YCLSA Tisha Vanga district statement on the of the SACP Christ - TopicsExpress


YCLSA Tisha Vanga district statement on the of the SACP Christ Hani red brigade launch and the ANC mayihlome phase of the election campaign on the 51st day before election day May 7. 18 March 2014 ON THE SACP CHRIS HANI RED BRIGADE LAUNCH. The YCLSA has been part and parcel of the launch of the Chris Hani red brigade of a specialized task to add value and energy to the campaign of the MDMs electioneering component- the African National Congress. We continue to be committed and visible in the SACP and ANC elections campaign as the YCLSA. This we are doing as part of our 3rd national council resolutions that we will campaign for the overwhelming majority victory of the ANC for jobs, education and health. We remain steadfast and rigid on this position and will continue to work within party and ANC election structures. “Defend the revolution against enemy propaganda, whatever form it takes. Be vigilant comrades. The enemy is vigilant. Beware of the wedge-driver, the man who creeps from ear to ear, carrying a bag full of wedges, driving them in between you and the next man, between a group and another, a man who goes round creating splits and divisions. Beware of the wedge-driver, comrades. Watch his poisonous tongue. ANC President OR Tambo cautioned in closing Morogoro conference in 1969. ON ANC ELECTION CAMPAIGN(MAYIHLOME PHASE). Over the past weekend our district had a visit from the ANC NEC delegation led by National Chairperson Cde Baleka Mbete for various programmes ranging from students and youth interactions, church visits, community mass meetings, door to door campaigns and meeting professionals around Nala, Matjhabeng sub districts and other parts of the district . The central message to this programmes has been that TOGETHER WE ARE MOVING SOUTH AFRICA FORWARD. SA IS A BETTER PLACE THAN IT WAS IN 1994. Our people are appreciating advances that have been made thus far and still have confidence that much still needs to be done and can still be done when we are working together with the ANC given its track record in the past 20 years in governance. We urge particularly young people in the district not to be confused and be misguided by organizations that expropriated the ANC YLs (our ally) policy proposals on nationalization of commanding heights of the economy based on 7 cardinal pillars of economic freedom without compensation. We call unto all our structures and members to continue exposing those who are working for and hosting opposition party meetings under the guise of the ANC for this creates serious confusion and disrupts the encoding of our many voices and one message- TWO BALLOTS, VOTE ANC! On recent reports of Gangsterism and anarchy in Meloding, Masilonyana and Thabong Far East and the district generally. We are taking note of recent gangsterism and violent attacks taking place around the district that led to loss of many lives. This types of criminal activities compromises safety of our people as a human right fundamentally and their ability to live freely in the republic. The people should enjoy movement free from hindrance of any nature for them to be active and add value to the livelihood and economy of this nation. We refuse to believe any malicious attempt to claim that gangsterism, crime and violent behavior is a byproduct of poverty. We characterize it as delinquency by those who wants to destabilize this country. We note the commitments of the MEC of Safety and roads and transport Cde Butana Kompela in light of regular patrols and visible policing generally. We further call unto SA Police Service to perform its mandate and protect the people of our land. The YCLSA will continue to encourage its members and the youth in general to join Community Patrols and Community Policing Forums in their localities as part of its commitment to peace and stability and that we all bring hands together and fight against crime in our area. ON YOUNG COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF SA OPERATION KHULA. The YCLSA in Tisha Vanga district is under going a rigorous programme of recruitment and political inductions of structures members across the length and breath of Lejweleputswa. This is aimed at the realization of quantitative and qualitative growth of the youth wing of the party of socialism in South Africa. This operation will be supplemented by a permanent Bua Thursday(to commence on 20th March 2014) series of political lectures we are intending to carry out in the whole district. Statement issued by YCLSA Tisha Vanga District. For inquiries contact: Lesedinyana Rampeta District Secretary 073 575 4734 Mzwandile Thakhudi District Spokesperson 079 328 9322
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 06:57:28 +0000

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