X/procure®, Clicks and Dis-Chem enjoy a long term partnership - TopicsExpress


X/procure®, Clicks and Dis-Chem enjoy a long term partnership As the corporate environment gets ever more competitive and margins become thinner, successful and long term business relationships become even more crucial. This is especially true in the pharmaceutical market and Primedia Unlimited subsidiary X/procure® is bucking the trend. “In any business, service, relationships, quality products and continued success is what sets a business apart from competitors, no matter the industry in which you operate. We’ve been very fortunate to have clients and suppliers who have supported us for many years,” says X/procure®’s Managing Director JD Henderson. “Two such clients are Dis-Chem and Clicks who have collectively spent more than two decades with us.” Both Clicks and Dis-Chem were recently awarded with Loyalty Certificates as a token of thanks by X/procure®. Mark Norton, Head of Marketing at the Dis-Chem Group commented, We continue to grow our partnership with X/procure® using their electronic procurement systems. These certificates are not only in recognition of the partnership between our two companies but more importantly for all the Dis-Chem pharmacy staff that continue to provide world class healthcare to all South Africans.” Jan Roos, Head of Good Pharmacy Practice at Clicks Group accepted the Loyalty Certificates on behalf of their 183 Clicks pharmacies who have been utilising the benchmark in electronic procurement software for more than 5 and 10 years respectively. “We thank our customers for their ongoing support, for it is companies such as these that strengthen companies like ours,” says JD. X/procure® DNA X/procure®’s ever increasing national footprint enables more than 63% of SA pharmacies which utilise electronic procurement software, to purchase scheduled and OTC pharmaceutical, surgical and front shop requirements directly from wholesalers and distributors. X/procure® facilitates electronic advertising directly to the pharmacist, allowing advertisers the unique opportunity to present and promote their products at the time the buying and ordering decisions are made. Visit primedia-unlimited.co.za or xprocure for more.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 12:28:03 +0000

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