Wynter Kabimbas biggest sin It is undeniable that Wynter - TopicsExpress


Wynter Kabimbas biggest sin It is undeniable that Wynter Kabimba gave a lot to the PF; mostly his time and energy. It is also undeniable that Sata, Kabimba, Guy Scott and Fred Mmembe were central to the PF victory in 2011. Where Kabimbas predecessors failed, Kabimba succeeded. He helped the hitherto sleeping giant, the PF, achieve its full potential and form government. The PF is basically a regional, or more specifically, a Bemba party. And this was all too obvious before Kabimba came. But Kabimba came with a tin of Decotex and grossed over the PF and made it look a truly national party. Consequently the PF gained wider acceptance countrywide which culminated into PF patronage from Dr Kenneth Kaunda. Before Kabimba, the PF was highly disorganised. It was a Kaponya party! From its formation in 2001, the PF had never held a national conventional. Ten years later, with Kabimba at the helm of the PF secretariat, the party held its first national convention. That convention was simply a political scoop; Dr Kaunda was in attendance and so was American ambassador to Zambia Mike Storrella and a few other members of the diplomatic community. Yes, there were more balloons than ballot boxes but it was a convention alright! But the PF victory seems to be the undoing of Wynter Kabimba. He grew inwards and starting thinking he was the PF alpha and omega. He looked into the political river and saw the beautiful reflection of himself. He sought to hug himself! But his biggest problem was lust for power. Maybe he looked at his boss whom he had known for over 30 years and thought; if he can, why cant I? Lust had wrapped its long sulphur smelling fingers around Kabimbas soul and he became like a man possessed! He set about to eliminate all those he thought were threats to his political ambitions. Given Lubinda was fired by the President over unsubstantiated accusations from Kabimba. The perceived leader of team B, Geoffrey Mwamba Bwalya, resigned from cabinet when he sensed the President was giving more love to Kabimba than to him. GBM used President Satas impasse with the Bemba Royal Establishment as an excuse for him to depart. Lameck Mangani crossed Kabimbas bulls eye not so much for his presidential ambitions but maybe for supporting the wrong people. Kabimba dressed down Mangani at a meeting in Chipata in full view of junior party officials. A few days later President Sata dismissed Mangani from his position as PF chair for Eastern province. Chishimba Kambwili was investigated by the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) for getting the ministry of youth and sport to congratulate him over a degree he had obtained from Copperstone university. The political rumour mill has it that Kambwili has benign interest in the presidency. Kambwili responded to the firing of Kabimba with may his soul rest in eternal peace. Kabimba was drunk with power and was becoming careless. When The Post newspaper carried headline stories consistently attacking finance minister Alexandre Chikwanda, accusing fingers pointed to one; Wynter Mwanachabwa Kabimba! Chikwanda responded by stating that the people behind his attacks were people trying to takeover the presidency and that their mission may have crush landed. He called his accusers high priests and apostles of hate. Kambwili was not to be out done and quickly chipped in with yes there is a known minister who wants to takeover the presidency with the help of a newspaper you all know. ABC is highly rumoured to be the presidents uncle. He is also clearly very close to GBM. Could this be the reason why Kabimba was fired; that he touched the untouchable? Was he behind the leaking of the classified vat refund letter? There is another theory; As a politician Kabimba must have read books such as Niccola Machiavellis the prince or Robert Greenes the rules of power. If he has read the rules of power, then how did he lose sight of the first rule? Greenes rule number 1 simply states never out shine the master. As President Sata read the various news stories and analyses coming of the recently held Mangango by-election, a piece by some blogger on the Zambian watchdog could have caught his eye. A line in that article simply read, Sata is no longer a factor.......The man to worry about now is Kabimba. Stupidly, cleverly or innocently, that blogger may have set Kabimba in the train of the Cobras venom. And the ABC saga was all the excuse the President needed to fire his loyal servant of more than 30 years. Ba ngoshe ba bili ta bekela mu chulu chimo chine!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 06:28:43 +0000

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