Written by Prof.Dr.Mohamed Mohamed Fahmy Hussein The Egyptian Army - TopicsExpress


Written by Prof.Dr.Mohamed Mohamed Fahmy Hussein The Egyptian Army is the national army of Egypt and the Egyptian people, not the army of any king or president, and we the Egyptian people FULLY support our army that has never split and will never split. But the real question now is: Why some people are deliberately deciding to continually make the info war against the Egyptian Army on the ground and in the media? Why non-Egyptians like too much to make the bargain that the Egyptian army is not a national army and that it will split off? For the sake of Israel and Zionism that those non-Egyptians pretend "fighting in words" all the time?, or for the sake of Hamas that they are permanently protecting and making wide promotions for, despite the fact that Hamas is nothing more than a bloody child of the international and local Muslim Brotherhood (MB) terrorist association? The reader may look to the obvious reality and truth that defending the liberty and fighting terrorism worldwide cannot be divided into: 1) terror that some individuals, people, systems and countries may fight ONLY when terrorism is standing against Europe and the USA, and 2) terror that some individuals, people, systems and countries may support when it is acting against Syria, Egypt and Algeria. Egypt and the Egyptian people and the Egyptian army have no lessons to receive or to learn from anybody when it comes to its national security and we do not pay any attention to the funny concerns about "human rights", as David Cameron said, in August 2011 when the national security of the UK was under menace. Talk to me about the American style of the "human rights" in the Abu-Ghraib prison in Baghdad and the Guantánamo prison in Cuba, and talk to me about the American imperial wars against Vietnam, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen and elsewhere and we may follow the American idol of "human rights" which is the Western standard for human rights when the interests of the West is someway put under menace. We, the Egyptians, are experts in the "affairs" of the organized wide-wave of the harmonized media attack against the Egyptian Army which is the last strong and standing army in the Middle East after the Western destruction of the Iraqi army and the terrorism war on the Syrian Army. We fully know that the Imperialism and Zionism have a common dream to destroy that national army. These evil forces have always satanically tried several times in the recent history of Egypt to destroy the army of Egypt. Just few examples are given in the following. A- In 1827 (the Navarin Deniz Muharebesi, in Turkish, during the reign of Mohamed Ali Pacha), when almost all European navy forces have attacked the Egyptian Navy in the Mediterranean Sea. B- in 1882 when the UK has attacked Alexandria, and then Cairo, and occupied Egypt for 72 years. C- In 1956 when the UK, France and Israel have had, in a complete planned harmony, attacked Egypt by the the areal and terrestrial armies of these three states, after Gamal Abdel Nasser has nationalized the Suez Canal and declared Egypt a free country despite the heavy pressures and economic siege and blockade imposed on Egypt by the great colonial and imperial European forces of the epoch, D- In 1967 when Israel started a criminal war supported by the USA imperialism on Egypt and occupied Sinai and lands of three Arab countries, the West Bank of Palestine and Jerusalem, E- In 1973 when The Egyptian Army has liberated a part of Sinai, and it has then liberated the rest of Sinai, under Sadat and then under Mubarak, through The Peace Treaty imposed by the USA due to the obviously known military American superiority. What does the western machination target in Egypt through its unconditional support to the MB? The liquid history of these current days will tell us about the details behind the screen. A fact: The Egyptian Army is a national army, and the Egyptian population is standing hand in hand and confirm with his non-splittable national army that can never be divided, as the Egyptian people always did throughout its seven thousand years long history. Non-Egyptians may not understand today this astonishing Egyptian unity in face of the MB terrorism. We understand why those individuals may not understand the national Egyptian unity, and why they permanently promote for the contrary of that obvious massive unity. The positive point about the difficulties in life is that the difficulties ever let us discover who is a real friend, who is not, and who is a real enemy. I really acknowledge and thank the difficulties in life. Cheers.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 13:57:57 +0000

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