YORUBA PEOPLE: EGYPTIAN ORIGIN? [PT 2] Could the Yoruba have - TopicsExpress


YORUBA PEOPLE: EGYPTIAN ORIGIN? [PT 2] Could the Yoruba have migrated from a white Egypt? Far-from the truth! PROOFS OF EGYPTIAN NEGRONESS 1. Egypt was a part of Africa and therefore should be black. 2. The Egyptians believe that Egypt was a colony of Ethiopia, and that the religion was brought to Egypt by King Horus from the south (inner Africa). Thus when the Egyptians died, they buried their corpses with their faces facing the South West (the direction of West Africa, home of the Yoruba). 3. Some West African peoples claim that their ancestors migrated to ancient Egypt. The Yorubas claimed that a mystic-prophet Orunmila (Oritse Udeji among the Itsekiri) migrated to Egypt and established a religion. Archaeology and cross-cultural studies have shown that Negroes migrated from West Africa to ancient Egypt. 4. Anthropologists have discovered, to their dismay, that Egyptian cultural traits: divine kingship, forms of burial, Osirian cult, etc., permeate some parts of Negro Africa. 5. Some deities exist in Egypt and in Negro Africa, such as Adumu, Hepi, Inama, Sami Horise etc. 6. The Greeks referred to the Egyptian as Hoi Aiguptos, (black people); the Egyptians referred to themselves as Kam (black in their language.) 7. Melanin test proved that the Egyptians were black. 8. Osteological measurements which are less misleading than craniometry in distinguishing a black man from a white man has proved that the ancient Egyptians belonged to the black race. Lepsius, a German Savant at the end of the nineteenth century, made the studies and his conclusion remains valid. Future studies have not contradicted the Lepsius canon, which in broad figures gave the bodily proportion of the ideal Egyptian: short armed and of Negroid or Negrito physical type. 9. Most West African claim Egyptian ancestry. If they are black, their ancient Egyptian ancestors must be black. 10. Ancient paintings on caves and temples in Egypt depict blacks. At first there were only black paintings, in later times, the blacks were shown ruling over whites and yellows (Asians). 11. Ancient statues and carvings found in Upper and Lower Egypt showed black skins, and features. 12. Ancient monuments such as the pyramid have been replicated in other parts of Africa. A typical example is the Warri pyramid recorded in Roth (1671). 13. Language similarities exist between the Egyptians and some groups in west Africa such as the Wolof and particularly more so, the Yorubas ( more then 500 similar words have been discovered bearing identical meanings. See Yoruba is Atlantis by the same authors: to be published). 14. Recent findings of Genetics and Molecular Biology and Linear Analysis have proved the Egyptians were Negroid. 15. The testimony of classical writers such as Plato, Homer, Aristotle, Pythagoras etc., portrays the Egyptians as blacks. 16. the physical photograph of Yuyi of ancient Egypt is Negroid (Barbara Mertz : Red Land ,Black land: 1967). In order to prove the Egyptians origin of the Greek oracle of Dodona, Herodotus says: And when they add that the dove was black, they gave us to understand that the woman was Egyptian. The doves mentioned in a text Epirus stands for two Egyptian women, reputed to have brought the oracle from Tebu (Thebes)[today there are two Tebus in Yoruba land] in Egypt to establish the oracle of Dodona in Greek and Libya. Another antiquarian, Lycinus, describing a young Egyptian, mentioned Negroid features. This boy is not merely black; he has thick lips and his legs are too thin. His hair worn in a plait behind shows that he is not a free man. The mention of black, thick lips and hair worn in plaits behind are totally of African origin. In those days Itsekiri owned slaves (mostly Sobo) were either clean-shaven, or they wore their hair in plaits until they regained freedom. Thus, unknowingly, Lycinus had drawn an identical cultural affinity between the Kamites and the Yorubas. Marcelinus, a Latin historian writes: The men of Egypt are mostly brown or black with a