YOU ALREADY ARE LIMITLESS, WHOLE, AND COMPLETE ~ The most direct approach in spirituality lies on discriminating, separating the Awareness you are (reality, your real nature), from all objects, all experiences appearing in you as awareness. The moment you clearly begin assimilating this knowledge you will notice that all of these subtle objects we call, painful memories, believes, emotions, negative conditioning... are not real, but just a by-product of wrong notions, the same way a shadow is the result of light being obstructed by a certain object. All these objects have the power to somehow veil, obstruct the light, the freedom, the joy, the creativity, the love... and many other attributes of our natural state as Pure Awareness. As you say, it is a very good thing that you begin seeing and identifying all these limiting notions that makes you experience yourself as small, and inadequate. Every one of these notions has an experience attached to it because the mental-emotional body is one single organism. Make an effort to deny attention to those notions and if you can, associate yourself with Awareness only. Now, don’t be discouraged if these deeply rooted notions will keep coming back! They are old and they have the great power the sages of all times call; MAYA, (the great illusionist). Just stay firmly put as the SEER, the OBSERVER, and by and by the Light of Consciousness will melt away all your past unconscious conditioning. You will be fine once you remain Pure and Simple as You Are, free from identification with your own objects of perception. Allowing nothing to stick to you. IN FACT, you are already FINE, WHOLE, AND COMPLETE. The only challenge you will face for some time is that those old ideas, those mental-emotional patterns (vasanas), while still alive, will keep pressing and pushing into your conscious mind, creating a sort extroversion in the mind, producing a sort of eclipse of the clear vision from the standpoint of the Awareness You Are. Try to discriminate, to separate. Keep doing your good work, and if necessary apply other less direct means of knowledge such as meditation and karma yoga. Let me know how it goes. Nagarjuna
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 02:47:27 +0000

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