YOU ARE WHAT YOU BELIEVE This morning, in my daily devotion, I - TopicsExpress


YOU ARE WHAT YOU BELIEVE This morning, in my daily devotion, I came across this quotation: “Many proclaim the law of God abolished, and surely their lives are in keeping with their faith. If there is no law, then there is no transgression, and therefore no sin; for sin is the transgression of the law.” This can be looked upon by two ways. In the first example, because there is no law, then it is fine to have other gods. This is why they’re able to have their jobs, family, friends, interests which rise above their obligation to the true God. This is why they’re able to use God’s name disrespectfully in order to justify their allegiances to their other gods. It explains why they do not believe in the necessity in the keeping of God’s Holy Sabbath day. It explains why their relationship with their elders is faulty. It explains why they’re able to take the life of themselves and their families without regard to eternal interests. It explains why they’re able to take what is rightfully God and offer it to God’s enemy. It explains why they are able to desire that which is not their own and expend means and energy to get it. It explains why they’re able to discredit those who do serve God without compunction. In the second example, because there is no law of God, but will claim there is a law of Jesus, something totally different. They believe they have a message to impart to others overriding what God has stated. They believe Jesus would supersede God and therefore they believe they have a “commission” to teach others what they believe, which goes back to the first example, and that, my friends, is deadly. In fact, it is eternally deadly! There is this concept Jesus lived the life God wanted man to do and the fact He did it absolves us from having to do it, mostly because we’re unable and because we ARE unable, they rest in the fact Jesus did and we accomplish this goal in Him. They “almost” got it correct except with the word “absolves us”. It doesn’t mean, at all, we are NOT to do it. What they fail to realize it is through Christ we are “able” to do it. We’re able to do exactly what Christ did and that was in fact, keeping the Law of God, every one of those Commandments and any man, preacher, teacher who says we’re not able is partnered with satan who states the same thing! I love this quotation which followed, “It is astonishing to see upon what flimsy foundations very many build their hopes of heaven! They rail at the law of the Infinite One as though they would defy Him and make His word null. Even satan with his knowledge of the divine law would not dare to make the speeches which some law-hating ministers make from the pulpit, yet he exults in their blasphemy.” Now, the choice is before you. You can believe the lie satan told and have many millions believe, even many angels who once lived in heaven that it is impossible to keep the Commandments of God, or, you can believe Jesus who says it is possible to keep the Commandments of God simply because, as proof, He’s done it. Personally, I’ll take what Christ says EVERY TIME!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 01:07:49 +0000

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