Xbox One users suspended for using excessive profanity in DVR - TopicsExpress


Xbox One users suspended for using excessive profanity in DVR footage. Microsoft has confirmed it is temporarily suspending users for using excessive profanity over Xbox One Upload Studio footage. More than a dozen users have claimed to be banned or suspended for profanity, and one user claimed to have been banned for swearing in a private Skype call. In a statement provided to Polygon, Microsoft confirmed that it was suspending users for excessive profanity in Upload Studio clips, but that it does not monitor private peer-to-peer calls or chat. “To be clear, the Xbox Live Policy & Enforcement team does not monitor direct peer-to-peer communications like Skype chats and calls, the representative said. Also, we take Code of Conduct moderation via Upload Studio very seriously. We want a clean, safe and fun environment for all users. Excessive profanity as well as other Code of Conduct violations will be enforced upon and result in suspension of some or all privileges on Xbox Live. We remain committed to preserving and promoting a safe, secure and enjoyable experience for all of our Xbox Live members. Not sure what to think about that users claim that he got banned because of swearing in a private Skype call............. Think he may have been talking shit so-to-speak lol But ill have to be careful about what i upload, i am known for my colorful language :D Lots of edit time i think lol #Agunzi.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 04:29:00 +0000

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