Wrote this on the train yesyerday--- Cant believe im leaving - TopicsExpress


Wrote this on the train yesyerday--- Cant believe im leaving today, this morning me and mamma were having a bit of a discussion which absolutely set in concrete a reason why I should be taking the roads back in this direction. Earth project. So not only is this a beautiful picturesque city in northern Thailand where its cheap and peaceful, its a haven for incredible food & full of beautiful women...its got a potential project to develop on. Basically the lady here has the land and desire to create something great, something there for the poor children of today for their future. The initial idea is a school for the Burmese refugees and Thai ethnic kids. Somewhere they can be given an education with possibilities for opportunities in their future. She would love it if the more fortunate folks in the hostel there could and would get involved with the project. So for this she needs a hook to gain their attention with. Got me Thinking... After my visit to the kids daycare centre yesterday I felt utterly helpless and sadenned to see it all. The real side of Thailand right there. Where the parents hang by the road side all day long hoping to be picked up and taken away to work somewhere... A job anywhere doing anything. If they even get a job they work for less than 300 thai baht a day. Thats about £6. For the whole day. And in the car home the kids all have to lay about either sleeping or playing with the small things they have available. Its ran by a minimal amount of thai women with almost no exterior support nor funding. With up to 50 kids their at a time, most no more than babies its heartbreaking to see their little eyes. So today we had a discussion which developed in to ideas on the table for the earth project. Day care centre. School / education. Volunteers from the hostel scene. Permaculture. Organic farm. Community garden. Cooking school, restaurant. Arts & creation centre. Hostel / Woofing. Yoga & meditation. Now this is something which over the past year of my life has been becoming more and more apparent as a sensible route to take my life in. The East Kimberley Tribe showed me and plant this little seed inside my mind, educated me only a little bit but enough to realise that the garden is the foundation of the community. That each and everybody eats food and each and everybody should by all rights be educated and know how to grow their own food. Put the people back out of their living rooms & in to the comminity, take it back to how it was and should be, self sustainable community - which also provides an education base to and for the less fortunate. I know after my month here in the city I definitely want to come back and would adore a little life here. So to come here and live here with a real purpose, its totally silly to turn the opportunity away. If it wasnt for this mortgage investment in the flat back home I know I would not be leaving this city today. Id be part way through a TEFL and searching for work here teaching english for a start. Id be getting on name basis wity more locals. Learning the thai language, basics anyway. Expanding on my massage skills. Probably making up excuses to myself for not being out doing yoga a few times a week and meditating frequently - at least the idea would be down there. Living a super happy healthy content life for a while. Instead Im saying goodbye to my little Thai family of friends there... So hard, have to make a joke about it all. Love Chiang Mai.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 07:35:29 +0000

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