YET AGAIN!!!! PEOPLE THAT HAVE LIKED THIS PAGE FOR A WHILE.......... PLEASE LEAVE IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY WE DO NOT ADVOCATE REPORTING FAKE ACCOUNTS TO FACEBOOK!!!!! (sorry, we have tried nice numerous times) : Results of an experiment in the merits of reporting a fake or scammer profile to Facebook: Scamming Scammers A fake profile was created and received multiple suspensions from facebook due to people reporting it. The name was made up, the email was made up and the photo a phony. Each time the page was suspended the only thing required was to put in a phone number on the profile and get a verification code text. The phone number used was a pay as you go so was not linked to anyone. Verification entered after receiving text entered and profile immediately reinstated. (along with it all friends there prior to suspension) Remove the phone number from the profile. Profile gets suspended again so put the phone number back on the profile and let them send another verification text. Profile immediately reinstated, remove phone number. You can do this three times. Then, profile gets suspended and they then show you photos of your friends and you have to put the right name with the right friend (also provided lol)... you only have to do 5. If you fail you can retry a little later. In fact you can keep doing it until you get it right! Ok passed that test and account reinstated. uh oh, suspended again.... nevermind, just put the phone number back on the profile and get a verification code texted. Immediately reinstated. RESULT: BY REPORTING THE PROFILES YOU ARE CAUSING VERY VERY LITTLE INCONVENIENCE TO THE SCAMMERS. IN FACT YOU CAUSE DAMAGE. NOT ONLY DOES IT REMOVE THEIR EXPOSED PROFILES FROM ANTI SCAM PAGES WHEN IT IS SUSPENDED BUT CREATES MORE VICTIMS AS OUR WORK IS NOW GONE (THEY ARE NO LONGER EXPOSED FOR ALL TO SEE). WHEN THE PROFILE IS REINSTATED IT DID NOT RESHOW UP WHERE IT WAS PREVIOUSLY POSTED.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 04:53:31 +0000

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