YES something was thrown , WEATHER or NOT it was a brick is - TopicsExpress


YES something was thrown , WEATHER or NOT it was a brick is debatable . All I know is once again we are now all bickering among ourselves instead of focusing on the REAL matter at hand , anyone seen to be inciting riots etc should be quickly removed from protests or reported to guards as THIS kind of action is exactly what they want to see as it makes protesters look bad I know this because where my family were once on the side of peaceful protest are now saying most peeps there are thugs , this is just some of my family member NOW imagine what the rest of the country that is almost on-board or the fence about this whole debacle. Violence solves nothing KEEP it peaceful if not for the better of the protest at least do it for your FUTURE generations . Together we stand divided we fall. ~Ned Kelly Well said Ned. The simple fact is, if you cause any violent act, no matter how insignificant, you are giving this Government and the Media EXACTLY what they are looking for. Let me explain. The protest was largely peaceful right up until the end. It was only after the Guards and Joan were heading out of the area did a kid run up behind the car and throw a missile at the car. What seems to be just some random brat who should have known better, has become the main headline for the WHOLE PROTEST as reported in the Media. This kind of behaviour, no matter how insignificant it might seem to you, will be used by the Powers That Be to discredit you and destroy any chance of ridding ourselves of Irish Water and related water charges. That kid cost us big time. If you are a cool head, its incumbent on you to nab these hot heads who cant keep their tempers in check and pass them on to the Guards. Failing to do so will end this Water Charge Protest faster than you can say, where do I sign up for my Water Allowance... Remember, cool heads will win the propaganda war. You will never win any other way. If you believe otherwise then you might as well stop right now and sign up to your water charges because you have already lost.. Ireland is too conservative and the majority will alienate you for carrying out in a violent way before you can comprehend what happened.. This battle for the minds of people will be won or lost on the actions of a few. Be mindful of this... ~Belenus
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 21:51:26 +0000

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