YOGA LEADS TO DEMON-POSSESSION AND GOD OF THE BIBLE FORBIDS YOGA PRACTICE. Yoga has satanic roots. yoga is not really about physical health at all. It is simply a means of attaining certain demonic spiritual goals. Good health is supposed to be a side benefit of excelling in the spiritual aspects of yoga, one of which is to awaken Kundalini—that serpent goddess who is coiled up at the base of your spine. You want to get her stirred up and stretched out so she can start slithering up your spine and resettle in your head. And as that demon—er, Kundalini—starts responding to your inviting mantras, meditation, and special breathing exercises, she’s going to reward you with some sensual warm fuzzies. Some feel an electric tingling up their spine when Kundalini is on the move. Others report feeling breezes across the palms of their hands or the soles of their feet. So then, when you yoga, you are wandering far away from the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and you are aligning yourself with the warped teachings of Hinduism—a demonic cult which claims that the Holy Spirit does not even exist. Does this sound like a God-honoring activity? Not hardly. Yoga is demonic from beginning to end. It is far more than a system of stretches. All the positions you get into have cultic beliefs attached to them. If you didn’t realize this, you need to. Yoga is not for Christians. God designed the human body as a spiritual temple and vessel (1 Corinthians 6:19, 2 Corinthians 4:7). We can use our bodies for good or evil. We can offer them to Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, or Satan through a demon. The choice is ours. The bodies of true believers are “the temple of the Holy Spirit”; they have been “bought at a price” – the “precious blood” of Jesus (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 1 Peter 1:19).[2] So why would anyone open the door to Satan and offer their bodies to a demon, when they could offer it to Jesus? Why would they grieve the Holy Spirit?
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 08:59:11 +0000

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