YEAR: 2013 TOURERS: BRYAN, LAURA, MICHAEL, JAMES COSTS: $8 CHAINSAWS: 5/5 MORE INFO: ST. PATS St. Pats is an annual favorite of the Tourers, and one weve been going to for many years now. Despite being a decent distance for Horror Tourer home base, we still put it on our :must do list every year. Its a fine example of how you dont need big hype or lots of money to put on a good haunt. You just need some passion, dedication, and creativity. St. Pats starts out creepy. Its located in downtown Kankakee, but slightly off the beaten path. The building itself looks old and unused from the outside, and the haunt is located in a former convent which is supposedly really haunted. If you didnt know any of this going in, youd know it by the time you go through, as the people running it make sure to tell you! On haunt nights, the street in front of the haunt is blocked off and numerous live actors roam the streets, interacting with visitors even before they get inside the door. More actors can be found inside, walking around or just standing still and freaking people out. While the price for St. Pats is a very reasonable $8, wed actually recommend the fast pass for twice the price - its still reasonable and, since the lines tend to get long very quickly, its worth it. As mentioned, the haunt takes place in an old convent, and visitors can feel the old atmosphere surrounding them. It emanates from the old staircases and walls, and from inside the old convent rooms, too. Its just another layer of creepiness that adds to the fun of the haunt. The haunt is also quite long, and features a full inside portion on multiple levels, an outside portion, and then a dark maze in the basement. Picture COMMENTARY While some rooms are the same (or similar) from year to year, there is always something new to see at St. Pats. This year there were several new rooms, including a room with a spinning demon baby in a crib (along with a great live actor who managed to creep us out while we were there). Two other new rooms also turned out to be our favorites of the evening - one room
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 10:17:46 +0000

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