skinny and desiccated look. Appolodorus, who lived in the first century before our era, commented on Egypt as Negroes: Aiguptos captured the country of the black footed ones and called it Egypt after himself. Aristotle an ancient Greek philosopher, a disciple of Plato in a naive way showed that the Egyptians were black, hear him: Those who are too black are cowards, like for instance the Egyptians and the Ethiopians, but those who are excessively white are also cowards as we can see from the example of women, the complexion of courage is between the two. Herodotus, 485-425BC, the father of history, further said concerning the ancient Egyptians: It is in fact manifested that the Colchidians are Egyptian by race. Several Egyptians told me that in their opinion that the Colchidians were descendants of the soldiers of Sesostris. I had conjectured as much myself from two pointers, firstly because they have black skins and kinky hair (to tell the truth this proves nothing for other peoples have them too) and secondly more reliably for the reason that alone among mankind, the Egyptians and the Ethiopians have practiced circumcision since time immemorial. The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine themselves admit that they learnt the practice from the Egyptians, while the Syrians in the river Thermodon and the Pathenoise region and their neighbours the Macrons say they learnt it recently from the Colchidians. These are the only races which practice circumcision, and it is observable that they do it in the same way with the Egyptians. As between the Egyptians themselves and the Ethiopians, I can not say which of them taught the other the practice, for among them; it is quite clearly a custom of great contiguity. As to the further strong proof to my belief is that all those Phoenicians trading to Greek cease to treat the pudenda after the Egyptian manner and do not subject their offspring to concussion. Herodotus mentioned black skins and kinky hair as features of the Colchidians of being descendants of the Egyptians; he also mentioned the survival of circumcision. It should be noted that Abraham the Arab patriarch of the Jews learnt circumcision from Hagar, his Egyptian slave wife, whence the custom spread to the Jews. Herodotus also commented that other peoples (those in inner Africa and the black Sumerians and Canaanites) also had kinky hair. The towns of ancient Egypt: On (Annu) or Heliopolis, Hermonthis, Dendera, Tebu etc., were developed by Annu, the pre-dynastic blacks of Egypt. Skeletons of the Negro Annu were ubiquitous in ancient Egypt... Mene, the first pharaoh of the first dynasty, sometimes identified with the God-man Osiris (A black forerunner of Christ) was a Blackman. Zoser, Sesostris, Amenhopis, Khufu, Menthuhotep, Queen Amuses, Nefertari etc., were also all Negroes. The Egyptian religion and other cultural practices show strong African and more so Yorubic characteristics. These can be seen in the following areas: 1. The lost wax method of brass or bronze making, which was common to both the Yoruba peoples (particular Ife) and the ancient Egyptians. 2. The ritual of initiation 3. Striving to achieve the ultimate in Good and truth (summun bonum) 4. The doctrine of transmigration of soul and reincarnation is widely believed in, by both peoples. 5. The concept of the god king. 6. Aspiration to achieve the great good of the gods wealth health and long life. 7. The Yorubic regalia, in most cases, are strikingly similar to pharoanic ones. 8. Veneration of the Ram in both places. Among the eastern Yorubas (Itsekiri especially, most of the water deities are depicted as ram following the predynastic and pharoanic patterns). 