YESTERDAYS LESSON Isaiah 42:1--16 Behold upon the mountains the - TopicsExpress


YESTERDAYS LESSON Isaiah 42:1--16 Behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace! --Nahum 1:15 Where Will We Be? // Souls that have never heard about salvation in Christ Jesus are entering the realm of eternity . Some may have heard the message of salvation in part, but have never seen Bliblical principal s applied to Dailymotion life. Others think they have salvation , but they are deceived. Perhaps they are not bearing" fruits meet for repentance" ( Matthew 3:8). And then there are souls who hear the Word of the Gospel, but they reject it or simply neglect it. All these catagories of people are made up of souls that are going to a Christless eternity , and that means going to hellas. They show why it is so important for Christians to bring " hold tidings." Proverbs 16:25 says," There is a way that seemeth right unto a man , but the end thereof are the ways of death," This verse clearly says that it is possible to think we are right and yet be wrong ! There could be nothing words than to believe that we are saved, but find out after we die that we are lost. " He that hath the Son hath life ;and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the Name of the Son of God ; that Ye may know that Ye have eternal life, and that Ye may believe on the name of the Son of God" ( 1 John 5:12--13). These verses clearly tell us who has eternal life and who does not. May the Lord lay it upon each one of us to be a missionary in our corner of the world. May we carry the good tidings to lost souls so that When we meet God , we can be bringing in the sheaves. We Shall Come Rejoicing ,Bringing In The Sheaves. Study) Job 4--6, Jeremías 4, Acta 19
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 13:03:39 +0000

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