YOU ARE NOT WORTHY TO BE A WIFE AND A MOTHER HAVE YOU HEARD THIS BEFORE ? I HAVE SISTERS LET ME SHARE SOMETHING WITH YOU THOSE WORDS REALLY HURT ME DEEP IN MY HEART I FELT I WANTED THE FLOOR TO SWALLOW ME NO MATTER WHAT NO HUMAN BEING DESERVE TO BE USED ABUSED SWEAR AT ETC... I struggled to find who I was and was lost in abusive relationship. Ive discovered myself when I started having faith in God and He restored me in the princess I now am and Ive moved out of the past and Im now walking in the light of God. And Ive found myself and my heart is filled with love and joy. I feel whole again. And I want every woman to know that no matter how broken you feel God can repair. Stop following thing of this world or trying to be like someone. We are all created to perfection in His eyes. And if someone tells you otherwise cut them out of your life. Wake up everyday and thank the Father for the gift of life. Find joy in everyday. Whether it is giving to the needy or just encouragement to someone. And remember to do it out of your heart. How are you gona feel knowing all your life you have beaten up yourself cause you never felt worthy. U cant do anything when your dead. Cause the devil is going to torment you further. So just know that God loves you so deeply and abundantly looking at us like each women on this earth you are His princess and you are His princess and you are worthy to be a wife a mother and all that God called you to be. bless and love you all
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 04:08:01 +0000

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