Written wisdom from Mama June: Every time God has moved in my life - TopicsExpress


Written wisdom from Mama June: Every time God has moved in my life I have had to leave my comfort zone. When I first began ministry I had to do what was unfamiliar and uncomfortable to me. I opened my home to women who came to my home and taught them what the Bible said about life. I had never done anything like this before. Very unfamiliar and uncomfortable. When God called my husband, Gene, to pastor his first church in South Georgia we had to leave the comfort zone of the town and house where we had lived for 21 years and journey to a new town, and do ministry in a new way. Again, we had never done this. Again, very unfamiliar and uncomfortable. When we were in our fifties we were called to start a church in the metro Atlanta area. We began with two people, us two, and 24 years later we have people filling the building. But it was another uncomfortable move to a new place, meeting new people, and doing new things. But here is what I have learned in all of this. God is not trying to make us comfortable. He wants us to obey and fulfill destiny and purpose. We must stretch ourselves and move beyond comfort into faith. Faith is not always comfortable, but it is a glorious way to do life. You may not be comfortable, but I guarantee you will never be bored.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 19:24:26 +0000

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