YES, YOU CAN HAVE FUN WITH A TEENAGER - My 14 year old daughter is - TopicsExpress


YES, YOU CAN HAVE FUN WITH A TEENAGER - My 14 year old daughter is both an aspiring 46er (11/46) and also a Catskill 3500er (17/35). She is attempting to convince a couple of her friends to join us for a Catskill hike this weekend. If you ever wonder about the benefits of getting kids involved in hiking, read the following transcript. I have cut and paste with her approval. Its definitely validation of time well spent on the trails! Enjoy!! :) .> Youd be surprised how fast time passes when youre in the woods and with people that you like. LOL As always, my parents need your parent (s) permission. They need to be informed that the Catskills are three hours away, and that you guys WILL HAVE to stay over Saturday night. (Probably gonna get up around five, five thirty to get to the trailhead at a reasonable time). I hope this doesnt scare you away, its going to be alright. Theres also the typical risks of going outside. Bugs, scratches, bruises, bangings, exercise (that is a danger I swear). You guys will burn A LOT of calories, so you will be eating MORE that day than normal. Trust me, youre going to be VERY hungry and VERY thirsty. But lucky us, my parents and I usually stop at Stewarts on the way back and get ice cream and stuff. Just repeating what I said before, please make sure your parents completely understand the circumstances. This place is in New York (I think-?) and it is a long ride. You guys are welcome to bring your phones and earbuds (I highly doubt well be awake enough to talk on the way there, and personally, no offense, I might be a little grumpy and I like to get a few more hours of sleep in the car ride with my earbuds in LOL) And heres a little bit to convince you MORE- Hiking is a great way to get exercise, and tone your body in general. Its also A LOT OF FUN. You can experience so many things that you would never even get to say if you dont hike. For example, the other day I almost walked right into a bear (true story bruh) And Ive stood in the Arctic Alpine Zone. ((Above 4000 ft, I think-?) You also feel AMAZING when youre at the top of the mountain. Most mountains its up most of the way to the top- then mostly down all the way back (negating flat). The miles go by quick and the time flies by even faster (especially when having friends) We do have emergency medical stuff in our packs (you guys probably wont have packs- well carry your food and water(OR I WILL BECAUSE MY PARENTS ARE JERKS>.>))) so if you do get a cut or something, we can help. Note: my dog Sandy IS coming. Shes a very good hiking dog. We will be a large group, and we need to stick together on the trail. I tend to hike faster than my parents, you guys I cant judge because youve never hiked before. I most likely WILL NOT hike as fast as I can just so that I dont make things confusing. But, anyways, the views are also SPECTACULAR. That feeling that you get when youre on top....Its amazing. I swear, its an ego-boost BIG TIME. so yeah thats pretty much it. Ask your parents, show them these posts, do what you have to do to convince them. We are reliable (lol), we are experienced (even me), and this is a lot of fun that I think everyone should experience at least once in their life. We most likely will NOT have cell service while hiking, although you can bring you phone on the way to take pictures. Thanks and I hope you guys can come!!!>
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 01:02:42 +0000

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