YES GOD DISCIPLINES US GOOD. ANOTHER SCENARIO. MIRIAM MOSES SISTER. ALL PLOTTED UP TO OVERTHROW MOSES BECAUSE HE MARRIED AN ETHIOPIAN OR SUDANESE WOMAN. LORD HAVE MERCY! GOD IS NOT HAPPY AND WILL DISCIPLINE MARIAM NO MATTER WHAT MOSES SAID TO INTERCEDE FOR HER. Numbers 12:5-15Living Bible (TLB) 5 Then the Lord descended in the Cloud and stood at the entrance of the Tabernacle. “Aaron and Miriam, step forward,” he commanded; and they did. 6 And the Lord said to them, “Even with a prophet, I would communicate by visions and dreams; 7-8 but that is not how I communicate with my servant Moses. He is completely at home in my house! With him I speak face-to-face! And he shall see the very form of God! Why then were you not afraid to criticize him?” 9 Then the anger of the Lord grew hot against them, and he departed. 10 As the Cloud moved from above the Tabernacle, Miriam suddenly became white with leprosy. When Aaron saw what had happened, 11 he cried out to Moses, “Oh, sir, do not punish us for this sin; we were fools to do such a thing. 12 Don’t let her be as one dead, whose body is half rotted away at birth.” 13 And Moses cried out to the Lord, “Heal her, O God, I beg you!” 14 And the Lord said to Moses, “If her father had but spit in her face she would be defiled seven days. Let her be banished from the camp for seven days, and after that she can come back again.” 15 So Miriam was excluded from the camp for seven days, and the people waited until she was brought back in before they traveled again.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 20:43:01 +0000

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