her six months daughter with no teeth is the patient. Siri praises Ishita and talks to her sweetly. Ishita smiles seeing the baby. Siri gives her sweets. Ishita asks whats the problem. Siri says she is not getting teeth. Ishita says babies get teeth after nine months, I m not the right doctor for her. Ishita says I can’t take the sweets but Siri insists and leaves. Rahul talks to the court judge. He says I m not happy with your decision, Poorni is my daughter, you are giving importance to someone else, Ishita is a dentist, our neighbor, she has a problem with me, she has taught Poorni to take her name, Ishita won’t support me, Ishita always created problems for me. The judge says I know, I have seen that on tv, I have seen love in Poorni’s eyes for Ishita. How long does Poorni know Ishita. Rahul says two months. She says Ishita managed to do what you could not in five years, think about it before next hearing. Episode 37: The Episode starts with Mrs. Balaram talking to Siri. She says if Rahul comes to know about this, he will be angry on us. They see Sujana at Ishita’s clinic. Siri says she came to do what we came for, lets hear what she wants to say. They hear Sujana’s talk with Ishita. Sujana thanks Ishita and says I have seen my mum in law and sister in law, they were trying to bribe you, did you see them. Ishita asks how is Poorni. Sujana says she is fine, I m so happy, I m lucky that you are in Poorni’s life, you always wanted Poorni to be with her mum. Mrs. Balaram falls inside the door. Sujana says unbelievable. Siri argues with Sujana. Sujana says you people don’t have any class. Mrs. Balaram says I will take your class. Sujana says I don’t want you to be with Poorni. She says the court will not make the decision in your favor. Siri calls Rahul and asks him to come in Ishita’s clinic. Ishita gets hurt by Mrs. Balaram by mistake. Sujana tries to do the first aid. Rahul comes. Ishita asks everyone to go. Sujana says these people are like this. Rahul says Sujana can’t you see Ishita is hurt. Sujana says I m sorry and leaves. Rahul asks where is the bandage. Ishita says I don’t need your help. He says let me do, give me your hand. She says you just go. He says stop it and applies ointment to her hand. She says thank you. He says I will drop you home, as you won’t be able to drive. Balu’s mum meets Amma and shows Varun’s photo. (Subbu’s son). Amma is shocked to see Menaka’s video in her phone and asks whats this. She asks Vandu whats this. She asks who is this guy, its the same MMS for what I m getting calls. She asks is this Menaka. This does not suit her, she has ruined our name. Balu asks his mum not to insult Amma and leave. She says fine I will leave. She leaves in anger. Amma cries knowing about the MMS. She says why did Menaka do, what will we tell everyone, how will we show our face. Vandu says who did this will be punished, don’t worry. Appa meets Balu’s mum and she says Balu asked me to leave. Mr. Balaram hears them talking. She taunts Appa. Mr. Balaram says I m his neighbor, you should not talk to Appa like this. He says you are linked to them, you are lucky. She says I will think about it and leaves. Mr. Balaram says lets go home. Its night, Raja’s friends panic as they might be caught by the police. Raja says don’t worry. They say if we are caught, we will take your name too. Raja says I m not doing this for the first time and gives him some money and asks him to hide for few days. Siri calls Raja and asks for computer’s password. Raja says I will come home. Raja says the video’s copy is in computer, if Veer sees that, it will be a big problem. Raja comes home and sees Veer infront of the computer. Veer asks for the password as he wants to trace the computer for catching the culprit. The police comes and asks for Veer. They come to arrest Veer for circulating the MMS. Siri says what are you saying. Veer says I m not your man, I did not do this. Raja supports Veer. They take Veer with them. Rahul and Ishita come home. Ishita thanks him. Rahul says I have a solution about Poorni. He says I can pay you money if you want, make sure my daughter comes my home. Ishita says I can’t believe this. He says I m sorry, wait. He says its my mistake again, I should discuss this deal with your mum, not you. Ishita says how dare you talk to me like this. They see the police take Veer. Rahul asks whats going on. Ishita says he is the man who has done it. Rahul asks for proof. Veer says I did not do anything. Rahul says till your investigation is complete, Veer won’t go anywhere, leave him. The inspector