Written by Amy Easaontach Malone (A personal account from - TopicsExpress


Written by Amy Easaontach Malone (A personal account from Saturdays event) This is going to be a long read and I apologise for that, but I could not have abbreviated it anymore - so much has happened over the last few days - this is my view…. What happened in Tallaght yesterday will be a day that I will forever be extremely proud that I was a part of!! Last week Joan Burton was adamant that she ‘listened’ to the people, she said she had been up and down the country listening to peoples concerns - I thought it was bullsh*t then and I still think so, even more so.. She came to attend a graduation ceremony, or in other words a photo opp.. After the graduation, the graduates left that building, where they were welcomed with a big round of applause and some cheers from all the people who had gathered outside the building, we were there to see Burton, but we were not going to upset a very important day, that people had worked very hard for.. We have since found out, that the majority of the students had requested that Joan did NOT attend their day, that they had worked so hard for - but their requests were denied (not very democratically).. So their way of protesting was to not applaud her or to appear in any pictures and even after their ceremony, some came and stood with the protesters… Anyway, after the graduates had left, Joan made her appearance - the instant I saw her, everything flashed through my mind about how she and the government, had arrogantly proceeded through these last few years, without even a thought for the people, in my mind, I view these people with blood on their hands for the many, many people who have lost their lives through these few years. The people who could not get the medical attention they needed, due to high costs and cuts to medical services and also the tragic situations, where people could literally not spend another minute on this earth faced with absolutely no hope - I also thought of those words she had repeatedly uttered about how she had listened to the people - I walked beside her, for those 30 meters it took her to walk from one building to another - I asked her repeatedly to speak to the people, listen to their concerns and answer their questions - countless times she looked me right in the eye and I sh*t you not, I have never looked into another persons eyes and saw nothing there - she gave me ‘that smile/grimace’ but absolutely nothing in her eyes - it was one of the most f**ked up experiences I have ever had - just nothing there!! Totally and completely detached!! Anyway, getting to the next part, she went into the next building and left about 20 minutes or so later and jumped into her car - her car was blockaded by the people who were there, eventually she was moved to a Garda Jeep and that too was blockaded with a sit-down protest, which eventually led to an extremely slow march out of the area.. There was very much a rawness attached to the emotion, a rawness that I didn’t really get until today.. I had listened to some people yesterday after it was over and how they felt empowered by what had happened - that empowerment and enlightenment that I sensed from people yesterday, was that same feeling, that people feel when they stand up to a bully, a bully, who has abused and threatened you (and many others you know) for years.. It was a liberation of those shackles and to have everyone standing together with a massive community spirit - standing up against an injustice that had been enforced for years - it was an amazing moment in time to be a part of!! Burton and the media have gone hell for leather trying to discredit what happened yesterday - In my view all that happened yesterday was a community standing together and taking back control of their lives and letting the bullies know that it IS NOT ACCEPTED ANYMORE!!! And we will all stand together and united as one community!! I spoke to a few Gardaí after yesterdays protest, who were in great spirits and they even said that it went very well.. At one point yesterday, the Riot Squad stepped in, out of absolutely nowhere - just when we were nearing the end and the march was in fact speeding up slightly.. It was a major wrong move, because the march totally stopped and everyone nearly done a u-turn and sent the march backwards and created huge tension.. The Riot Squad backed away after about 10 minutes, they were not needed - there was NO riot or public disorder taking place, a few negotiations happened and the people stated their next move - which was, like throughout the whole day - completely peaceful!!! Has ANY media outlet pointed out that Paul Murphy, a new TD was stripped of his clothes from the top half of his body?? Is this not a shameful thing to happen to just about anyone.. Would the media have an absolute field day, if this had happened to Enda Kenny or Pat Rabbitte? Why, has this disgraceful act not been highlighted by the media.. He did not even get his clothes back as he sat on the ground - firstly someone sat over him, which I thought a great mark of respect to give him some dignity and then someone threw Paul a top to put on.. But hey, poor aul Joan eh?? I’m nearing the end now - apologies for this long post, but there is a lot that had to be said.. Right so, then we had the brick throwing incident that the media have lavished upon you at every given opportunity.. That happened well AFTER the protest had ended and by someone who seems to be known by absolutely nobody!! But just to cover slightly what happened after the protest had ended - the riot squad ended up driving back into the community area - why?? No one seems to know, there were no altercations taking place, in fact the atmosphere was extremely positive and the youth seemed overjoyed with the community feeling that had taken place - the young people who were caught up with the riot squad were only reacting to their presence and also their charge on their home soil - most of these youths had grown up seeing the Garda response, when needed, to either home robberies, car robberies and so on, was next to none - in my opinion, the riot squad incited any altercation.. I had spoke to many of the youth yesterday and they were hugely positive and encouraged and empowered with the community spirit that was alive and well!! Finally… Joan Burton, or any austerity TD, how dare you think that you can continuously inflict such measures on our lives and expect us not to retaliate.. We the people WILL remain peaceful and WE WILL SUCCEED!! But your days are numbered, our communities have united - the people of Ireland have united - this is not just about the water charge, come on now - We the people of Ireland have had ENOUGH of all that comes with corrupt political parties - change is coming, evolution is happening!! From corrupt political parties to mainstream media and all that goes with it - the people of Ireland are looking to change things and that change is coming fast upon us!!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 01:00:25 +0000

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