YOU ARE MY ROCK AND MY FORTRESS; THEREFORE, FOR YOUR NAMES SAKE LEAD ME AND GUIDE ME. ( PSALM 31:3 *NKJV ) Brethren, a good friend is worth more than gold, for they will stick by you through good times or bad. For; A MAN WHO HAS FRIENDS MUST HIMSELF BE FRIENDLY, BUT THERE IS A FRIEND WHO STICKS CLOSER THAN A BROTHER. ( PROVERBS 18:24 ) Jesus Christ is such a friend, for He has said; YOU ARE MY FRIENDS IF YOU DO WHATEVER I COMMAND YOU. NO LONGER DO I CALL YOU SERVANTS, FOR A SERVANT DOES NOT KNOW WHAT HIS MASTER IS DOING; BUT I HAVE CALLED YOU FRIENDS, FOR ALL THINGS THAT I HEARD FROM MY FATHER I HAVE MADE KNOWN TO YOU. ( JOHN 15:15-16 ) Therefore I will share a poem with you about our dearest friend, Jesus Christ. I hope that you will enjoy it! The Dearest Friend! I have a Friend in Jesus, Hes ever walking near To share my every burden And take away my fear. Its in His precious name I pray To our God above; Its through His sacred teachings that I learned the way to love. God did not put me on this earth To walk lifes path alone; He sent His Son to be my Guide, The dearest Friend Ive known. No other One could be so true, He bore the cross for me; Because He died for my sins I must ever faithful be. If you are lonely on lifes way And feel that no one cares, You have a Friend in Jesus If you will kneel in prayer.
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 10:46:11 +0000

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