YESTERDAY I CONCLUDED THAT ONLY THOSE WHO STAY IN OUR "CONFRONT ZONE" NEVER FAIL The plan sounds challenged but possible, two IM on the same weekend in two different countries. In Kalmar I just said that everything went as I planned, but it was so windy that, I had to go bend on the aerobat all the time (very bad to my recently back cirgury) besides I "jog" a little bit to hurry up and finish earlier but I paid that price the next day. By 9 pm I had finish my first IM, pick up the bags, took a shower as fast as I could, put everything in the car, even we do everything as fast as possible we arrived to Copenhagen by 4 am just in time to leave the luggage in the hotel and went directly to transition area to get the bike ready. I could´nt sleep not even a minute on the 4 hours driving from Kalmar to Copenhagen because I took a lot of Coke and caffeine products, lack of sleeping was the worst part……but in spite of this I started as planned. I swam in 1:13 not bad with some corrient in the ocean in an "interesting" swim course, it was very cold and when I went out of the water it was raining but this time I hadn´t leave a jacket on bike´s bag, and I thought "lelt´s see what will hapend". The wind started to feel stronger and by the time I tried to bend on the aerobat my back screamed ."DON´T EVEN TRY IT" with this warning, the cold rain, the lack of sleep and to make it worst the time limit for this IM was 14:55, the bit of common sense that I had still awake told me "don´t risk the 4 IM+Hawaii and your health just for finishing this"….and after a big internal fight….. This little voice won. I hope that with the " proper rest" I will finish the next weekend IM Whistler, the next weekend is Japan, the next weekend Wisconsin, then Tahoe and finally...Kona in October …. "Failures" by great challenges are great learning experiences ...
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 15:00:08 +0000

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