YA MUHAMMAD SALAM ALAYKA . YA AALI MUHAMMAD SALAM ALAYKA . QURANE HAAZARAAT AND TAWEEZ FOR MUREED AND ALL . DR. OF HAAZARAAT MURSHAD SAYED MEERAAN QADIRE AS SUFI AL QALANDAR . VODA FONE : +91 9 88 52 32 11 6 . MUREED OF Hazrat Syed Meran Hussaini Baghdadi. Name and title. His name is Hazrat Meran Hussaini al Hamvi but he was well known and famous as Hazrat Syed Meeran Hussaini and he belongs Sadat (descendant of the holy prophet through his daughter Hazrat Fatima) member. And due to this reason his name is called Hussaini and due to too much used of this name he is called as Hussaini instead of Hussain and his patronymic name is known as Ghouse Thani and his title is well known as Shah Abadal. Geneology. He belongs to family member of Sheikh Abdul Quader Jilani of Baghdad and he was connected with above the great Shaikh in the 14th generation. 1. Hazrat Syed Shah Meran Hussaini Baghdadi. 2. Hazrat Syed Shah Masud Hasan al Hussain Quadri Alhamvi. 3. Hazrat Syed Jalal Uddin . 4. Hazrat Syed Ali. 5. Hazrat Syed Abdullah. 6. Hazrat Syed Murshed. 7. Hazrat Syed Qasim. 8. Hazrat Syed Hussain Thani. 9. Hazrat Syed Moosa. 10.Hazrat Syed Mohammed. 11.Hazrat Syed Hussain. 12.Hazrat Syed Ahmed. 13.Hazrat Emad Uddin Abi Saleh Nasr Mohamd Quadri. 14.Hazrat Syed Taj Uddin Abdul Razaq Quadri. 15.Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Quader Jilani Baghdadi. Birth. He was born in the year 960 A.H. in famous and well know city of Iraq Mamat and for this reason he is called Al-Hamumi. Education and training. Since his early age he was much interested in knowledge of Zaheri (outside) and with this knowledge of Zaheri (outside) and there was passion in him for Talab Haq (one who seeks Allah) and he become perfect in the following upon doing his great endeavours and many hard tasks in this matter. 1. Mystics excercise. 2. Endeavours. Bait and caliphate. After long time he was obtained caliphate upon his bait (pledging spiritual allegiance) with his father Hazrat Syed Shah Masud Hasan al Hussaini Quaderi Baghdadi and upon getting award of saintly dress he has started the teaching preaching work of Islamic religion in the foreign land. Migration. During his youth period he was migrated from his place of birth Hamat and reached to Golconda kingdom along with his 100 disciples and devotees and settled down in the mosque which is near Golconda fort in Malkapur village (Lunger House) and till his last days he lived there. Condcut and character. He has complete trust in Allah and he used to engaged whole night in worship of Allah and he never missed his Tahjud prayer (supererogatory prayer) in early hours of morning . He did not used to have any link and connection with mankind and world. He was always used to busy in Zikar (invocation) and shagal (engagement). Due to his Tawakal (trust in Allah) and Istagna (content) he will not accept presents and gifts by his disciples and devotees. He was very kind hearted pious person. He used to help poor and needy persons. Due to his following qualities large number of persons used to present always around him to get his favour and attention. 1. Zahed (mystic). 2. Taqva (piety). 3. Spiritual status. General and special persons used to be benefited by his Faizan (favour) and Irfan (intimate knowledge of Allah). Miracle and revelations. There are many events of his miracles and revelation are available in the history records and from his many thousands miracle one of the following event is well known and famous. Once there were 100 persons with him and there was nothing available with them for their food for 3 days and for this reason darwesh and other persons in the shrine were facing sever hunger with them and feeling problem and difficulty in this matter. On the fourth day as per order of Sultan Mohammed Quli Qutub Shah of Golconda kingdom , the companion of sultan, Istaqlal khan come to his residence with 50 Kawan (trays) of different food items and presented them to sheikh so he has accepted the Kawan (trays) and distributed them to his 100 companions and all have eat the royal food as per their requirement and needs. So upon this sheikh closed the Kawans (trays) and returned them to the royal kitchen. In the royal kitchen when the royal servants opened the Kawans (trays) and they found all Kawans (trays) as it is and there was no shortage in them. For this reason upon watching his great miracle Istaqal Khan immediately proceeded to Sheikh’s residence and become his true disciple and devotee. Death. There is no death for pious and holy personalities of Allah but as per rules and regulations , Allah will transfer them from one place to another and another world is better than this world and this transfer is well known as death or another world. This great pious personality of Allah left this word on 13th Jamad Awwal in year 1049 A.H at the age of ninety years. Resting place. His grave is situated in Lunger House cross roads area in northern side of the road and on its left side there is four sided figure and in the above figure there is one door at the southern side of the grave and now one more door is added and which was constructed by some devotee for the convenience of the visitors there. In above construction of four sided wall figure there are two graves are there. The construction of the above four sided figure is based on the royal construction of Golconda style and in this area there are two graves are available and the details are as follows. 