YEMISI OBILADE: THE FACE OF A LIQUIDATOR AND UNDERTAKER- When the Governor of Ogun state Sen. Ibikunle Amosun appointed Mrs Oluyemisi O. Obilade as the Vice Chancellor of Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijagun on January 9th 2013, the university community thought the storm in TASUED was over because the Governor didnt appointed a Director as rumoured in the government circle because of the earlier decision of the state government to scrap the school. The students and staff went to sleep as they were relieved of the scrapping tension despite loosing there hard earned resources to the struggle against the wicked and callous decision of the Amosun administration to scrap the premier university of education in Nigeria. The cunny mistress knowing the danger in the venture came in unceremoniously and promised to join the university community as a partner in progress. She assured everybody that she would not be a LIQUIDATOR or UNDERTAKER. Alas! Few months to her administration, she started playing her script. Many didnt suspect the impersonator initially because of her (SU) posture . . . Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, but it takes a chameleon little time to change skin. Aunty Yemisi as fondly called by all started with marathon Senate meeting with various degree of attacks on members to the extent of embarrassing some senior members of the Senate. She atimes make some (incantations). A woman who seat in a meeting for like 10hours without easing herself should be feared!. She sacked some staffs unjustly to give room for appointment of her own family, friends and cronies (the records are there in the University), suspension of contractors handling some university assignments on no ground other than mischiefs, suspension of promotion and arrears, owing of teaching staff allowances. Please take your time to check the few injustice in TASUED. 1. Pretentious removal of former acting bursar to pave way for unnecessary appointment of a new acting bursar and a partner in financial misconduct. 2. Unjustified removal of the Chief Security officer to give room for the appointment of a dismissed Police officer as CSO. 3. Organisation of training tour to include non-university staff with heavy financial burden on the university. 4. Undue transfer of University Account to Diamond Bank to allow the Vice Chancellors child become a bank manager. 5. Appointment of a dismissed police officer turn POP CORN SELLER as aide-de-camp. The said ADC is even a school cert fail out and was placed above her mates in the university establishment. 6. Delay in payment of staff salary with fallacious excuses. 7. High handedness and undue humiliation of staff. 8. Wasting of university fund on children party when salaries are owed. 9. Ingenuity to TASUED cause. 10. Extravagant spendings on renovation of Vice Chancellors lodge and police escort. The list is endless. STILL LOADING . . . When all this were happening, we the students cant poke nose into matters relating to staff. They are old enough to handle their issues. But little did we know that Aunty Yemisi would bounced on us. She has descended on we the owner of the school whose parents are paying through their nose to pay our heavy school fees in view of the economic hardship in the country caused by the few privileged individuals ruling us like Empress Yemisi Obilade. Several atrocities have been carried out. Take a look at some of them: 1. Prolonged inauguration of newly elected SUG to fight for our right. 2. Aiding and abetting of division in the rank of student union leaders in the school to divide us. 3. Introduction of inaccurate payment system through the malfunctioning POS. Often time its either inconclusive payment or double deduction to the advantage of the management account. Aunty Yemisi, this is a fraud. There is God o!. 4. Payment of undue penalty fees from 10,000 to 20,000 on late school fees payment or late registration. Whereas this is caused by the university slow system not us. Another fraud! 5. Introduction of 1 carry over no teaching practice policy. Aunty Yemisi shifted ground after serious pressure and may canvass it next session. 300Level students dont sleep. 6. Automatic extra year for students who paid after January 6, 2014 despite collecting late payment of 10,000 to make over one hundred thousand from each student. About 750 students are not graduating because of this cruel policy. AUNTY YEMISI DONT MILK OUR PARENT DRY! 7. Appointment of informants within the student to get informations on students to be expelled and staffs to be sacked. 8. Inflation of student hostel fees. 9. Appointment of too much female staff into leadership position. E MA SO TASUED DI ILUBINRIN, olewu!. We are not getting result of this. For example the Secretary of teaching practice board. Summarily, Aunty Yemisi goofed- She has forgotten that administration can not be diffused from politics of Ogun state. Hence she has been victimizing every comrades, stakeholders and staff whose political efficacy had helped to fight against scrapping to which she is NUMBER ONE beneficiary today. She keeps seeing everybody who wants to raise a finger against the government as enemy. Is it a crime to protect our university?. Yemisi is always quick to remind us thus; If problem here is too much, I will go back to where I came from GO IF YOU WANT TO GO! WE DONT EVEN NEED YOU MOSQUITO! Where was Aunty when we were splashing our bloods to protect this University? Does she think only administrative skills would get things done? Indeed, the sucking mosquito is in for a bad time ahead. Let me tell the student and staff of TASUED that there is already and ENEMY within. Permit me to introduce to you Aunty Yemisi Obilade, A MOSQUITO, A LIQUIDATOR, AND AN UNDERTAKER. She is already playing her prepared script and will soon send the student back home and sack all the staff to make AMOSUN SCRAPING AGENDA A REALITY. This is the gospel truth!!!.
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 10:28:13 +0000

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