gets his head’s call and he leaves Veer. Ishita scolds Rahul and says when we get proof what will you do. He says when you get the proof, come. Ishita says how can you leave him. The police leaves. Ishita cries. Mrs. Balaram is relieved. Its morning, Mr. Balaram and Appa meet in the corridor and have a talk. Mr. Balaram asks Appa what did you think, I know you need time, but Poorni does not have time, I have hope with Ishita, the court hearing is coming close. He says I understood, Rahul did not impress you by supporting Veer. He says I m sorry I had hope from you, I can understand. Appa says you are right, I have thought about it, I also feel Ishita and Rahul should get married. Mr. Balaram is happy hearing this and thanks Appa. He says I thought you will not forgive Rahul. Appa says I m not annoyed with Rahul, I heard Rahul talking to Mrs. Balaram. Rahul told her that if Veer is wrong, he will not support Veer. But if Veer is innocent, he will always support Veer, even if it makes Ishita angry, even if it goes against Poorni. Appa says Rahul is a nice man who valued relations. He says its bad what happened between us, but I think we can get close by this marriage, Rahul, Ishita and Poorni will be together by this decision. Mr. Balaram says I have an idea to make our families agree. Appa shakes hand with Mr. Balaram. Episode 38: The Episode starts with Appa talking to Mr. Balaram about Ishita and Rahul’s marriage. He says it will be good for them and Poorni. Mr. Balaram agrees. Siri talks to Mrs. Balaram. Mrs. Balaram is upset. Raja talks to her. Mrs. Balaram says I m missing Poorni, everyday I feel I will get her today but she is going far from me. Siri asks her to be happy. She says look at Rahul, he is trying hard, I think we will win. She asks her to smile and comment on her kurti. Mrs. Balaram asks where is your dad. Raja says he is outside, the voting is about to begin, come lets go. Rahul says lets go. Mrs. Balaram says Rahul, are you going to vote for your dad, you both are not on talking terms but you care for each other so much. She says you love him right. Rahul says I m ashamed of what I did six years ago. He recalls. Sujana has an argument with Mr. Balaram and Rahul supported Sujana, not his dad. Sujana manipulated the situation and cries. Rahul takes her side though she lies to Rahul. Rahul argues with his dad because of her. Rahul says I want to regret for my mistake. Appa is also going for the elections. Ishita and Amma are excited and feel Appa will win. Balu comes home. He says I have posted all the posters in the building. Menaka comes and says I m sorry Appa, I can’t come with you. She cries. He says I won’t force you, but you don’t need to hide, its not your mistake, it was Veer’s mistake. Ishita says you don’t need to hide, you are my strong sister. She says till when will they be safe, the truth will come out, they need to hide, not you. She says its our life and we can’t stop living. I did not leave living because of Subbu, my engagement broke off with him and I still lived. Menaka says I want to be at home, you go and win Appa. Appa says sure and laughs. Everyone cheer for Mr. Balaram and Appa. The voting starts. Siri tells Raja that I thnk Iyers will cheat, look at them. Raja says dad will win. They have a discussion. Vandu talks to Siri. Vandu says we can’t vote as we are not from this apartment, we can only support them. Sujana throws a grand party for Poorni. They cut the cake together. Ashok sees them and says Sujana, whats all this. She says you told me to keep Poorni with me and that too happy. She will choose us if she is happy. Ashok says waht about these kids. She says they are her classmates, see how happy she is looking for the first time. Ashok says its great, I m impressed. The voting goes on. Rahul gets busy on phone and does not go for voting. Ishita goes in for voting. He says move, I have important work. They have an argument inside the polling booth. Their hands get stuck in the box. She shows him how to take his hand out. Ishita and Rahul are caught in an awkward situation. Rahul and Ishita walk out. The voting is completed.The winner is announced. Its Mr. Balaram. The Balaram dance with happiness and does Balle Balle. Appa claps for them. Vandu says they are so uncivilized. Mr. Balaram goes on stage and gives a little speech thanking everyone for selecting him. Mr. Balaram says I think Appa deserves this position because he has served us for many years. He says I have lots of responsibilities, I m sorry I request you all to accept Mr. Iyer. Everyone claps. Appa