YOU ARE ALL WELCOME TO YOUR MONTH OF PERFECTION AND PROSPERITY..Ist PETER 5:10, 3rd JOHN 2. FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR OUR HUMBLE DADDY IN THE LORD ENOCH ADEJARE ADEBOYE TOLD US THAT GOD SAID THIS IS OUR YEAR OF OVERFLOW BUT FROM THE BEGINNING OF THIS YEAR HIS CHILDREN WILL BEGIN TO EXPERIENCE NIGHT(Turbulence, tough times, challenges, sicknesses, disappointment, unemployment etc) but in the 6month it will expire and the 1st of July you will begin to experience DAY (breakthrough, expansion, success, fruitfulness, fulfillment in every area, prosperity, promotion, employment beyond measures etc.) Theres a word I received from our Regional Daddy J.R. Akintunde..SATGO and I am pleased to share with you, freely I received,freely I am giving to you, and as you concord with God, the man of God and me, and practicalise by His mercy you shall enter into your your immediate OVERFLOW in Jesus name. Theme: THANKING GOD FOR ALL THINGS Text: Ist Thessalonians 5:18 As weve been told biblically to give God thanks for all things; this includes bad or good, thanking Him for your present status, be it poverty or riches, head or tail, failure or pass. thank Him for all. SOME REASONS WHY WE ARE TO THANK HIM. 1. FORMER THINGS DONT COME TO STAY. Isaiah 42:9 Negative things never come to stay in the life of a CHILD OF GOD, though may cause a lot chaos etc, but it has an expiring date and I decree that day in NOW in Jesus name. Ichron 4:9-10, whatever has been the former things from the 1st till the end of the 6month, today marks it expiring day, so go ahead and begin to thank God, because if its bad, Gods fire is destroying, if good, Hes doing much more in Jesus name. 2. JOY COMETH IN THE MORNING. Psalms 30:5 Joy is not meant for the night but rather day, while night is meant for weeping. whatever has cause you to weep throughout the past six marks their expiring day..enter into your Joy of rest, laughter and celebrations in Jesus name. John 11:3, 14, 41-44 3. NEW THINGS ARE WAITING FOR YOU. Isaiah 43:19 Because new things is setting in, let go of the old with thanksgiving to the Lord. I decree in the name of the God of E. A. Adeboye enter into your Newness of life, new beginning in Jesus name. As of now begin to Confess positively to your life, as you do, every doubt and unbelief will begin to fizzle out. Numbers 14:28 4. BECAUSE OF THE TIDE . IIkings 2:19-23 Give Him thanks because He is the Unchangeable Changer and He is turning your tides around for the better in Jesus name. Hes answering all your unanswered prayer, so go ahead and thank Him, dont allow the devil to rob you of your greatness because you havent receive answer yet. By the special grace of God, all your unanswered prayer will turn to testimonies this very month in Jesus name. John 16:24, Isaiah 65:24 5. BECAUSE YOU WILL NOT DIE POOR. Ist peter 5:10 Are you a student, the Lord will settle you distinctly this very month in Jesus name Are you an applicant, barren woman, today the Lord will settle you distinctly in Jesus name. Ps 1;3 In conclusion, Psalms 107:2, says only the REDEEMED(born again) can say so and enjoy every benefits listed above. If you are that person reading and you arent His own, you have the opportunity now (John 9:4) to renounce your sin and ask Him (Jesus) to come into your life and be Lord, as you do..You shall experience a new dawn in Jesus name...SHALOM!!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 08:35:37 +0000

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