Xi Jinping and the anchor on his tie. Xi Jinping celebrity - TopicsExpress


Xi Jinping and the anchor on his tie. Xi Jinping celebrity spokesperson does not have any sort spokesman that he gave Lt. Gen. Ngo Xuan Lich, head of the General Political Department of the Peoples Army VN: Standing on the college level 3 persevere. In addition to 300 million dollar money loan, they set no 1 special gesture. Thus, one well-known politicians are wary of the public spokesperson also not to expose themselves through words, through the action is. However, we also understand more Jinping, through all his activities in VN. This article will focus on how to dress their set, which partially decodes the head of Chinas future. 1. Xi Jinping to say in VN? Typically, a spokesman for the direct expression of thoughts. Deng hit VN screaming in the U.S., Singapore ... is he real war with VN in 2/1979. Prior to verbalize, Cast Xi Jinping was given the implied metaphors that reads this, nothing difficult. Thus, the set of information they want to say, but also save words, will be the political VN understood, accurate and data lines that follow the will of the divine. Readers join me in bbc.co.uk/vietnamese/pictures/2011/12/111221_xi_jinping_viet_gallery.shtml, will see 10 images showing the VN this visit of Xi Jinping. Clad in gray suit, white shirt, tie colors first cigarette of the day is the standard. However, like it or not, politicians caliber national leadership million people in 1300, is certainly much intrigue people. White shirt says penchant hide their insurance plan set. He does not have a straightforward Cao. As such, the episode they say, we need to see the hidden meaning behind. In all 10 aircraft this image, Xi Jinping tones are dressed as such: the mystery of dark suits, tie or blue colored g / HCM visiting the shrine, while Nguyen Phu Trong met, when Truong Tan Sang met / or cigarette butts g / in the remaining cases. There is one special case that BBC is not taken, the image Xi Jinping embarked Nguyen Tan Dung, Prime Minister of VN. In the photo, they look set necktie with a floral motifs are the anchors, meant the Chinese ship anchored there. Dung also sported a navy blue tie with pictures of Vietnam Peoples Navy courageously defend our country are selling full suspension streets of Hanoi. So the dress once met Prime Minister VN, Xi Jinping was dressed different times before the Nguyen Phu Trong, and Truong Tan Sang, Vice country or VN ... The background of the anchor tie Xi is still g sea. The implication of this visit was all too clear, through the foundation of the tie in the audience, Nguyen Phu Trong, Truong Tan Sang and Nguyen Tan Dung: watercolors of the South China Sea. It is not $ 300 million loan is the most important thing. General Charles de Gaulle / France /ve got one sentence the main idea: what matters most in politics, things usually have to read between the lines of the first statement, spokesperson, gestures over 1 ... For the Chinese, symbolic thinking is very important because their handwriting is symbolic. A deep and cunning as Xi Jinping, the more sure you want to use images, colors to express something to say. The use of 1 gram of water to the South China Sea to the 3 audiences VN leaders who have speech and gesture powerful sovereign of VN in the final days of last November has its own meaning . He wanted to use it as a reference only, the VN and China have cultural similarities, what he wants to convey to the senior leaders understand exactly VN. In this sense, the color gamut Sea water is the most important. This water samples voiced intentions episode: East Sea issues they care about most other episode. Xi interested today, tomorrow and the day when the President of China. Before The visit to VN, political commentators wonder world federation Jinping mention the most recent moves of leadership VN not? These moves are: 1. The Prime Minister announced to Parliament VN VN dated 25/11/2011 was confirmed by VN Hoang Sa. Affirming China has occupied by force from the hands HS South Vietnamese soldiers. 2. Nguyen Phu Trong said to have set up national sovereignty on the other issues / speaking at the 27th diplomatic conference in Hanoi 11 / in 2011 /. 3. President, VN visit Ban Gioc Falls, a waterfall which China ceded to them scare forced VN will change relations with VN, if only VN dare oppose this. 22/12/2011 till date, China has not officially reacted to this. Today, we can say that, they file on behalf of the Chinese response. For the President, with Nguyen Phu Trong, they still take the diplomatic set out in return: strict dress diplomatic tool. Such claims his weight is no small thing, defy China. The waterfall The visit of President Gioc VN nor do they set off balance. The other dress styles in their audience The Prime Minister spoke a lot VN: a. They said episode: Mr. Dung, he do not have interoperability, surpassed disaster tide. South China Sea is Chinas best interest. His statement in Parliament VN did China not satisfied. He said, he should remember that China has dropped anchor in VN, not the one that hundreds of thousands anchor the anchor, he is not ejected anymore. This is the only of the top leadership, they are not in the spirit of Army of you which he executive material, do not deviate. This is a warning to Prime Minister VN., Which is also my Jinping. b. Since there are hundreds of anchors, China will not give VN and VN not escape the hands of China. He dose that data. I will use that and tighten the anchor ring Kim VN as she tightened those stubborn head, no allegiance to China. I do not need to war anywhere, but hundreds of thousands of the anchor is quite enough. This time, other times to Dai Bingguo, the Prime Minister has not confirmed VN VN-minded brothers with China again. Prime Minister through tie Navy VN, confirmed them as Episode: 1 VN Navy majestic and powerful, full of