XMAS WS STRONGLY OPPOSED BY THE EARLY CHURCH LEADERS Many Christians Do Not Realize That Much of the Celebration of Christmas is Actually of Pagan Origin [Zionsake: see also Babylon-Rome- Mysteries/ 08-Rome-festival s] Cristes maesse, meaning Christs mass was the name for the festival service of worship held on December 25 to commemorate the birth of Jesus (PBUH), although there is no exact date of his birth, not even... the year is known. The stories of his birth in the New Testament books of Matthew and Luke, were written several decades after the event, because there was no knowledge about the date of his birth, a day had to be selected. The Eastern Orthodox and the Eastern Rite Churches within the Roman Catholic Church chose January 6. The Western Church based in Rome chose December 25, as early as AD 336. Thus, many Christians do not realize that much of the celebration of Christmas is actually of pagan origin. The Romans celebrated the Feast of the Invincible Sun on December 25. The early church fathers elected to celebrate the birth of Jesus (PBUH) on this date, although there was no particular reason to choose this one. In fact, many Christian scholars contend that Jesus was actually born [in the] summer. [*Allah (one god) is a different god than the God of Israel (Elohim - multiple oneness). See 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] Christmas: Has Nothing to do With the Birth or Teachings of Jesus Christ Both Muslims and serious Christians can learn a lot from Christmas, the annual celebration of the victory of paganism over the religion of Prophet Jesus Christ (PBUH). No one disputes that the event and all its symbols came from pagan religions; it has nothing to do with the birth or teachings of Jesus Christ. For one thing, no one knows with certainty the date of birth of Jesus Christ. the celebration of birthdays is itself a pagan idea, never promoted by any Prophet or Book of God, including the Bible. Early Church leaders opposed it strongly. As late as 245 CE African Church father and philosopher Origen wrote that it was sinful even to contemplate observing Jesuss birthday as though he were a King Pharaoh. (The American Book of Days) [As Muslims] we Cannot Condone Practices That in Our View Misrepresent Jesus (PBUH) and Help Make Him the Focus of Worship as a God Figure In addition, the above evidence has shown that many of these practices have no relationship whatsoever to Jesus (PBUH) and instead have pagan origins. Here is a living proof of the authenticity of the last Messenger (PBUH). Jesus (PBUH) is one of a series of prophets. These prophets or messengers were sent to specific nations with the exemption of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) whose divine message was the final one to all humankind comprising moral guidance or revelation. Jesus (PBUH) was one such messenger sent down to a particular people, the Jews.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 08:48:56 +0000

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