Y0ur eyes, s0 full 0f life. F0rce me t0 keep 0n living. Even the - TopicsExpress


Y0ur eyes, s0 full 0f life. F0rce me t0 keep 0n living. Even the seas are thirsting t0 get a drink fr0m y0ur lips. H0w can any0ne paint y0ur picture? Or write a p0em 0n y0u? C0l0urs and w0rds are n0t en0ugh t0 capture s0 much beauty. Y0u are the heartbeat f0r my heart. Y0u are the life that helps me live. The scent 0f a bl0oming garden is in y0ur breath. The s0ftness 0f l0tuses is in y0ur arms. The brightness 0f sun rays 0n y0ur face. Y0u are as graceful as the deer. Y0ur scarf has en0ugh threads t0 stitch up any t0rn heart.. (
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 08:54:17 +0000

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