Xmas, has to my mind, long ago lost the Christ in it, except for - TopicsExpress


Xmas, has to my mind, long ago lost the Christ in it, except for some who truly believe in Jesus Christ. For me this is the worst part of the year, for the last 5 years I have sat at home on my own, for both Xmas eve and New Years eve, mainly from my own choosing. Xmas, has always been a family time, when my parents and sister and her husband were still alive we used to have a family Xmas lunch on the day, since they have left us, no spirit of family is left. I am not looking for sympathy, merely just saying. please, to my family that are here still, dont react, this is not a dig at you guyz, we all have our own familys now, thats part of growing up, or as in my case growing old. New Years eve used to be the highlight of the holidays for me, as my earthday is the following day, and I used to party right through, remember those 3 day trance partys, my sons would, they loved the camping out and all the happy, (read stoned) people... The past few years have not been the same, a dull day in a dull way, too much traffic, too much drunk and too much dangerous to be anyways on the roads now a days. So spare little thought for me, embrace the family you have, whether you like them or not, love your family, it’s the only one you’re ever gonna have. The highlight this year, 2014, for me, has been working the some of legends of South Afrikan music this year, you know who you all are, but I must and will always mention, my muse Tim Parr, Jack Mantis and iconic legend and all round good guy Mr. Steve Fataar, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Lets do it again some time soon, yes ! Like 2015. To the mothers of my children, may the glory of the almighty shine upon you and guide you with our children. To my jawlling partner, yes you... Thank for being a positive light in my life and sharing your beautiful soul. I wish you all a peaceful and loving festive season. May the music flow in abundance in 2015. Over and out.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 14:17:21 +0000

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