YG will protect their own. We are a family. Never forget this. - TopicsExpress


YG will protect their own. We are a family. Never forget this. But this doesnt mean we have to trend negative news. Just keep promoting WINNER positively. If anyone tells you that Nam Taehyun is an Iljin (korean high school gang member who bullied students and beat them up) Tell them, So what? Its in the past. I dont care. You will be called trash because you are stanning a person or a group that has a supposed iljin. Believe me bullying is such a sensitive issue that this would hurt WINNER a bit. But what will hurt WINNER more is if you as a member of the INCLE (INNER CIRCLE) stage on full blown twitter wars and what not. Why? Because it would feed fuel to the fire. You all already know he dated her that girl in the past. Taehyun was forthcoming about that. We already had a feeling this kid was unstoppable, not just because of his talent but because he has a lot to give. This is coming out because Boms issue is dying down. And WINNER is the next target. Why? Because they are the next big thing. Remember when Tablo was traumatized by a netizen? Where is Tablo now? YG. Remember when GD, TOP, Riri, Daesung went through those scandals, did they get hung and thrown out by YG? No. YG knows that everyone is not perfect. And they all have a past. But music is what matters here. And that is what should matter to us. Music changed Nam Taehyuns life. He is now, doing his best to become a better person and reach his dreams. We are not going to let anyone take that away from him. Yes. This is the time for fans to shield our idols. By being calm and just letting the music speak for itself. KEEP WATCHING THE M/Vs. KEEP VOTING IN EVERY POLL. YGstans get even in the charts. REMEMBER THAT. We dont stoop to the level of rumor mongering people. DO NOT TREND the words ILJIN and NAM TAEHYUN. Because the Taehyun we know now is no longer the high school kid that he was. He is now WINNER. And we are his INNER CIRCLE. This is just issue #1. There would be more to come. If the VIPS, Cassies, ELFs and EXO-L has anything to teach us. Its to be brave. And to keep the faith. Because after all the scandals are done and forgotten, the music remains. Those fans who want to leave,let them. We dont need them. Let them leave. We will remain in the Inner Circle. And eight years from now, we will be celebrating a (pal) 8th anniversary as INCLEs.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 11:58:57 +0000

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