1. His grave. 2. In other grave his wife is buried and this grave is constructed in the ladies grave style . Around the above graves there is wall of marble was constructed and in its southern side the details of person who has constructed this wall is written as follows. By lieutenant colonel Mohi Uddin Ali Khan who was of the Inspector General of Nizams’s special forces. Around marble walls on the sides of two graves there were fixed 12 wooden poles of 6.10 feet and with these poles there was provided frame like construction and in this area there are three arches in all sides. On the grave there is one egg ostrich and there are also many applications are available there. In the above area there is provision of electricity. The tablet. At the above of the four wall sided figure there is one door on which there is stone tablet is there in which it was written as follows. This is Shrine of Syed Meran Hussaini Baghdadi and the name of person who presented this tablet is as also there as Ghulam Rasul resident of Makkah Mosque area. The well and kitchen. In adjacent to shrine’s large area in the eastern side there is big water well is there and its water is sweet. Some time before when there was no provision of water taps in the shrine then at that time the water of the above well was used in the shrine. Even today the visitors who used come to visit the shrine for the fulfillments of their desires and wishes used to take bath from the water of this well. There is kitchen near the well at the back side of shrine. At the time of the Urs (death anniversary) food items are prepared in this kitchen area and in the compound area a tent will be fixed in which the visitors of the shrine are provided food and benediction on this occasion . The Urs (death anniversary). Every year on the 27th to 29th of Zilhaj the Urs ceremony is celebrated and the lights are illuminated on the mausoleum. On this occasion people from various walks of life, irrespective of caste and creed, assemble to celebrate the Urs (death anniversary) which takes place on the above dates of Muslim calendar at the famous mausoleum of Syed Meeran Hussaini Baghdadi every year. Several hundred thousand Devotees from near and far, irrespective of religion and beliefs, gather there to seek blessings. During the Urs (death anniversry) time the visitors in large number will visit the shrine for the fulfillment of their desires and wishes for the sake of Shaikh’s name. In this way the above ceremony will be arranged on grand scale and the visitors will visit the mausoleum from near and far away places in large numbers will visit the shrine and pray Allah for the fulfillment of their desires and wishes for the sake of the Shaikh’s name. On the illumination day of shrine the flower wreath will be sent on the camel to the shrine from the Golconda army men . During the Urs (death anniversary ) time there will good arrangements of local police to control large number of visitors at the shrine. Daily there is bus service from Naya pool to Lunger House and its route number 80 and during the urs (death anniversary) there will be many buses will be provided from Naya pool. On 12th Jamad Awwal sheikh left this world so on this day there will be recitation of Fathea verse and this ceremony is known as small Urs (death anniversay) or small sandal. Sultan’s devotion. As per reference from the book ‘Tadhkirtal Auliya Hyderabad’ that due to his devotion and sadat (felicity) Sultan Ibrahim Qutub Shah of Golconda has arranged the marriage of his daughter Princess Kulsum Sultana with Hazrat Syed Meran Hussaini and he has no children with this marriage. At Opposite of door of the four walled figure and from its distance of some feet there is grave of Princess Kulsum Sultana is situated which is made of black stone. His children. He has five sons and their names are as follows. 1. Hazrat Syed Abdul Quader. 2. Hazrat Syed Abdul Wahab. 3. Hazrat Syed Sad Uddin Syed Asad Ullah. 4. Hazrat Syed Mohammed. 5. Hazrat Syed Abdul Razzaq. All the above were famous for the following things. 1. Trust in Allah. 2. Persons of revelation. 3. Persons of miracles. Favour. Sheikh was left this world before 385 years ago but since 385 years to till date his favour is continue and available in the shrine area. It is experience of day and night in shrine that the visitors are fulfilled with their desire and wishes and for needy person it is perfect place for fulfillment their wishes from this shrine. The visitors from near and far away places in large number will visit the shrine for the fulfillment of their desires and wishes for the sake of Shaikh’s name . His spiritual court is most beneficent for the following diseases and problems. 1. All diseases. 