YAHWEH DAILY BREAD/WORD-TRUE SCRIPTURES ~ AMEN IN YAHSHUA MIGHTY NAME...YAHWEH BLESS!!! ~ DECEMBER 19TH, 2014 ~ (5775 YEARS SINCE YAHWEH ALLOWED YAHSHUA DEATH & RISE AFTER YAHWEH THIRD-DAY-JUST BEFORE SUNRISE (6 AM) 1ST DAY OF YAHWEH WEEK (SUNDAY), AFTER YAHWEH SABBATH-DAY BEARING REST 7TH & LAST DAY OF YAHWEH WEEK, SUN-DOWN SATURDAY) FOR ANY OF YOU WANTING YAHWEH TORAH, TRUE SCRIPTURES WITH YAHWEH & YAHSHUA NAME NOT TAKEN OUT...HERES THE LINK!!! eliyah/thescriptures/ Word of Yahweh for Yahwehs Hebrew Year 5775 (6th Month-September 25, 2014 - 6th Month-September 13th, 2015) What is Yahwehs meaning behind 5775? This day is designated by Yahweh’s word Yahshua as an appointed time (Moon keeps Yahwehs appointments of earths months). It begins on the First day of seventh Hebraic month (October) according to WAYYIQRA Leviticus 23:23-25. As most people understand the beginning of the year to be (10th Month-January 1st that date is based upon the Gregorian calendar (New Years eve is March 31st), however according to Yahweh’s word Yahshua the New Year or the Head of the year begins on the first date of Tishri (April 1st) based on Yahwehs Hebrew calendar-THEYRE ONLY 354 DAYS A YEAR, NOT 365...THE EXTRA 11 ARE FOR MAN-MADE HOLIDAYS TOO MAKE MONEY, NOT CAUSE THERE REAL!!! For those of you who are interested researching this, here is a link that might be helpful to you: https://bible.org/seriespage/lord%E2%80%99s-appointed-times-Leviticus-23 {DANI’EL 7:9-10} 9“I was looking until thrones were set up, and the Ancient of Days {Yahweh Most-High} was seated. Yahwehs garment was white as snow, and the hair of Yahwehs head was like clean wool {Curly/Nappy}, Yahwehs throne was flames of fire, its wheels burning fire.10“A stream of fire was flowing and coming forth from Yahwehs presence, and a thousand thousands served Yahweh, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Yahweh, the Righteous Ruler was seated, and Yahwehs books were opened. {THIS DESCRIPTION MEANS THAT IF YAHWEH WAS A HUMAN, HE WOULD BE A BLACK-MAN-THERE ISNT A NAPPY HEADED WHITE MAN!!!} {GALATIANS 3:16-17} However Yahwehs promises were spoken to Abraham, and to his Seed {Slaves/Hebrew/Black Peoples}. Yahweh does not say, And to seeds,” as of many, however as of one, And to your Seed,” who is Yahshua Messiah. 17 Now this I say, Torah, that came four hundred and thirty years later, does not annul a covenant previously confirmed by Yahweh in Messiah, so as to do away with Yahwehs promise. Making sure you gleamed this cause I didnt give it the MAJOR IMPORTANCE IT DESERVES YAHWEH BLESS SO THIS MEANS 130 YEARS AFTER THE DEATH OF ABRAHAM-SO WE COUNT HOW OLD HE WAS {YAHWEHS ONLY HUMAN FRIEND-170+130 {BERESHITH 24:7} And these are all the years of Abraham’s life which he lived: one hundred and seventy-five years. {175+130=305 B.Y. BEFORE YAHSHUA} THE RIGHT NUMBER {YEAR} YAHWEH STARTED SCRIPTURE!!! A Prayer For Controlling Anger: Abba Father Yahweh, when we are angry {feeling & expressing annoyance, animosity & resentment; enraged; It was formerly considered incorrect to talk about being angry at a person:} Yahweh tells us to stay above the fray and sin {evil in our own-mind, especially what we acted upon:} not. There are times when it is appropriate to be angry such as when we see a person harming another individual; when we have been lied to, when we have been unfairly accused & when we see the rotting decay around us due to the forces of evil. These situations, circumstances & immediate surroundings along with many others stir up strong emotions with us and often require a response to Yahwehs matter {we must humble ourselves & let vengeance belong to Yahweh:}. Keep us prayerful as we are quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. May we respond as Yahshua did to His many accusers, though innocent, Yahshua spoke not a word in His defense. And (instantaneously) may we be careful not to keep a score board of other’s offenses. We pray this in Yahshuas Mighty Name bearing Yahweh who forgives us and does not count our sins {evil in our own-mind, especially what we acted upon:} against us, however rather took them upon Himself {emptied of all human emotions}. Amen Yahweh, We pray this in Yahshua’s Mighty Name...Yahweh Bless!!! {MISHLE-PROVERBS 3} My son, do not forget Yahwehs Torah, And let your heart watch over Yahwehs orders/commands; 2 For length of days and long life And peace they add to you {Life Forever}. 