goes on stage and thanks Mr. Balaram. Appa asks why are you doing this. Mr. Balaram says I request you to take this position. Appa is the new general secretary. Mrs. Balaram is angry seeing this. She leaves. Mr. Balaram comes to talk to Mrs. Balaram. She is annoyed with him. He tells her that has found a girl for Rahul. She becomes happy. Appa tells Amma that he has found a guy for Ishita. Mrs. Balaram and Amma are shocked to know about this by their husbands. Mr. Balaram says I have decided Rahul will marry her, I spoke to her dad too. Appa says the guy is perfect, I spoke to the guy’s dad. Mrs. Balaram asks who are they, what does the girl do, how is the family. Mr. Balaram says trust me, don’t worry. Appa says Ishita will be very happy with him. Amma cries happily. Everyone smile. Mrs. Balaram asks for wine and laughs. Episode 39: The Episode starts with Rahul talking to Mrs. Balaram. He says I m worried for Poorni already. She says we are looking for a mum for Poorni. She explains Rahul that she agrees she did a mistake when she chose Dimple, but this time his dad has chosen the girl. She says you know whatever you dad do, he does the best. Rahul says but I can’t marry. She says not for Poorni too? Poorni talks to her friends. Everyone thinks Ashok is her dad. Poorni calls the maid and asks her to bring the phone. Poorni calls Rahul. She asks him to talk to her friends. She says my friends think Ashok is my Nanna, but i told them he is not my Nanna, but you are. Rahul cries with happiness and talks to her friends. Poorni says I won’t waste your time, bye. Rahul breaks down and says I m not busy dear. Mr. Balaram comes to Rahul and pacifies him. He says today you cried for Poorni, I know I did not talk to you since six years, you know the reason for it. He says you changed, I lost my son, you wanted to become successful to show to Sujana, but you your happiness and peace, you lost your child, I won’t let you do more mistake, I m your dad, I have found a mum for Poorni, meet her at 7pm, maybe the Lord has kept a window open for you. Rahul agrees. Everyone are happy. Appa talks to Ishita and asks her to not give up hope. He says I want you to be happy, please agree, I have taken this decision after lots of thinking, trust me, meet him once. Ishita agrees and says this is not my yes. Amma is happy and says this time it will be fixed. Ishita says I will go to my clinic now. Menaka says sharp 7pm, Paradise club. Rahul talks to the lawyer and says what if we prove that Ishita is not good for Poorni, how can the judge give the right of my daughter’s decision to a stranger girl. Balu’s mum comes to meet the judge and backbites about Ishita. She says Ishita can’t become a mum, since she got Poorni, she is after her. Rahul and her family tried to stop Ishita but she does not, as Ishita and her mum are desperate. They are using Poorni to reach Rahul Kumar. She says why will Poorni go against her parents, why is the court giving importance to Ishita. The judge scolds her and says you broke off the relation with her as she can’t become a mum, I know how to see the truth. Ishita and Poorni love each other. I have read in Poorni’s eyes how much she loves Ishita. She asks her to leave. Sujana is busy in the party. She talks to her friend and thinks of going to Paradise club. Sujana tells Poorni that she is going for some work. She calls Paradise Spa and takes the appointment. Ishita gets a call from the judge and she asks her to meet her soon. Ishita agrees. They have a talk. The judge tells about Balu’s mum. She says someone is using your past, someone wants to move you off this case, you know it better. Ishita says I actually know who is he. Balu’s mum meets Rahul and his lawyer. The lawyer says the judge will be more annoyed now. She requests Rahul to keep her off all this. Rahul says I won’t let Poorni go with Sujana at any cost. Ishita thinks about the judge’s words. Ishita comes to meet Rahul in his office. ishita scolds Rahul for contacting Balu’s mum and using her. Rahul says this is my office, talk slowly. Ishita says how dare you do this. Rahul argues with her. Ishita says I m confused whom should I choose, you or Sujana. She says I don’t know where will Poorni stay happy, are you an ideal father, you are a manipulative father who wants to buy people and control people. She taunts him and says the man who uses people’s weakness, he does not deserve Poorni. She says I hate you. She says non stop. Rahul asks her to think about herself. Ishita says the girls who want to marry you is only for your money. Rahul