YO!!! So I was Just BLOCKED by Another Fool. Kuthar Lambert. - TopicsExpress


YO!!! So I was Just BLOCKED by Another Fool. Kuthar Lambert. Whilst cmnting on MY post, took it upon herself to somewhat Disrespect a Friend of mine. When I NICELY Called her on it... SHE BLOCKED ME. How Pathetic is that?? READ FOR YOURSELF, IF YOU ARE FRIENDS WITH HER, TELL I DID IT. CAUSE THIS IS WEAK AS HELL; Kauthar Lambert: that wasnt advice, it was a statement. lol @ you telling me what to do. thats part of the reason why your miserable ass has been humped & dumped. and it matters, because you want a man...thats why you feel abandoned by Black men that love SELF enough not to be bothered with YOU!! 4 hours ago · Like.. Munouche Aldras: Yet, another ignorant person that has nothing relevant to say so she makes up crap to defend her lame argument. You dont know me so save that humped and dumped comment for your mother and sister, better yet, yourself. Whether that was an advice or statement you need to follow it. 4 hours ago · Like.. Munouche Aldras: I never had a problem with black men, dude you are stupid! 4 hours ago · Like.. Munouche Aldras: Did you read your comment before posting it? You sound like an ignorant 12 year old. 4 hours ago · Like.. (I HAD BEEN AWAY FROM MY COMPUTER & WHEN I FINALY CHECKED, CALLED HER ON HER OFF COLOR REMARK) SoLo Vii Alexander: Kauthar Lambert That humped & dumped cmnt was out of line. & QUITE Tasteless & tacky. Personal attacks on a woman YOU DO NOT KNOW is un called for. I happen to KNOW this Lady Quite well & I ALSO Know that she is of the UTMOST INTEGRITY. Ignorant words Undermine your Entire argument. Smh. There was NO call for that. For Real. I Cant let that Slide. It was Straight disrespectful. 7. 2 hours ago · Like.. SoLo Vii Alexander: Wow... Do you know she just BLOCKED Me for checking her????? Kuthar Lambert. SMH How PATHETIC. Instead of being a Grown Woman about where You crossed a line... You Block me for it??? How VERY WEAK of you. 7. a few seconds ago · Like (So PLEASE, What are your thoughts on this Ppl??) SoLo7.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 08:08:35 +0000

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