3 Let not kindness and truth forsake you – Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart {Live by them, Forever}, 4 Thus finding favour and good insight In the eyes of Yahweh and man. 5 Trust in Yahweh with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 Know Yahweh in all your ways, And Yahweh makes all your paths straight. 7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; Love Yahweh and turn away from evil. 8 It is healing to your navel, And moistening to your bones {Life Forever}. 9 Esteem/Favour Yahweh with your goods, And with the first fruits of all your increase; 10 Then your storehouses shall be filled with plenty, And your vats overflow with new wine. 11 My son, do not despise the discipline of Yahweh, And do not loathe Yahwehs reproof; 12 For whom Yahweh loves He reproves, As a father the son whom he delights in. 13 Blessed is the man who has found wisdom, And the man who gets understanding; 14 For the gain from it is better Than gain from silver, And its increase than fine gold. 15 She {Wisdom is A Woman} is more precious than rubies, And all your delights are not comparable to her. 16 Length of days is in her right hand {Life Forever}, Riches and esteem in her left hand. 17 Her ways are pleasant ways, And all her paths are shalom/peace. 18 She is a tree of life {Yahwehs Wisdom leads to Life Forever} to those taking hold of her, And blessed are all who retain her. 19 Yahweh founded the earth by wisdom; Yahweh established the heavens by understanding; 20 By Yahwehs knowledge the depths were broken up, And clouds drop down dew. 21 My son, let them not depart from your eyes; Watch over sound wisdom and discretion; 22 Then they become life to your being And an adorning to your neck. 23 Then you would walk safely in your way, And your foot would not stumble {die}. 24 When you lie down, you need not be afraid {tomorrow is promised; if tomorrow wasnt promised, this life would make no sense... just born to die:}. And you shall lie down and your sleep shall be sweet. 25 Do not be afraid of sudden dread, Nor of the ruin of the wrong when it comes; 26 For Yahweh is at your side, And He shall guard your foot from being caught {You will never die...Life Forever:}. 27 Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, When it is in the power of your hand to do so. 28 Do not say to your neighbour, “Go, and come back, and tomorrow I give it,” When you have it with you. 29 Do not plan evil against your neighbour {not even steal his newspaper, nor look at his wife}, Seeing he dwells safely beside you. 30 Do not strive/fight with a man without cause, If he has done you no evil. 31 Do not envy a cruel man, And choose none of his ways; 32 For the perverse one is an abomination to Yahweh, And Yahwehs secret counsel {Life Forever} is with the straight {righteously Loving, Trusting & Believing Yahweh & Yahshua:}. 33 The curse of Yahweh is on the house of the wrong, However Yahweh blessed the home of the righteous. 34 Yahweh certainly scoffs the scoffers, however gives favour to the humble. 35 The wise do inherit esteem/favour, However fools are bearing away shame! Be strong and (immediately) unwavering in times when distractions abound. Stay connected to Yahweh by not allowing anything unrighteous to rule your thoughts, emotions & behavior. Then righteousness, shalom/peace and Yovel/joy will be your trademark. Yahweh is calling you to be closer to Yahweh and further from the things of the world than ever before. You belong to Me, Promises Yahweh Through His Only Brought-Forth Son, Our Ishi & Shaman Yahshua...Yahwehs Messiah!!! {YAHWEHS PRETENDERS-ROMANS 14} And receive him who is weak in the belief {Life Forever}, not criticizing his thoughts. 2 One indeed believes to eat all food, however he who is weak eats only vegetables {all your exercise & nutrition has nothing to do with Life Forever}. 3 He that eats, let him not despise him who does not eat, and he that does not eat, let him not blame/judge him who eats, for Yahweh received him. 4 Who are you that blames/judges another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. However he shall be made to stand, for Yahweh is able to make him stand {Live Forever}. 5 One indeed blames/judges one day above another, another blames/judges every day alike. Let each one be completely persuaded in his own mind. 6 He who minds the day, minds it to Yahweh. And he who does not mind the day, to Yahweh he does not mind it. He who eats, eats to Yahweh, for he gives Yahweh thanks {Always Bless your Food to Yahweh in Yahshuas Mighty Name}. And he who does not eat, to Yahweh he does not eat, and gives Yahweh thanks. 