XMAS BY SHEIK MUNTAQAH SANUSI ZUGLOOL: To wish or not to wish? Salam alaikum brothers and sisters, its that time of the year again where the argument starts: can Muslims wish xtians merry Xmas? We have been divided along this question for so long and I decided to voice my personal opinion on this issue based on my few years experience of the Quran and hadith. We live in a christian country which has tolerated Muslims consciously or unconsciously, to the extent that Muslims are now praying Eid in an open ground! We can only reciprocate by showing love and wishing them well during their festive period as shown by the holy Prophet Muhammad when he first got to Medina. He engaged all the Christians, Jews and even pagans in order to create a peaceful and tolerant society. Its easy for a sheikh in Saudi Arabia or Bahrain to pass fatwah thats its haram to wish Christians well during Xmas, he will easily say that because he lived all his life in a Muslim country and doesnt know what it takes to have Christians as family members or neighbours or bosses at work. He was born into an Islamic country while some of us do not have that privilege. In short, if you can not wish Christians well during this period, dont condemn Muslims who does it. Its important to note that a Muslim doesnt put Xmas trees, neither are we allowed to host Xmas parties as some Muslims do these days. But surely wishing them well (simply saying compliments of the season) during their festive period or eating their food (as permitted by the Quran) is clearly not haram, because Prophet Muhammad answered the calls of Christians and pagans who invited him for dinner several times. This only portrays Muslims in a good light during this difficult time for the image of Islam. Allahu Aalam Muntaqoh Abimbade Sanusi
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 12:02:32 +0000

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