YEAH!!! Kiley had her LAST...did I just say that...LAST follow-up - TopicsExpress


YEAH!!! Kiley had her LAST...did I just say that...LAST follow-up appointment from her surgery. Praise God! The fluid around her heart is almost completely gone. She can stop taking Motrin! Her blood pressure has remained normal. So, no blood pressure medicine. (This is huge, the cardiologist said today that she is not sure why her blood pressure has remain low. Due to how her heart looks it should still be high, but she said she isnt going to complain. Thank you, GOD! Because we all know that is the reason why!!!) The heart monitor she wore only showed 11 irregular beats. Eleven! The doctor said that a normal person would have the same thing. They only get concerned when it is more that 5% and it was MUCH less than that. Praise God!!! Heart looks great and she can play again! We did get the thumbs down on beginning gymnastics. Due to most of her gymnastics being tumbling the doctor does not want exercise to stress the upper body. Kiley has gained 4 pounds! That might not sound like a lot to you, but since for the past couple of years she has been losing weight...4 lbs is HUGE! S She has also grown a half inch since her surgery. YEAH! She is catching up with her twin. 8) So, for those that tell them apart because of their height...sorry! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your prayers. We know that this surgery, recovery, and mental processing has all gone as smoothly as it has because of each one of you. Prayer is powerful. I fully believe it. God has been gracious and given us more gifts than I know we deserve. We are humbly thankful for His presence through this all. Without Him I know we would have crumbled. So, for right now we are signing out. I hope that we will not have to use these CarePages/Facebook Group again for a very long time. Thank you for caring for our family and especially our Kiley. Today we were discussing what each wanted to do when they grew up while at the doctors. Kiley said, I want to change the world. Watch out, world, here she comes!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 19:22:17 +0000

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