YOU ARE A CREATURE OF VERSATILITY August 3rd, 2014 SUNDAY, - TopicsExpress


YOU ARE A CREATURE OF VERSATILITY August 3rd, 2014 SUNDAY, 3RD AUGUST, 2014. QUOTE OF THE DAY: “IT TAKES BEING VERSATILE TO COPE WITH UNFORESEEN CHALLENGES” Memory Verse: “I can do everything through him who gives me strength” Philippians 4:13. What you are trained to do is not as expressive as what you are naturally endowed to do. As a matter of fact, your potential is superior to your credential. Living only by what you are trained in the school to do will restrict you to that job you are trained for. But living by what you are gifted to do will afford you the opportunity of expansion to several related areas, thereby making you versatile. Human potential increases with use. You may be wondering, why I am saying all these; the reason is that, the events of life are unpredictable. Life itself is full of unforeseen situations, occurrences and circumstances. The demand for your services may suddenly wane in the market. Your employer may wake up one day and say your service is no longer required. Job opportunities of what you are trained to do may not come many years after graduation. Skills acquired may no longer fetch you money as usual. Hence the need to be versatile. You are not created to get to a point in life and be stranded. No! God is wiser than that! You are a creature of versatility. Place an obstacle in the path of running water; before you know it, it creates another path for itself. This is what is called meandering in geography. For instance, Peter trained as a fisherman but as life or destiny would have it, he found himself in a circumstance to pastor the sheep of Christ – an assignment that calls for writing, speaking, reading and travelling. Assuming your present comfort is threatened abruptly, won’t you find a way to survive? Or your employer refuses to pay your salary for six months; would that mean the end of your life? Thus, credential is just a means to an end, not the end itself. Situations will always come up, there will always be change but such must not make you stranded or miserable. Apart from your present job, there are other things you can do that will widen your economic base. Look inward now. Do not wait until chips are down completely. Do not wait until your manna ceases; do not wait until you are sacked; do not wait until you are no longer relevant in the scheme of things. You may never realise you can do something until you venture into it. May the peace of God be with you! Have a blissful Sunday! PROPHETIC ACTION FOR THE DAY LOOK AT YOURSELF IN A MIRROR, BEAT YOUR CHEST AND SAY; I AM MORE THAN THIS AS MANY TIMES AS POSSIBLE. LET THAT BE YOUR CONFESSION THROUGHOUT TODAY. PRAYERS FOR THE DAY I refuse to be stranded in life in Jesus name. I am created to be relevant; I am created to be versatile, I shall not lose my flavour. Holy Ghost, revive my sense of initiative and proactiveness. I receive grace now to look within me and unlock the treasures therein. FURTHER STUDY: Philippians 4:10-13; Mark 1:16-18. Read the Bible through in one year: Matthew Chapters 23:37-25:30; Job Chapter 15:7-21. Remember to further prophesy on yourself!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 04:03:53 +0000

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