Written by R F Gill....about Bobby Boss Jr So yesterday I went - TopicsExpress


Written by R F Gill....about Bobby Boss Jr So yesterday I went to the funeral of a friend, he was young, too young. Only 23 years old. He was a new friend; actually I just met him for the first time when I first was separated from my ex-wife. Honestly I have to say he was one of the best human beings I have ever had the privilege to meet in my life. I’ve always avoided funerals, viewings and wakes but I felt compelled to go to this one for one reason, this man had the courage to wake up every day and live his life knowing he was carrying this thing with him that could kill him at any time. If he had the courage to do that than the least I could do was face him and pay my respects. I went to the viewing with some mutual friends, in fact all of us played on the same 9 ball pool league team together. I watched his mother fall apart and began to wonder about my own children, how would I react to their untimely end? I’m not sure I could deal with something so life altering, I’m sure if I was forced to I would somehow manage but I know I’d be angry and resentful. Facing death head on, is a terrifying venture, especially when it is someone who you hold so very near and dear to your heart like a child. This guy, I mean he did everything, no one could tell him no. With half the tools the rest of us take for granted he accomplished more than any expected, a great athlete, a great human being. I stood there next to my friends and listened to family and friends talk about him, how courageous he was, how he faced every challenge head on and never thought life wasn’t fair. I think we take too many things for granted, because even I never realized how bad things were for him until I began listening to those stories. I had the outstanding privilege to say I knew this man, watched him rise up against the giants that were facing him down and ignore their very existence. I can honestly say I never heard a single complaint from him, he never requested pity or help, he was aware of his own ability to succeed. I took from this whole thing quite a few eye opening truths; life is short for us all, the people around us are there because they love and care about us whether we are aware of it or not, we can accomplish so much more than anyone truly believes if we have that belief in ourselves, and that regardless of how your time ends, if you live a good and pure life, then that is how you will be remembered. Our tomorrows are never guaranteed, however most of us treat them as such, putting things off or believing that waiting is the best option. We need to embrace each day and the people around us, share our truest feelings with them. To those who read this and know to whom I am speaking about you know all these things to be true about him; he was more than a friend even though I only knew him briefly. He was a hero; he showed the courage to live, the will to fight, and an internal light that refused to be diminished. To me courage is defined by our actions not our words, his courage shown through by simply living his life, having friends, and acting like nothing was really going on. I believe in my heart and soul there is a special place in heaven for those who fought the fight not for themselves but for those around them. After listening to the stories from family members, friends and loved ones alike, I now know his fight wasn’t for his own life. He fought to make us all better, he fought to show some things are worth fighting for, he fought to share his endless supply of love and caring with everyone he ever met. He fought for all of us, to prove to us that some things are truly worth fighting for, he fought humbly, courageously, and with a valiant spirit we could only hope to achieve. For your passing I wept, as did many of us, but we wept not because we felt pity or sorrow, but rather because we knew our lives would not be the same. There will always be a void in us all, that’s your place in all of our hearts. The only regret I can honestly say I have is that I never spoke these words directly to you, but I know you hear them now. My heart; although heavy with your passing is filled with joy in the fact you will no longer feel pain, no longer carry any kind of fear. You my friend will always hold a special place in everyone’s heart that ever had the pleasure of meeting you, teachers, friends, family, and this community as a whole. We can only hope, to one day meet you again in another place.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 01:46:10 +0000

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