2. Evil spirits. Due to the cure of the above diseases and due to benefits of people from the shrine people from various walks of life, irrespective of caste and creed, assemble there and pray there for the recovery so his favour and affection is same and equal to all persons who will present there in his court and pray there for the recovery of diseases. As per manager of the shrine that there are many cases of patients effected by evil spirits used to come there and get recovery soon and from February 1981 there is increase of visitors in the shrine in large number. He has explained that his Jalali (majestic) condition is still alive so for this reason once in case of patient Mr. Saleem Uddin’s treatment somebody has thrown brazier by mistake in the well so for this reason there was great fire accident which took place in the well and huge fire flames were found there. Live miracle. The news report of this miracle has been published in daily Urdu news paper ‘Rehumai Deccan’ Hyderabad on 12th March 1981. Once one lorry driver Mr. Saleem was coming to Hyderabad from Bombay and on the way at place of Jalkot one male and female cobra snakes came on centre of the road and for this reason the male cobra was died suddenly due to accident by the lorry of Mr. Saleem on the spot and female cobra entered inside the lorry cabin and she sat there and for this reason some persons have killed her immediately. Mr Saleem who was at 26 years old have came to his house and after some days his health become seriously ill and his habits and movements were converted like cobra snake and he was started crawling like snake and for this reason his mother took him to many places of spiritualists for his health recovery but there was no benefit at all. After some time his mother arranged the marriage of Mr. Saleem with Miss. Durdana. After marriage Mrs. Durdana has also become patient of the evil spirits and her habits and movements were also converted as female cobra. Due to the serious condition of Mr. Saeeim and his wife the parents were become upset and worried in this matter and they took them to many places for their check up by spiritualists for their cure and recovery but there was no benefit for them. So as per advice of Mr. Saleem’s friend the couple have visited shrine of Hazrat Khaja Rehmatulla Saheb of Nellor and they stayed there for some days but due to no money for the expenses for their stay there and for this reason they were planning to come back to Hyderabad and at that in the dream they got message that they should take ration of 100 Rupees from the shop which is opposite of the shrine for free of charge and they have taken ration from the above shop without payment of cost and the shop owner did not demanded money upon the delivery to goods to them. After some time they were instructed in their dream to proceed to the shrine of Hazrat Yousuf Saheb and Shraif Saheb at Hyderabad so they have reached there and stayed there for some time. During their stay at the above shrine they were further instructed to proceed the shrine of Syed Meeran Hussaini Lunger House. From the resident of Mr. Saleem which is located at first lancer area of hill side they came to the shrine of Syed Meran Hussaini at Lunger House area and at the shrine they have been advised for bath at the well of the shrine and after the both of them were taken for their visit of the shrine for some days. In the shrine area their habits and movements of snakes like creeping and hiss continued and for this reason the visitors noticed their snake habits and this news was spread in the city so for this reason large number of persons came to the shrine to see them and watch their habits of snakes. Due to large number of visitors and gathering there was problem to control the large number of persons in the shrine and for this reason one police out post was established under supervision of the circle inspector of Mr. Ahmed Ali khan of police station Asif Nagar and following police men were allotted duties in the police outpost at the shrine area. Mr. Ishaque. Mr.Abdul Razzaq. Mr.Abdul Razaq. Mr. S.R. Goud. Also the above police staff watched the creeping and hiss condition of the couple. As per statement of policeman Mr. Abdul Razzaq that when there will be condition of invocation of spirits on Mrs. Durdana then she used to say to get back her husband and then she used to climb on the pole like snake. On the 4th February when there was condition of invocation of spirits on them they both said “Baba now we are going ” and then they slept for there some time and upon their wake up they become normal and in perfect health due to the spiritual favour and help of the Syed Meeran HussainI Saheb. Upon the above problem of evil spirits Mr. Saleem Has discontinued his lorry driving work and but upon his recovery of his good health he has continued the work of lorry driving. And her wife Mrs. Durdana also become perfect and her health was also improved very well by the kind blessings of sheikh in the shrine. Reference book : ‘Faizan Auliya Deccan ’ by Mohammed Ali Majdadi . ========================= Translated from Urdu into English by: Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com., Translator of ‘Tadhkirat Auliya’, Hyderabad-36, India.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 18:45:17 +0000

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