Written by: Shah Muhammad 14 ways to utilize - TopicsExpress


Written by: Shah Muhammad 14 ways to utilize the time when there is no electricity Dancing around the fire is not the solution to any problem. One should try to see beneath the surface to have an idea about the basic problem. Despite a stream of strong words and slogans raised by the so called well-wishers of people, nothing has been done practically to cope with this problem of electricity. There are various practical measures that might be taken to catch the bull by horns. Let’s discuss these priceless ways turn by turn. When there is no electricity, you should continue doing those activities that don’t need electricity using the candle! You should have discussion with your family members on the burning topics of the day! Spend your time in devising the efficient and effective ways for the generation of electricity using the natural resources such as water and wind. Go out of your home and brainstorm your ideas with your educated friends. Go to such places which have the capacity of backup power and carry on your routine work over there. Close your eyes and get relaxed and released from the tensions of the day. Start writing all the works you have to do on the next day and think how to do those works more productively. Go and fan your mother or father who might be sleeping at that time! Tell the true stories of prophets and our national heroes to your younger brothers and sisters to infuse the spirit of altruism and patriotism into them. If it is morning, go out and take some deep breaths in the air. If it is evening, then have a refreshing walk in the garden. When light goes off, go onto the ceiling of your house and preplan your future life. At this time most of the people are doing nothing; therefore resolve your conflicts which you might have had with your friends, boss or Relatives. Utilize this time listening the speeches of the great people on your mp3. If you do not have anything else to do, then go to the bed and have a sweet dream. The aforementioned ways can be adopted to make the best use of our leisure time when there is no electricity. Instead of killing the time relentlessly, we must involve ourselves in the sound and healthy activities. If we act upon these ways consistently, we can avail ourselves of this precious time and the electricity could not disturb our regular schedule.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 18:33:48 +0000

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