YCLSA EPHAIM MOGALE DISTRICT COUNCIL YCLSA Ephraim Mogale 08 September 2013 Declaration of the 1st District Council of the Young Communist League of South Africa Ephraim Mogale Kwaggafontein Community Hall in Kwaggafontein. “The dialectical method regards as important primarily not that which at the given moment seems to be durable and yet is already beginning to die away, but that which is arising and developing, even though at the given moment it may appear to be not durable, for the dialectical method considers invincible only that which is arising and developing”. Dialectical and Historical Materialism We, the delegates, gathered here in the Kwaggafontein Community Hall, in the District Council on this day, the 8th September 2013 under the theme "Youth for Socialism, Health and Education’’, as we continue to affirm our strategic position in society as Marxist-Leninist youth wing of the South African Communist Party (SACP) we are propelling a struggle for youth socialism, quality free health care and education. We are representing 134 branches in the entire Six Sub district that include Emakhazeni, Steve Tshwete, Emalahleni, Victor Khanye, Thembisile Hani and Dr. J. S. Moroka. This 1st District Council is graced by the presence of the YCL Provincial leadership, Provincial leadership of SACP, SACP District leadership and our Alliance partners (i.e. ANCYL, SASCO, COSAS,). We have received revolutionary support through the messages delivered by leaders representing these organizations. We as UFasimba in Ephraim Mogale District, we make an oath to the spirit of a revolutionary and a commit ted die hard communist Cde Ephraim Mogale that we shall continue to use Marxism-Leninism as a telescope to analyze contradictions as they continue to unfold in the capitalist society, in honoring the undying spirit of the late comrade Ephraim Mogale we shall continue to agitate for the achievement of youth socialism, free and quality health care and education in our lifetime. The YCL will strive to unite the people’s camp, neutralize the detractors and isolate the enemy and assist the ANC-led Alliance to win the upcoming General Elections with a landslide Victory! Battle for Socialism in our life time. Council reaffirms the revolutionary commitment of the YCLSA in the district to play its mandatory role deriving from its programs in ensuring that it mobilizes, educate the youth. We take note of the ANC-led programmes which beginnings to have a social content especially the National Health Insurance (NHI). YCLSA and the SACP must never be apologetic to contest the state power to deepen the working class hegemony as the State is the highest and concentrated form of power. Council call upon YCLSA membership and leaders across the entire district and the province to enter into the battle of ideas in defence of the NDR by actively partaking in discussions and debates about the future of the country, regardless of the limited space offered by the bourgeoisie media. Cde Justice Pitso, the former Provincial Secretary of SACP in Limpopo in one of his articles made an observation borrowing from and interpreting the Dialetical and Historical Materialism that, the enemy of the revolution does not necessarily die, but changes colours. Indeed as the council we are in full agreement with the observation and interpretation of Dialetical and Historical Materialism as captured aptly by Cde Piisto, and this is in respect of the mushrooming counter-revolutionary forces in our society masquerading as revolutionaries, and we are convinced that the enemy has changed colours by extending its fitness of capital by funding these marauding thugs in red berets and their Apartheid apologist the DA and the so called Agang of skhothane Mama Mamphela. This YCL must continue to fight with tenacity this kind of tendency by making sure that it builds strong structures of YCL, arm them with Marxism-Leninism to enable them to be able to characterize this tendencies as they show in society. Political Situation in Ephraim Mogale District/Nkangala Region The political environment in the District/Region is contaminated and has reached a debilitating state, and all this in our view is happenening in the context of the institutionalize factional- ridden politics which has engulfed the leader of the alliance the ANC. The state of politics in the ANC has led to the disbandment of the ANC Regional Executive Committee (REC). As the Ongoye Congress of the SACP in 2012 resolved that we must defend the National Democratic Revolution, we therefore call upon our SACP and COSATU in the District to jealousy defend the leader of the alliance the ANC against anybody who has intentions of hijacking it and sell it to the tenderpreneurs. Anyone who will want to drive a wedge with an intention to create divisions and liquidate the ANC in the District/Region should be met organically by the full force of the Left agitators in the District/Region to preserve, and keep intact the ANC of Tambo, Sisulu, Mandela and many heroes and heroines of the struggle. We will continue to fight against cult of personality and pontification of individual leaders who want to behave like mini gods. We welcome the disbandment of the ANCYL in the Region/District, we believe that the RTT will guard against factionalism and gate-keeping which in the past characterized the YL and excluded a lot of comrades who hold the YL in high regard and possesses ideological perspective of the ANCYL. We as delegates to this council, we will go