Wyatt frowned when she rejected his offer to drive and he shrugged - TopicsExpress


Wyatt frowned when she rejected his offer to drive and he shrugged lightly to himself, rubbing his eye a bit before he put his arm over the seats and looked out of the back window as he backed out of the driveway into the loop that connected all of the apartments. He made his way out of the gates and drove down the nearly deserted road, lined by tall, dreary trees that drooped with the weight of the rain that pounded the leaves and the windshield of the truck. He noticed that Dallas seemed a bit twitchy and he frowned, glancing at her every now and again. She kept looking at the mirrors, outside into the dark, in the backseat. He sighed after a while. It was nearly a half an hour drive to Walmart and he really wasn’t sure he could deal with a girl always shifting in her seat, looking as if she had seen a ghost. It was a bit chilly out so he reached over and turned on the heater, waiting for her answer. He knew she didn’t want to talk about her dream, he could see it in her face. But hopefully she trusted him enough to tell him what was bothering her and not throw the whole “high school love” in his face, especially when that girl didn’t really exist (technically). He drove silently, one hand on the wheel and the other resting on the center console with his fingers curled against the soft leather. It was dark in the truck with the exception of the dashboard lights and the headlights reflecting off the pavement in front of the vehicle. The atmosphere in general felt calm and serene. No, Wyatt hadn’t been a night owl. But the combination of night classes, the moon creating better tides for his surfing in Florida, and all of the parties he was invited to taking place at night kind of changed his regular sleeping habits. And nothing was better than a night drive. He was tired, but not tired enough that he wanted to go to sleep. He wanted to spend as much time with Dallas as possible, subconsciously afraid that if he was to leave her she might vanish again. He also had a new hop in his step due to his recent break up, finding entertainment in the cruel and unfair way it had been done, though an accident. He was a nice person by heart and didn’t usually take enjoyment in others’ misfortune, but after two years of having to listen to a dumb blonde talk about carbs and her nearly dead hair, it felt good to get a little payback, even if it was slight. Wyatt looked over at Dallas again, letting his eyes roam over her as long as he could without swerving off the road. He felt like small talk might break the ice and he cracked the smile he was well-known for, reaching over and squeezing her knee before putting his hand back on the wheel to accompany the other. “One thing I did miss about this place was the constant rain. Though the sunshine was nice. I learned how to surf in Florida, you know? Joined a club and everything. We should go to La Push and I could show you how.” He chuckled, glancing at her /again/. “It’s actually pretty easy and a great stress reliever. You might like it.” After a few more moments, Wyatt’s smile had faded and he sighed lightly, unable to shake the tense feeling that reverberated off of Dallas. “What’d you dream about, Dal?” he finally asked, furrowing his brows and looking at her. “You shrieked twice and nearly had a heart attack when you saw me in your doorway. I called for you before you started shrieking, thought you might have been awake.”
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 03:15:02 +0000

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