7 For not one of us lives to himself, and not one dies to himself. 8 For both, if we live, we live unto Yahweh, and if we die, we die unto Yahweh. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are Yahweh’s. 9 For unto this Yahshua Messiah died and rose and lived again, to rule over both the dead and the living. 10 However why do you blame/judge your brother? Or why do you despise your brother? For we shall all stand before the righteous seat of Yahshua Messiah. 11 For it has been written, “As I live, says Yahweh, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to Yahweh El Shaddai.” 12 Each one of us, therefore, shall give account of himself to Yahweh. 13 Therefore let us not blame one another any longer, however rather condemn this, not to put an obstacle or a stumbling-block in our brother’s way. 14 I know and am persuaded in our Ishi & Shaman Yahshua that none at all is common of itself. However to him who regards whatever to be common, to him it is common. 15 And if your brother is grieved because of your food, you are no longer walking in love. Do not by your food ruin the one for whom Messiah died. 16 Do not then allow your good to be spoken of as evil. 17 For the reign/name of Yahweh is not eating and drinking, however righteousness and shalom and Yovel in Yahwehs Set-apart Heart. 18 For he who is serving Yahshua Messiah in these matters is well-pleasing to Yahweh and approved by men. 19 So, then, let us pursue the matters of shalom and Yahwehs matters for building up one another. 20 Do not destroy the work of Yahweh for the sake of food. All indeed are clean, however evil to that man who eats so as to cause stumbling. 21 It is good not to eat meat or drink wine, nor to do whatever by which your brother stumbles. 22 Do you have belief? Have it to yourself before Yahweh. Blessed is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. 23 However he who doubts, if he eats, is condemned, because it is not of belief, and all that is not of belief is sin {evil lust in your own mind, especially the evil you have acted upon:}. PLEASE ALL PEOPLE...jesus-christians, allah-muslims, buddha, mormon, roman-catholic, baptist, presbyterian, methodist,...etc. ARE ALL LIES, YAHWEH & YAHSHUA ARE NOT A RELIGION, NOT SUPERSTITION, NOT A CULT, THERE IS NO BUILDING NOR DUES NEEDED, ALL RACES ARE WELCOME-ONLY REQUIREMENT IS SIMPLY TRUST & BELIEVE {YAHWEH (NOT HUMAN) TRUE FACTS THAT YAHSHUA(HUMAN) YAHWEHS ONLY BROUGHT-FORTH SON BY PLANTING/PLACING A SEED FROM HIMSELF IN A HUMAN BLACK/HEBREW SLAVE-WOMAN & CONDUCTED & CAUSED SOMEONE & SOMETHING TO COME} IS/WAS/HAS ALWAYS BEEN A HEBREW/BROWN/BLACK-MAN...A SLAVE-THERE HAS NEVER BEEN ANY WHITE SLAVES}-SPIRITUALITY...SAVE YOURSELVES FROM THE GREAT EVIL LIES THAT HAS COME UPON US ALL, THESE ARE FINALLY YAHWEHS END DAYS, NOT END OF YAHWEHS EARTH & PEOPLE, END OF THE EVIL, ALL WHO CONTINUE TO WALK IN DARKNESS/IGNORANCE BLINDLY FOLLOWING THE BLIND (LIES & FAITH IN WHAT A MAN HAS TOLD/WRITTEN WITHOUT ANY PROOF) WILL BE DESTROYED!!! PUTTING ON YAHWEHS ARMOUR OF PROTECTION: {EPHESIANS 6:10-20} 10 For the rest, my brothers, be strong in Yahweh {Trust & Belief} and in the mightiness of Yahwehs strength. 11 Put on the complete armour {Covered from head to toe, except your back; Yahweh Always got your back:} of Yahweh, for you to have power to stand {hang in there} against the schemes {A secret & devious plan; a plot; tricks:} of heileil/devil. 12 Because we do not wrestle {fight} against flesh and blood {humans}, however against principalities, against authorities, against the world-rulers of the darkness [ignorance] of this age[2014], against spiritual matters of wickedness in the heaven lies {Yahwehs Name}. 13 Because of this, take up the complete armour of Yahweh, so that you have power to withstand in the wicked day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand, then, having girded your waist with truth {Stop-Lying}, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness {Believing Yahweh truth in your heart & mind}, 15 and having fitted your feet with the preparation of the Good News of peace {being quick tell Yahwehs truth, that Life is Forever}; 16 above all, having taken up the shield of belief {Yahweh & Yahshua are Real} with which you shall have power to quench {Not Believe} all the burning arrows [Lies] of the wicked one [heileil/satan/devil]. 