back to our respective branches and participate in the rebuilding process of the ANCYL. We will assist in rebuilding the YL and reposition it to continue to be the critical body of opinion both in the ANC and society. The Provincial Politics The Council is making an appeal to the National Committee to intervene and assist our debilitating Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) because we operate in an environment where there is total absence of the PEC to guide us as Districts of Mpumalanga. As the ANC start its processes of nominations both for National and Provincial representatives we call upon our members to go and participate and make sure that the processes run with the correct traditions of the alliance by making sure that the lists are balance, in the context that communists both from the Party and Cosatu form part of those who will be going to the provincial legislaturet and national assembly respectively. We call for the retention of Cde Bonakele Majuba, Cde Eric Kholoane (parliament), Cde William Lubisi and we need Cde Lucky Mbuyane and fidel Mlombo in the legislature. On National Politics The Council congratulated the National Committee for holding a successful National Council in Kimberly last month on the 25th-28 July 2013 and further thanked its delegates from Ephraim Mogale for the sober behavior they displayed during the entire proceedings of the National Council. The Council notes the current bitter political and ideological rapture taking place within COSATU, the rapture has led to certain affiliates of the Federation taking foreign ideological posture, NUMSA in particular, the decision to take Cosatu to court is a bitter pill to swallow and instead of working towards uniting the Federation, it deepens divisions. We are in the crucial stage as an alliance where we are confronted by General Election in 2014 and we are can’t afford the political situation brewing in COSATU and has now escalated to the ANC and the SACP through allegations of the GS of NUMSA accusing the SG of the ANC and the GS of the Party subsequently for foul play in the political affairs of the Federation. On youth units at municipalities We note with disappointments the state of youth units in the municipality which continue to use the youth units as cash cows, the biggest culprit being the Nkangala District Municipality youth unit under management of a business person. The youth unit at the district has decided to represent their interest instead of championing the integrated youth development strategy. The Council calls upon the removal of the manager of the youth unit in Nkangala District Municipality and be replace by a young, skilled and dedicated person who does not have conflict of interests. We will continue to lobby our allies in the PYA SASCO, YL and COSAS on our position regarding Nkangala District Municipality youth unit because the municipality/unit has uppermost decided to convene youth related events without the involvement of the PYA structures. It is for this reasons that we feel that we should be engaged into a collective action with our allies in calling for the removal of the youth unit manager at the NDM. However, it is not only the District Municipality which doesn’t implement the integrated youth development strategy and we will lobby once again the PYA to have a resolution that will speak to the matter at hand in relation to having municipalities having fully fledge youth units. International context Council has observed the continuing global capitalist system which is in crisis, its deepening economic crisis which started around 2008 through what is called recession. This crisis has again affected the developing economies, South Africa in particular and the Capitalist through the media has started to blame the crises to the ANC-led government. We reject the claims that the ANC-led government is responsible for the persisting challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality. On Swaziland: We will continue to support and give solidarity to the progressive forces who wants democracy in Swaziland against the barbaric monarchy of the Tinkundla government regime. We call upon the international community to isolate this barbaric regime of Mswati . The Council calls for the release of all political prisoners in Swaziland. On Syria: We stand against the war-mongering tendencies emerging from Obama against Syria and her people. The progressive countries should unite against the Obama and Cameron in their thirst for blood of the civilians of Syria. Conclusion As Council delegates we commit ourselves to the struggle for socialism in our lifetime and will continue to operate within the political guidance and confines of the SOUTH AFRICAN COMMUNIST PARTY (SACP). We will mobilize all young people in different stratas of society to go register to vote and renew the mandate of the ANC for soci-economic transformation of South Africa. We will go out in numbers to mobilize those vulnerable young people who the Apartheid apologist DA has insulted b-frees by the generation of Mandela as they were born during the period of the release of Mandela and other political prisoners and on the eve of the usurp of political power. We are reminding them that there is no person who can be free under a capitalist society, there is no person who can be free where society is characterized by the triple challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 10:26:08 +0000

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