9. Both peoples answer the theophorous names. LINGUISTIC SIMILARITIES Since Ferdinand de Saussure, the surest way to prove a cultural contact between peoples is to adduce linguistic evidence (Ferdinand de Saussure (1972) General HISTORY OF Africa). One of the largest inhabitants of Egypt were Yoruboid , and it will be expected that a good percentage of their language will be yoruboid ,too. See the table below. EGYPT YORUBA 1. Wu (rise) Wu (rise) 2. Ausa (Osiris, father of the gods) Ausa (father) 3. Ere (python/ Serpent) Ere (Python / Serpent) 4. Horise (a great god) Orise (a great god) 5. Sen (group of worshippers) Sen ( to worship) 6. Ged (to chant0 Igede (a chant) 7. Ta (sell / offer) Ta (sell/offer) 8. Sueg (a fool) Suegbe (a fool) 9. On ( living person) One ( living person) 10. Kum (a club) Kumo( a club) 11. Enru (fear / terrible) Eru (fear / terrible 12. Kun / qun (brave man) Ekun (title of a brave man) 13. Win (to be) Wino (to be) 14. Odonit (festival) Odon (festival) 15. Ma or mi (to breath) Mi. (to breathe) 16. Tebu (a town) Tebu (a town) 17. Adumu (a water god) Adumu (a water god) 18. Khu (to kill) Ku (die) 19. Rekha (knowledge} Larikha (knowledge) 20 Hika (evil) Ika (evil) 21 Mhebi (humble) Mebi, humble to ones family 22 Sata (perfect) Santan (perfect) 23 Unas (lake of fire) Una (fire) 24 Tan (complete) Tan (complete) 25 Beru (force of emotion) Beru (fear) 26 Em (smell) Emi (smell) 27 Pa (open) Pa (break open) 28 Bi (to become) Bi (to give birth, to become) 29 Hepi (a water god) Ipi (a water god) 30 Sami (water god) Sami (a water god) 31 Osiri (a water god) Oshiri (a water god) 32 Heqet Re (frog deity) Ekere (the frog) 33 Feh (to go away) Feh (to blow away) 34 Kot (build) Ko (build) 35 Kot (boat) Oko (boat) 36 Omi (water) Omi (water) 37 Ra (time) Ira (time) 38 Oni (title of Osiris) Oni (title of the king of Ife) 39 Budo (dwelling place) Budo (dwelling place) 40 Dudu (black image of Osiris) Dudu (black person) 41 Un (living person) Una (living person) 42 Ra (possess) Ra (possess/buy) 43 Beka (pray/confess) Be or ka (to pray or confess) 44 Po (many) Po (many/cheap) 45 Horuw (head) middle Egyptian Oruwo (head) (Ijebu) 46 Min (a god) Emin (spirit) 47 Ash (invocation) Ashe (invocation) 48 Aru (mouth) Arun (mouth ) Ilaje 49 Do (river) Odo (river) 50 Do (settlement) Udo (settlement) 51 Shekiri (water god) Shekiri (a water god) 52 Bu (a place) Bu ,a place 53 Khepara (beetle Akpakara (beetle) 54 No (a water god Eno (a water god) 55 Ra -Shu (light after darkness Uran-shu (the light of the moon 56 Run-ka (spirit name) Oruko (name) 57 Deb/dib to pierce Dibi (to pierce) 58 Maat (goddess of justice Mate (goddess of justice) 59 Aru (rise) Ru (rise up) 60 Fa (carry) Fa (pull) 61 Kaf (pluck) Ka (pluck) 62 Bu bi (evil place) Bubi (evil place) 63 In- n (negation In-n (negation) 64 Iset (a water god) Ise (a water god) 65 Shabu (watcher) Ashonbo (watcher) 66 Semati (door keeper) Sema (lock/shut the door) 67 Khenti amenti (big words of Osiris Yenti yenti (big, very big) 68 Ma (to know) Ma (to know) 69 Bebi, a son of osiris) Ube, a god 70 Tchatcha chief (they examined the death to see if they tricked tsatsa (a game of tricks, gambling ) 71 Ren( animal foot) Ren (to walk) 72 Ka (rest) Ka (rest/tired) 73 Mu (water) Mu (drink water) 74 Abi (against) Ubi (against / impediment) 75 Reti (to beseech) Retin (to listen) 76 Hir (praise) Yiri (praise) 77 Ta(spread out) Ta (spread out) 78 Kurud (round) Kurudu (round) 79 Ak male Ako (male) 80 Se to create Se (to create) 81 Hoo (rejoice) Yo (rejoice) 82 Kamwr (black) Kuru (extremely black 83 Omitjener (deep water) Omijen (deep water) 84 Nen, the primeval water mother) Nene (mother 85 Ta (land) Ita (land junction) 86 Horiwo (head) Oriwo (head) 87 Ro (talk) Ro (to think) 88 Kurubu (round) Kurubu (deep and round) 89 Penka (divide) Kpen (divide) 90 Ma-su (to mould) Ma or su (to mould) 91 Osa (time) Osa (time) 92 Osa (tide) Osa ( tide) 93 Fare (wrap) Fari (wrap) 94 Kom (complete) Kon (complete) 95 Edjo (cobra) Edjo (cobra) 96 Didi (red fruit) Diden (red) 97 Ba (soul) Oba (king) soul of a people 98 Ke (hill) Oke( hill 99 Anubis (evil deity) Onubi (evil person) 100 Kan (one: Middle Egyptian) Okan one) 101 Nam (water god) Inama (water god) The words above are used to show that most Yoruban words are identical to the ancient Egyptian. Source: Race and History IO.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 12:06:54 +0000

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