17 Take also the helmet of deliverance {COMMON-SENSE}, and the sword of Yahwehs Heart/Spirit {SCRIPTURE}, which is Yahshua Word of Yahweh, {Heart/Spirit and Word working in unity, turned to flesh...Yahshua}18 praying at all times, with all prayer and supplication in Yahwehs Heart/Spirit, watching in all perseverance {endurance} and supplication {To ask for humbly & honestly, as by praying} for all the set-apart ones;19 also for me, that Yahwehs word Yahshua might be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to be bold {speak without hesitation} in making known the secret of Yahwehs Good News {LIFE IS FOREVER}, 20for which I am an envoy in chains {SLAVE TO YAHWEHS TRUTH, VOLUNTARILY BOUND FOREVER}, that in it I might speak boldly {NEVER COMPROMISING}, as I should speak. (REVELATION 1:12-18) 12 And I turned to see the voice which spoke with me. And having turned, I saw seven golden lamp stands, 13 and in the midst of the seven lamp stands One like the Son of Man/Adam (means Human-Being), dressed in a robe down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band (gold-belt). 14 And Yahshuas head and hair were white (Wise, Aged-Grey) as white wool (Curly, Nappy), as snow, and Yahshuas eyes as a flame of fire (red, maybe from cannabis), 15 and Yahshuas feet like burnished brass (Brown), as if refined (burnt) in a furnace (Black), and Yahshuas voice as the sound of many waters (loud). 16 And in Yahshuas right hand Yahshua held seven stars, and out of Yahshuas mouth went a sharp two-edged sword (Spake Yahwehs True Word), and Yahshuas face was as the sun shining (Very Bright & Brilliant; being A Black-Man,Yahshuas face shines from natural oil) in its strength. 17 And when I saw Yahshua, I fell at Yahshuas feet as dead, and Yahshua placed His right hand on me, saying, “Do not be afraid, I am the First and the Last, 18 and the living One. And I became dead, and see, I am living forever and ever. Amen. And I possess the keys of the grave and of death [CLEARLY DEATH IS YOUR CHOICE & LIFE IS FOREVER...THIS IS A BLACK-MAN, THAT HAS BEEN REFERRED TO AS {white-jesus}...WHICH IS A LIE]. (TEHILLIM PSALMS 133:3) 3 Like the dew of Hermon, that comes down on the mountains (peoples) of Tsiyon (earth). For there Yahweh commanded the blessing (Obedience is stressed...VERY IMPORTANT), Life forever! (TEHILLIM PSALMS 22:26) 26The meek ones do eat and are satisfied; Let those who seek Yahweh praise Yahweh. Let your heart live forever (Cant mean after death)! (YOHANAN JOHN 8:50-51) 50“And I Yahshua do not seek My own esteem, there is One who is seeking and is judging Yahweh. 51“Truly, truly, I Yahshua promise/say to you, if anyone guards Yahweh Word Yahshua He/she/we shall never see death at all (PERIOD).” (YOHANAN JOHN 8:31-32) 31 So Yahshua said to those Yehudim who believed Yahshua, “If you stay in Yahwehs Word {being Himself}, you are truly My taught ones, 32 and you shall know Yahweh truth, and Yahweh truth shall make you free (FROM DEATH). (ACTS 7:6-7) 6“And Yahweh spoke in this way (just like this, in such a way): that his seed would be sojourning (suppose to stay for awhile) in a foreign land (America), and that they (Hebrew/Brown/Black/Negro-Peoples) would be enslaved and mistreated four hundred years (THIS IS CLEAR ONLY HERE IN AMERICA IS THIS FACT OF HISTORY TAKEN PLACE).7‘And the nation (European/White America) to whom they (WHO ARE CALLED NIGGERS) shall be enslaved, I Yahweh shall judge (RIGHTEOUSLY RULE),’ promises Yahweh, ‘and after that they shall come out (to end & terminate mental/physical slavery; emerge to publicly serve & confess Yahweh as gods real Name & Yahshua, NOT jesus as Our Messiah/Savior) in this place (America).’ *~CAN YOU SEE WHAT YAHWEH IS SAYING (IS PROMISING), CAN YOU HEAR WHAT YAHWEH HAS WRITTEN (ALREADY PROMISED)~* YAHWEH WHO IS NOT HUMAN: is SEMPITERNAL {Enduring forever; everlasting; eternal, having no known beginning and presumably no end; having no limits, boundaries in time & space & extent & magnitude:} ~ *HALLELUYAHWEH* ~ exilic-\eg-ZIL-ik, ek-SIL-\pertaining to exile, especially that of the Hebrews/Blacks in Mitsrayim/America (Egypt-Bondage/Mental Slavery...STILL TODAY-2014:)
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 23:53:06 +0000

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