victories, will protect VN, if any aggression from China. I left a mark + VN Prime Minister again. But also with the comments of the Prime Ministers advisor if known before they tie the anchor has set, he anchored, we also cut the anchor by means of on our own, HS Dr. VN belongs to a long time ago, so should only be used to tie patterned on the top of the South China Sea in the supply contract to Hue, the full episode and then answer them. Thus, in this VN visit, they were deliberately set classification, division leaders VN. The design of disruptions of this episode they effective or not, the future will tell us. The dollar held along with the bait and disruptions leader VN, direct suggestion that the South China Sea is a core interest of China, Xi Jinping was sticking true face before his expansionist people VN. I have read are: releasing Chinese U-shaped line in the South China Sea to the UN, the statement cow tongue is the core interest of China ... is the political initiative, have important contributions Xi Jinpings important, but surely Dai Bingguo, as a diplomat in charge, only spokesman. This explains why they can file another climbing party chairman and president of China. They set satisfies the conditions of Chinese leader Mao Zedong was confirmed by the reinstatement of Deng Xiaoping: Rule # 1 is the successor to instill nationalistic ideology of Mao, to infiltrate the expansionist ideology of Mao Southeast Asia. VN leaders, no one is forgotten this. 2. The anchor of China in VN. First, the biggest anchor, the anchor is the most giant Sun Marxist-Leninist. While China Sun used this as a tool to expand the Communist Party served as moths VN input kerosene lamps, it is thought that the moon in the morning, as the arena bulls in Spain, working Input red cloth, surrounded sword pierced though. China bull stabbed to how CS VN sword as the battle in 1979, or the robbery HS, TS 1974, 1988, 1992. Communist Party still not disenchant VN, VN ethnic rolling on applying the new sword. The anchor is 16 letters and 2 good 4. These are the ideological anchor. The military is the anchor military children in Highland, Highland survival of the entire Indochina peninsula. As military children in reforestation projects in the forests of VN strategy. An anchor is also gradually shaping the sinister plot, the development shell that covers the northern border province of VN. This is definitely plotting the gradual breakaway province from VN. VN we also shape S today, even before Chinas independence until today, thanks in large natural terrain of this border. Nguyen Phu Trong has changed one false peace in the South China Sea that fact, China needs peace more than the VN needed, take the northern border province of VN. Loss of this province, VN will lie forlorn as fish on the cutting board. This is a sketch of VN dehydration. The army of Chinese workers on VN today will be the gunman when necessary. This is the first episode the other anchors they used to scare threatened premature aging VN. In addition to numerous anchor ideological, military anchor, the anchor as the Son La hydropower, or works in progress to build economic, cultural anchor, movies .....re posting sites meditation is like a hammock VN Fatherland on our beloved. All anchors are voluntarily by the Communist Party VN enabling China to anchor. 3. Neutralize the anchor on Chinese soil VN. If we knew what it was to be the anchor, no matter how hard it is, and resolve. In this section I want to talk about democratic reform for VN. Benefits of democratic reform is to make the internal forces and make stronger VN weaken China by VN escape from feudal alliance with China. This is not done by the United States to please, as not to do so for so long that slaves must follow in the footsteps of other more advanced nations. This is a requirement of the existence of ethnic war VN on the Indochina Peninsula. VN communist parties after the revolution in August did nothing for the people VN? They have betrayed the French resistance of the entire nation by the 1954 Geneva agreement VN, VN divided. VN Communist Party has put the whole nation into war VN devastating to the United States, power consumption crystal VN, that those who benefit most from this war is China. After the land reform in 1953, the year 1975-1990, the Communist Party has caused VN scene boat people, with nearly 1 million people VN exile on the boat floating on the sea, before the jaws ... Lets see Americans behave together like when the North-South war their end. An idea to win, but win the whole nation. Americans behave like in the trenches twin disaster? The U.S. has appointed apartment with 1 star group of blind hatred of Muslims, but there are other folks out east right over the house protected but Muslims? The United States believed in his ideals how, when first elected black president was born in one state away from the center of culture and education in the first 4-5 years of the Islamic State of Indonesia. The power of belief mature democracy great. Similarly we can also talk about German with Phillip Rosler, whose blood VN, Vice Prime Minister of Germany. From 1 countries fascist, racist, German Democratic Reform, today has been used for all ethnic German intellectual. Looking at the VN-party policy, at 3 life history bankrupt. A man is always growing and changing. 1 Why Prime patriotic activities under the bombs gained at the expense of hard for families like the incumbent. 1 Why Prime Minister revolutionary past to squander national wealth in such Vinashin ... If there is one spirit VN nations the United States, Germany, the VN ever existed on the Indochinese peninsula, whether China has hundreds of thousands of design does not attempt to subdue us well, we do not assimilate well.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 15:58:54 +0000

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