taunts her as Subbu left her and Prateek too. Rahul scolds her and says I know your truth, the truth is you will always get rejected. Appa calls Ishita and asks her to reach Paradise. Ishita says don’t worry, I will reach there. He says Amma will come there with your clothes. Ishita says I won’t leave you if you do this again. He says leave. Ishita leaves. Amma talks to Vandu. Ishita thinks about Rahul’s words. Ishita talks to Appa and says I m ready for my marriage, inform that family, I know whom to send my marriage invitation first. Appa asks why are you so angry. Ishita says today I feel I should get married. She says I have to shut someone’s mouth. Episode 40: The Episode starts with Appa and Amma coming to Paradise Club. Ishita calls Appa and tells him that she is ready for marriage. Appa is happy. She says I m coming, I have show someone. Rahul talks to Mr. Balaram and says I m ready for marriage, I don’t have to meet the girl, I will marry for Poorni’s sake and will show it to her. He says talk to the girl’s family soon. Appa says I will go and see the preparations. Vandu and Amma have a laugh. Amma asks where is Ishita. Ishita comes late. Ishita says I will change. Amma asks Vandu to make Ishita ready. Balu says everyone are waiting, come. Amma says I forgot to buy the gold chain, I think Ishita will say yes, where will we get gold chain. Balu says we will get it but little expensive. Amma goes with him to buy the gold chain. Raja meets Amma and greets her. Balu gets angry seeing him. Amma asks Balu not to talk with Raja and leaves. Sujana asks Poorni to play with the maid as she has an appointment in Spa. Poorni says you said you will play with me. Sujana says I have head ache. She asks her to play and asks the servants to take care of Poorni. Siri reaches the club too. Siri meets Vandu and they both have attitude problem. Siri taunts Vandu as down market people. Vandu taunts her back and laughs on her. Tanu calls Ashok and says Rahul is coming here to meet his to be bride. Ashok says then I have to come there. He asks her to give him every detail. Ashok plans against Rahul. Ishita meets Sujana. She says Amma and Vandu have fixed my marriage so we are going to meet their family. Sujana says you are looking pretty, the guy will fall for you. Sujana says Poorni is here with me in the playroom. Ishita thinks about Poorni. Rahul and Ashok reach the club. Rahul gets angry seeing Ashok. Amma shows the gold chain she bought for the groom. Balu says we are waiting for the climax. Amma asks who are they. Appa says have patience, they might be coming. Appa calls Ishita and asks where are you. Ishita says I m on my way. She sees playroom and goes to meet Poorni. Poorni is happy to see her. She hugs her and says I miss you a lot. Poorni says you are looking very beautiful today. Ishita and Poorni have a laugh. Ishita says lets play. Poorni asks is it your birthday today. Ishita says no, I m going to meet a guy. Poorni asks who is he. Ishita explains her about marriage. Poorni says wow, will you call me. Ishita says pRajase me you will come. Poorni says will you stay with that guy then, how will you meet me, will you forget me. Ishita cries. Ishita says how can I forget you, thats not possible. She says I will tell that guy that I will meet Poorni everyday and he should also love Poorni. Poorni kisses Ishita. Sujana comes back and Ishita kisses Poorni and says I will leave now. She asks her to finish the cake. Ishita leaves looking at Poorni. Sujana smiles. Ishita thinks I just hope the guy loves Poorni as I do. Rahul meets his family and asks her to hurry up. Mr. Balaram talks to Appa. Appa says everything is ready, you all come soon. Mr. Balaram wishes everything stays fine when both the families meet. Appa tells Amma that they are coming. Both the families are shocked to see each other. Ishita comes and is shocked to see Rahul. Ashok talks to Tannu and asks are you sure Rahul came to see a girl. She says yes, its confirmed. Sujana sees Ashok and asks the maid to take Poorni home. Ashok asks Sujana what are you doing here. Ashok says Rahul is here to see a girl. Sujana is shocked. Mrs. Balaram asks them to vacant the hall. Mr. Balaram says they are the girl’s family. Everyone are shocked. Ishita and Rahul look at each other. Mr. Balaram says I called Appa here, for Ishita and Rahul. Appa talks to Ishita about Rahul. Ishita thinks about Rahul’s words. He thinks about Ishita’s words.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 09:13:07 +0000

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