YOU ARE NOT AMERICAN. DONT FLY OUR FLAG. GO HOME AND TAKE OBAMA WITH YOU. ========================= Great welcome to Muslims holding a function, and discussing being against Terror and Hate. The Founder and Owner of the Group is well known to me. He is a wonderful man who without charging flies all over the Country to help Develop better understanding between Muslims and other Faiths. Last night the protestors were angry because the Building was made with their Taxes. Well the Muslims who live there also pay Taxes. It was obvious the protestors did not have enough education to know about Muslims and the fact not every Muslim is from the Middle East. Funny they were bashing the Middle East, wonder if they knew Israel is also the Middle East. -------------------------------------------- Protesters, upset that a Muslim group was holding a conference at a Texas conference center owned by the local school district, showed up last night waving flags and signs telling attendees, “Go home and take Obama with you.” The conference, entitled “Stand With the Prophet Against Terror and Hate,” was being being put on as a fundraiser for a Chicago-based Islamic group, Sound Vision, and approximately about 500 attendees were expected, reports NBC-DFW. Holding signs saying “You are not Americans. Don’t fly our flag,” protesters complained about the Garland Independent School District allowing the group to use the facility. “We pay our taxes to that school, and I don’t want them here,” one woman, Lavona Martindale said. Another protester, identified as Greg McKinley, said, “We’re here to stand up for the American way of life from a faction of people who are trying to destroy us.” McKinley added, “If they want to live their life like the middle east, they can go back to the middle east.” “I want for people to see that we are kind peaceful people,” explained conference attendee Page Spence. “We’re not here to fight, we’re not here to argue. We’re just here to show that we’re Americans too.” ---------------------------------- WE ARE AMERICAN TOO. I WONDER WHERE THIS HATE COMES FROM. IS IT SEEING TO MUCH FOX NEWS ?
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 23:39:04 +0000

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