Xianbei origins inconclusive , one that considers one of the - TopicsExpress


Xianbei origins inconclusive , one that considers one of the so-called eastern Chinese Historical Hu tribe it belongs . In the mid- second century , under the leadership of Xianbei Tanshihuai the rise , and established a Xianbei country , occupying some areas of Mongolia and northern China Han Dynasty . And further penetrate the northern frontier Chinese Wei and Jin Dynasties , the Sixteen States Period . China 386 years , a Xianbei Tuoba Wei establish unified after the Sixteen States ; There have Murong , alopecia Xianbei, begging volt Xianbei, Xianbei Duan , Yuwen Xianbei State were established TuoBaXianBei the north, to maintain their rule until 581 years . During this period of active regions in Mongolia as well as Chile Le nation . This name may come from the Siberian ancient Turkic language, means peaceful land . Siberian Tatars Siberian Khanate in order to establish the name of the country , and later conquered by the Grand Duchy of Moscow , Siberia this term into Russian . There is a saying Clan Elijah from Xianbei . Also an explanation , Siberia is interpreted as celecoxib class place, because of his manor located in Siberia . Another one said , Russia Sibo s family name to create new names in North Asia . In the Chinese ancient maps , Siberia is known as Luo wilderness. Chile Le, the ancient Chinese nation, part of the original nomadic tribes , also known as red Le, Tiele , nail spirit, trucks, Dinglinger , Di Li , A to Romania [ 1 ] . Chile is the ancient Red Di Le descendants of the Huns called it Dinglinger , Chile Le Clan called it , because the use of tall wheel car, also known as high car , according to Historical Records record Dinglinger originally nomadic east of Lake Baikal , near the south, according to Wei slightly records began in the 3rd century AD, expanded the Yenisei River, inhabited by ancient Jian Kun , these tribes called Sittingbourne zero. The mid- fourth century late sixth century , following the Huns , Avars high activity in the car and the north-south and northwest China desert vast region . 1921 established the Mongolian Peoples Revolutionary Party in the Soviet Red Army s help peoples revolutionary regime , in 1924 announced the abolition of monarchy , the establishment of the Peoples Republic of Mongolia , capital Cullen , changed the name of Ulaanbaatar city . In 1937, under the leadership of霍尔洛· Choibalsan , Mongolia broke out big crackdown , the party and the government , the army , the monks were killed and two to three million people , accounting for two percent of the population to the percentage of time Mongolia ter. In 1961, the Peoples Republic of Mongolia to become the United States . After the Soviet Union, Mongolia give up on February 12, 1992 socialist implement democratic multiparty system and a presidential system , parliamentary system . The effective date of the new constitution , the country name changed to Mongolia . Shiwei , also known as loss of Wei , refers to a distribution between today and Xiaoxinganling Daxinganling ancient tribal group of Chinese historical records on the Sui and Tang Pan said . In the process of independence of Outer Mongolia , Inner Mongolia has been under the rule of the Republic of China , the province is divided into Chahar , Rehe , Hung Yen province , Suiyuan , several provinces such as Ningxia province . During the Sino-Japanese War , 1933 was part of the Japanese occupation of the region of Inner Mongolia , the German king , led some people to cooperate with the Japanese, the establishment of Inter Mongolia Autonomous Government and other institutions , management Inner Mongolia region . In 1945 the Soviet Red Army and the armed forces of the Peoples Republic of Mongolia to send troops to fight in accordance with the Yalta Conference resolutions Japanese occupation of Inner Mongolia . May 1, 1947 , before the establishment of Peoples Republic of China , the Chinese Communist Party in the capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was established Xinganmeng Hingan , 1954 and Suiyuan merger, the capital moved to Guihua ( Hohhot ) . Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has jurisdiction over nine prefecture-level cities , three League , a total of 21 municipal districts, 11 county-level cities , 17 counties, 49 flags, 3 Autonomous Banner , the capital of Hohhot . Yalta Conference (Yalta Conference / Ukrainian : Ялтинська конференція, also known as the Crimea Conference ) is the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union three leaders - President Franklin Delano Roosevelt , Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the Peoples Committee Chairman Joseph Stalin during the period February 4, 1945 to February 11 date , of a crucial summit in Crimea雅尔达里瓦Guinea utero . The meeting developed a new post-war world order and the interests of the great powers allocation policy , forming a Yalta system have a profound impact on the world situation after World War II . Sieber Native Songhua River, the Nen River Valley and the Far East coastal regions, the Ministry of belonging to the East China Sea Jurchen Sieber . Initially nomadic hunting and fishing , rapid changes incorporated into the social life of the Eight Banners , gradually settled farming . They first appeared in 1593 in the Battle of Nurhachu coalition of nine . Lunar New Year 1764 on April 18 , some began to move to Xinjiang Yili Sibo frontiers , are separated both the Northeast and Xinjiang . Since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China , has a population of about 18.8 million people ( 2000 ) . Sibo on ethnic origin , mainly divided into two views . One view is from the East China Sea Jurchen say , one for the Xianbei descendants said. Clan sources say think , Sibo is genetically sound Clan by Simbei turn into Sibe or Sibo, and even further proposed Siberia name from Clan Elijah [ 1 ] . The doctrine that flourished in Clan Hill ( Daxinganling ) Xianbei south of the Central Plains , but left a guard Karma Cave Temple is located in the northern section of Daxinganling , and later evolved into Sibo . According to the government s division of Peoples Republic of China , Han Chinese in addition to a total of 55 ethnic minorities, which together constitute the Han Chinese nation together these minorities . ROC National Day [ 1 ] , also known as the Double Ten Day , Double Ten National Day, the anniversary of the Revolution , is the ROC s Revolution Day , scheduled for launch in 1911 Wuchang Uprising Day on October 10 . Is the beginning of the Wuchang Uprising Revolution , within two months from the post of revolutionary action around China s success after another , finally succeeded in overthrowing the Qing Dynasty and in the following year ( 1912 ) established the Republic of China on New Year , becoming the first republic in Asia . American domination of Ryukyu ( English : The Ryukyu Islands under United States administration; Japanese: AnnメRika America affiliates Okinawa rule / AnnメRika Butっexpandsゅu ko ku affiliatesおki na waとOf which Amerika gasshūkoku niyoru okinawa tōchi; Ryukyu language : AnnメRika World / thou rather ri ka YuーAmerika yū [? 1 ] ) , is from the beginning of 1945, the U.S. military occupation of Okinawa until 15 May 1972 until the takeover by the Japanese Ryukyu Islands, a total of 27 years by the United States for treatment. Scope of jurisdiction , including the Amami Islands ( until 1953 ) , the Okinawa Islands , Miyako and Yaeyama Islands archipelago . In the 1951 s , the San Francisco Peace Treaty in the United States , Japan agreed to acquire Ryukyu ( Okinawa ) executive, legislative and judicial powers vested , 1952 Treaty of Peace between the ROC and Japan , a reference to Article XI , the San Francisco Peace Treaty therefore also apply by analogy . After that, the U.S. government established the Ryukyu Ryukyu ( Okinawa ) , the construction of military bases. U.S. Ryukyu ( Okinawa ) policy led to some resentment of local residents. In 1951, Japans reversion to promote the establishment of a will , expand the prefectural petition petition campaign. 1945 World War II , Japan was defeated . Since the fall of that year onwards, effectively ruled territory of Taiwan is the ROC , and the ROC government since 1950 under the jurisdiction of the actual main homeland . Since 100 years since 1895 , Taiwan and China only had a brief four-year political relations , and this has been linked with the Republic of China was in December 1949 the central government moved to Taipei . Taiwan and Penghu , Kinmen, Matsu Four citizens since 1991 to be elected seats full legal ROC congressman since 1996 that directly elected president of the Republic . Peoples Republic of China and Taiwan from the government s claim to have no real relationship between the executive of its sovereignty . In addition, Taiwans status in international law is also one of the causes of the sovereignty dispute . Peoples Republic of China , Japan, due to sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands dispute , launched several attacks from the diplomatic and media discourse factors . CASS scholars Peoples Republic of China put forward this proposition , Ryukyu vest that: Historically the outstanding problems to be Ryukyu Reconsideration when [ 8 ] And there is also the internal Ryukyu independence movement , which Jiali Ji Club ( former Ryukyu Independent Party ) the most representative. The organization not only advocated the Ryukyu Islands independent nation , also supports independent Xinjiang, Tibet , Taiwan, also believes that the Senkaku Islands ( Diaoyu Islands ) are Ryukyu territory. The long history of the Ryukyu Islands . As early as the 7th century a book on the early Chinese history books, Sui book , there will be a special pass flow requirements , but about which documented a flow for the country and later the Ryukyu exactly what association , currently no definite conclusion. In addition there is also the Three Kingdoms , Sun Quan sent to record barbarian state , but there are some who believe that the state is Ryukyu razed , but some advocates of Taiwan , today. Lagerstroemia the chart to see what people easily stolen - Spirit magazine (lnka.tw/) - Constellation | fortune ... Lagerstroemia the chart to see who easily stolen - from the perspective of astrology , and theft -related CIEL has greedy wolf , Giant doors , Venturi take to avoid , yin evil , to air, land robbery , etc. ; and theft -related lnka.tw/html/topic/4097.html this station inventory page for more results lnka.tw/html/topic/4097.html North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( English : North Atlantic Treaty Organization, referred to NATO; French : Organisation du Traité de lAtlantique Nord, referred OTAN), referred to NATO or NATO , is an international organization for the realization of defense collaboration established . March 18, 1949 , the United States and Western European countries to establish open NATO formally established after April 4 in the same year signed the North Atlantic Treaty in Washington . As with previous members of the Eastern bloc countries led by the Soviet Union to compete , the provisions of Article 5 of the Convention once the attack has been confirmed by the Member States , other Member States will make an immediate response. This provision is understood to force countries will automatically war, governments do not need to re- authorize the war . But a clause before the September 11 attacks , has not been utilized before. Up of the Soviet Union , declared the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact , NATO has become a regional defense cooperation organization . NATOs highest decision-making body is the NATO Council . Council by the heads of state and senior government member , Foreign Minister , Defense Minister components. Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. NATOs military spending accounted for 70 % of world defense spending . Northern trade minister, Qing Xianfeng eleven years ( 1861 ) , the Qing government established Zongli Yamen , under the three trade ministers and five trade minister, responsible for handling external trade ( including diplomatic ) affairs . Three trade ministers in Tianjin , management Niuzhuang , Tianjin, Tengchow three trade transactions. Start a full-time , first Renda Chen is Chonghou . German astronomer Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Sirius infer there was not found a companion in 1844 from changes in the movement of Sirius itself . [ 28 ] Nearly 20 years later, American telescope makers and astronomers Avatar Graham Clark (Alvan Graham Clark) on January 31, 1862 for the first time observed Fengyun dim companion . Astronomers call this companion of Sirius B, or affectionately known as coyotes . China Times 2013-02-17 01:35 [ Lizong You ╱ Taipei】 The meteorite fell to Russia , injuring more than a thousand , although very bad, but also very lucky not to cause more casualties ! Astronomical research center of the University of Professor Ye Yong Xuan pointed out that in the past everyone thought was a comet or asteroid hit the Earth , wolf , but this time the wolf really came, although it is only coyotes , but also to remind everyone to be serious about small bodies from outer space may impact devastating threat to Earth. ( End of life ) ( not heaven ) ( delete Perpignan two is deleted ) ( Bermuda Triangle Secrets ) ( termination )
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:45:28 +0000

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