XXXXXXXXXXXX IMPORTANT PLEASE READ AND SHARE XXXXXXXXXXX CORRUPTION IN LEICESTER LABOUR PARTY: Why was the voting for the Leicester city mayor not managed by an independent body but by the Leicester Labour Party its self at the main headquarters and with in private not a clear and transparent manner. This is an Important question that I feel the Labour party in Leicester needs need ask themselves. Talk within the walls of Leicester town hall is that it was the other councillor that stood for mayor might of actually won because the number of votes that Peter Soulsby won by was an impossible amount due to the people that came out after the process saying that they didnt vote for him. Peter soulsby has made the position of city mayor a very powerful position that allows him to make all the decisions. This has also caused internal arguments within Leicester council because it seems he is using the interview process with the councillors to pick whom he wants to stand with in the next councillor elections. it has also been highlighted that Leicester Labour councillors are being forced to join a trade union otherwise it will lead to automatic disqualification from standing in the next election. It seems to be that Peter Soulsby surrounds himself with people whom like to say yes and wont challenge him around any of the decisions that he is making around all aspect of Leicester its self. Peter Soulsby is leading Leicester in to some of the worst Condems cuts that are hitting the people of Leicester so hard. Some of these cuts include the elderly homes, homeless hostels, childrens playgrounds ect. There seems to be no accountability for him and no one in the Labour party its self is willing to stand up to him. This was also highlighted within a full council meeting in September 2013 where they let people petition the council on the closures of elderly homes only for a councillor to stand and shout this was not what was agreed when they informed us that they was closing the homes and also Peter Soulsby stood up and said that the decision had already been made way before with in a private Labour councillors meeting. Within Leicester we have three Members of Parliament and are within the shadow cabinate, This includes Liz Kendall whom is shadow care minister. what has she done around stopping the closures of the elderly home and the Douglas Bader centre. Peter Soulsby wants to be seen as he brought things to the city such as Jubilee park and a new bus station but to be honest people need to look at what it is costing the people of Leicester its self. There is a petition to remove Peter Soulsby as mayor. If we can get 5% of Leicesters electorate to sign, we can restore some democracy to the council chamber. It can be found here - saveservicessacksoulsby.wordpress/ You need to print off a copy as the council will only accept handwritten signatures - please do so and get friends to sign it too! — with DavidRobert Mansefield and 16 others.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 22:29:53 +0000

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